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💫 I was in 8th period and juju and mattia was staring at me it was kinda freaking me out so i moved my desk a little to the right and they started laughing then the bell rang and i walked to my locker💫

Mia> so u juju

Y/n> we are friends

Mia> friends dont go on dates

Y/n> hang out h.a.n.g.o.u.t

Mia> cmon who do u like

Y/n > mm let me see roshuan

Mia> bitch that's my man

Y/n> I'm just playing

Mia> i was ready to beat a bitch but catch u later

💫 I got my bag and Julian came up to me and we just talked then got into the car and then we picked up seb💫

Teach> ah seb ur mom and dad is here

Juju> I'm not his dad

Y/n> and I'm not his mom

Teach> oh well yall would be a cute couple cmon sebastian

💫 I seen julian blush then I got seb and put him in his carseat💫

Seb> sissy we got park

Y/n > right after we get ICECREAM

seb> YESSSS!!!!!!!!

julian > ha yall have a really great relationship huh

Y/n> yeah

💫 I went past the middle school and seen cohen and jiggy so I picked them up💫

Friends > cohen ur hot sister is here

Jiggy > bruh stop ur like 14 and she 16

Friends > so I'm still get her

Julian > bruh stop

Friends > who are u

Julian > a really great friends of hers and she definitely dont want know 14 year old in her dms

Cohen > he told you cmon

💫 the boys got back in the car we headed to the icecream shop💫

Cohen> eh yall so plane

Y/n> how

Seb> look sissy we take pictures

Y/n> yeah and cohen you literally got plaine chocolate

Y/n> yeah and cohen you literally got plaine chocolate

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Sebastian Turner > sissy took me to park and icecream

Xoxo.y/n > yep best sissy ever love you

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