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Xoxo.Y/N~ Mexio heat tho 💫

Roshuan.diah~ go bestie looks fine like always.

^thanks boo

Jiggy.turnerrr > mom said hurry up

^ I'm coming stupid.

Tiktokroom> bae watch #roshuan and #Y/N

Mattia^ who's Y/N

Tiktok^ someone roshuan talking to


Jiggy> Y/n mom said NOW

Y/n> ok I'm coming

Sebastian ( seb)

Seb> sis up up

Y/n > damn

Dad> aye watch it

Vally> okay come on now please

They are moving to New Jersey now so they are on the way there.

Boys POV:

Mattia : aye who's Y/n and why havent we heard of her

Alejandro: who is that

Julian: I've heard that name before

Roshuan > I met her a while back and we have been bestfriend since then

Mattia> oh so she not a girlfriend of yours😂

Kobe: does he ever listen

Kairi : nope


💫~Y/ns thoughts~💫

Bruh there is no room and I dont now anyone in jersey omfg imma call roshuan

💫~ end of her thoughts~💫

Calling roshuan ~ bold roshuan this Y/n

Roshuan pov:

Can someone get my phone

Mattia: I got you

Mattia answers it


Your not roshuan must of called the wrong number

No he is in the bathroom


Roshuan walks in the room

Oo I hear my bestfriend

Y/n wyd

Nothing in the car with my stupid brother  hbu

Hanging with the boys

Oh :/

You good

No cause ion got girl friends and I'm moving to jersey and I have no friends out there

Wait jersey I live there we gotta meet up when u get here

Yeah sure

Back ground

Amador> Y/n who are u talking to

Oh I'm her bestfriend

Amador took her phone

Hey I'm her brother

Oh I'm roshuan

Oh she talks about you alot tbh

Yeah maybe we can be friends I got friends

Mattia: hey I'm mattia

Alejandro: I'm Alejandro

Kairi: I'm kairi but kai

Alvaro: alvaro or aloe

Kobe: kobe

Derek: derek oops

I like him

Mike: I'm mike and they are all gay

Hehe bye now


Imma end rn but hope yall like it so far leave ides in the comments for the story and should there be drama or not.

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