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{ this part is gonna be a little different cause i'm on a laptop instead of my phone}



~so i was on my way to ariana grande house cause i'm really good friends with her and all but i call her my cousin because she is the only one i have really besides my family ~

~ i was in the car and i stopped at the school to see my brothers yk before i go see my cousin

lady> yes who are you here for


> i need a tardy slip please

lady> ahh yes here


> thanks you miss have a great day.

boys pov

vally.>have yall seen my sister she just up and left this moring

mattia> she said she was going to a cousin house


> talkig about me mattia ??

mattia >{ blushing} maybe


> well i think it is cute do it more okay

ro> she wants you mattia

mia> y

truth or dare


> dare

mia> kiss ur crush

{ y

kissed mattia and grabbed her brothers and walked off}

mia> ahhhh

ro> told you she liked you


vally> you like mattia


> yeh so what

vally> i just hope he treats you right


> me to but i got to go

{ i walked to my car and surprisling mattia was standing there}


> yes

mattia> wanna tell me something


> okay mattia ive liked you since the day you picked up roshuan phone and ive been pushing my feeling away cause ive never had a boyfriend before and i just dont wanna get hurt yk. and alot of girls have told me not to mess with you and i really want to be something more but idk if you feel the same and it hurts like a bitch not knowing if u do or not like i think about you all the time and if youdont feel the same i get that.

mattias pov


> okay mattia ive liked you since the day you picked up roshuan phone and ive been pushing my feeling away cause ive never had a boyfriend before and i just dont wanna get hurt yk. and alot of girls have told me not to mess with you and i really want to be something more but idk if you feel the same and it hurts like a bitch not knowing if u do or not like i think about you all the time and if youdont feel the same i get that.

{ she said thatand i didnt know what to do so i just stood there and looked at her }


> i get it i dont even know why i bothered telling you

{ she went to get in her car and i grab her waist and kissed her for a long time but also a short period of time }

mattia> that answer your question

{ she then kissed me again and then got in her and she rolled down her window }


> gonna gt in or naww

mattia> uuhhh yea sure

ps: im gonna start posting more for yalland thank you guys so much for 1.4k on this story but yeah can yall let me know who yall wanna end up with

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