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~ y/n got up for school again and took a shower and changed~

~ y/n got up for school again and took a shower and changed~

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Mattia pov

~I was getting ready and I was just thinking about y/n Rodriguez like she was so pretty ~

Luca> mattia cmon Alejandro is here

Mattia > coming

~ I walked downstairs and I see Alejandro with Katie ~

Katie > hey tia

Mattia > dont call me that

Katie> why not you always let me call u that

Mattia > no I never did only y/n do-

Katie > who is y/n

Alejandro > Mattia crush

Mattia > shush and let's go

~ we got in the car and drove to school usually I would see y/n but I didnt ~

Roshuan > wheres y/n

Mia> she said give her 5 minutes

Tia> ight

5 minutes later

~ I seen jiggy and cohen walk across the street cause the middle school is right there and then I see y/n pull up and get out the car but I turned around ~

Alejandro > mattia stop looking at the poor girl

Ro> someone got a crush

Tia> shh

~ I felt  small hands go around my waist and started smiling~

Y/n pov

~I put my hands around mattia waist and I  started smiling ~

Y/n > hi bubs

Mia> when this happened

Y/n > wym

Mia> yall dating

Y/n > no i just gave him another name

Ro> mhm yeah okay

Tia> c'mon

~ tia grab my hand and pulled me to the back of the school ~

Y/n > Tiaaaaaa  were gonna be late

Tia> shh

~ tia then kissed me so I kissed back and then I see the group ~

Ro> I knew it.

Tia> knew what

~ I waved my hand in front of there faces and they forgot what they saw ~

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