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💫 today I have my first day of school so I got up at 6 like I always do and go for a jog then I got in the shower and cleaned up and shaved yk then got out and then got dressed then roshuan called me when I just finished getting dressed so I was doing my hair while otp.💫

Outfit ^

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Outfit ^

Roshuan > bold

Y/n > regular


Nothing much just doing my hair

Oh cool


U wanna hang after school I have someone for u to meet

Yeah sure is it a girl or boy



What school u go to


Girl samee

Aye dont take pictures of me

Oops imma call u later Alejandro is he-

💫y/n hung up on him since she had to leave like rn but she got to school but she sat in here car for like 5 minutes scrolling through insta and she came across roshuan post 💫

💫y/n hung up on him since she had to leave like rn but she got to school but she sat in here car for like 5 minutes scrolling through insta and she came across roshuan post 💫

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Roshuandiah> bestfriend looking cute tbh

Julian.101 > fr tho let me make  her mine

Y/n^ yeah no thanks u was a dick from the start and I ain't no object

Roshuan ^ she told u

Mattiapolibio > roshuan let me take her on a date

^ ask her not me

Alejandrorosario > what school she go to


💫 I got out my car and alot of people stared but its whatever I always get stared at bc of my brother then all of a sudden some girl came up to me💫

??/ ur cohen and jiggs sister right

Y/n > yeah why

??> oh I'm Mia

Y/n > well nice to meet u Mia

Mia> and u are who

Y/n > I'm y/n

Mai> pretty name

Y/n> thanks  ur to

Mai> guessing ur new

Y/n > yeah howd u know

Mai>accent where are u from

Y/n> Mexico

Mai> ahh nice place huh

Y/n > very pretty but everyone was after me and idk why

Mai> ahh let me walk you to the office

💫 so mai was nice but something was off .but rn she walking me to the office while she was walking to the office I seen roshuan and he waved to me so I waved back but nothing really.💫

Office> what's u name

Y/n> y/n Rodriguez

Office > ah here ur  schedule

Y/n thank u miss

💫so I just left the office heading to my first class. I found my class and walked in and people stared at me like I was some celebrity 💫


Mr.ortiz> come sit down mrs.Rodriguez

Y/n > can u call me by my first name please

Ortiz> yes ma'am

Y/n> thanks you

💫I went and sat down next to mai and she was next to roshuan 💫

ORTIZ > so this is y/n she just moved here from where exacly

Y/n > mexico

ORTIZ > oh love the accent

Y/n > thanks

Alejandro > so if u lived in Mexico say something in Spanish

Y/n> Alejandro ROSARIO hoy te  ves  muy lindo ( Alejandro ROSARIO you look very nice today)

Alejandro > why thanks you ma'am

ORTIZ > stop flirting please

Y/n > were actually not flirting I said he looked nice today and he said thank you

Ortiz> oh okay let class begin

💫 so I've had roshuan and Alejandro in all my classes so far and its pretty interesting but rn I'm going to lunch I walking with mai and kairi 💫

Kairi > wanna sit with us at lunch

Y/n u sure I dont wanna be a burden

Kai> ur fine cmon

💫kai grabbed my hand and pulled me to the lunch table 💫

Y/n > damn kai u ain't gotta drag me

Mattia > damn kai u dragging her around like she a dog

Kai> at least she likes me

Ale> actually she likes me she said I looks very nice today

Y/n> hey all of yall look like beside tia

Tia> what I do

Y/n> asked me to rail you

Tia> hey it was true at least I'm not like Alejandro and was staring at it all day.


Ale> what i do

Y/n > stupid

Alejandro > have u ever had a boyfriend

Y/n > nope not even one I've had crushes but not boyfriends

Ale,kai,and tia> I'm tryna change that

Alvaro > hah yall all like her

Ale> shut up

Y/n > how about all of yall take me on a date and I pick who I like the best

All > deal

Y/n > okay I'm leaving now

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