
167 3 9

6 months later

~ I was I'm English class and. The teacher was asking for. Our permission slips to. Go. On a field. Trip ~

Teach> any questions

Y/n > where are we going. Again

Teacher > new Jersey

Enzo > aye u get to. See your. Boo

Y/n > shut. Up u owe me a picture

 Up u owe me a picture

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Xoxo.y/n >   here we COME NJ

Enzo.smith> so u couldn't @ me. Ok

^ sorry

Kairicosentino > who. Dis

^ a friend

Mattiapolibio. > HEEY BABBY

Vic^ wtf mattia

^ what she is my girlfriend

Alejandro.OSARIO > ok sorry mattia but shippp

OSARIO > ok sorry mattia but shippp

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Mari.ee> aye bestie right here @xoxo.y/n

Xoxo.y/n > hey prrd we. Looking. Cute. Or whatever

Mai^ what about me

^ ur. My day one bb

Mia.lee> sorry but that's my. Bestfriend

^ oh. So. Ur. Mia. She talks about u all the time


On the bus

Enzo > u good

Y/n > yeahhh

Teach> we have about 25 minute but we are gonna show u guys some houses so we are gonna get out right here.

Off the bus🤦🏻‍♀️

( we've been walking for about 35 minutes and we walk past kairi house and I wave to his mom . Then we walk past mattias house and they are playing soccer but I notice a girl and she was all up mattia)

Teacher > come this way

( we were walking to mattias house)

Teacher > so this is my nephew mattia

Y/n > ok🙄


Y/n > ok chill I was playing

Mattia > hey tia hi y/n

( I ran up to him a gave him a big hug till  I got yanked off)

Y/n > bitch

Vic > bitch hi

Y/n > if it isnt the one and only Victoria


Mia> miss girl get away from my bestfriend

Kai > u mean our bestfriend

Teacher > how do u know them y/n

Y/n > mattia is my bf. Mia and kai are my bestfriend.  Roshuan is also my bestfriend.  Cohen and jiggy are my brothers. So yeah I've lives here for about 2 years


To be continued

Who do yall wanna end up with?



Or someone else let me know

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