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💫 it was now lunch and I was sitting with the boys till I seen robert looking at me so I got up and walked over to him and started talking💫

Tia> so what are you doing after school today y/n

💫 y/n ignored 💫

Alejandro > Y/n

💫 I got up and walked away💫

Roshuan > where is she going

Kai> idk


Y/n> cmon you said you would show me so show me

Robert> ight let's go

💫 we walked out side and he stared showing me💫

Robert> okay so you see that garbage can

Y/n> yeah

Robert> imma lift it up

💫 robert took his hand out and faced it  by the garbage can and concentrated on it and it started moving 💫

Y/n> How TF did you do that

Robert> y/n what you dont know is you have a secret power and I was sent her to help you discover it

Y/n > really

Robert> yes now try it

💫 so I seen a water bottle and I pointed at it and it turned to ice. I pointed to the garbage can and it started lifting off the ground💫

Y/n> this isnt true

Robert > it is cmon


💫 we walked back in and I sat at the boys table surprised at what i can do💫

Tia> why you with that werid crazy kid

Y/n> wanna see something

Kai> sure

Y/n> give me that water bottle

Kai> okay

Y/n> tia throw the water out

💫 tia threw the water in the air and y/n caught it and it was in mid air and was floating💫

Roshuan > HOW TF DO YOU DO THAT!!!!

Y/n> shhh nobody knows beside yall and robert

Ale> okay so who's going on a date first

Mia> I think Alejandro should



💫 I was getting ready for my date I was honestly scared cause I like both mattia and Alejandro but its whatever 💫

💫 I was getting ready for my date I was honestly scared cause I like both mattia and Alejandro but its whatever 💫

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Your dress^


💫 I was getting my last touches on when I hear a knock and vally opens the door💫


Y/n> be down in a sec

💫 I walk downstairs and see Alejandro and he was really handsome 💫

Ale> you look really pretty

Y/n> thank you so do you I mean handsome

Vally> be home by 11

Y/n> yes tell mom and dad I left please

Vally> yes , okay ?

💫 we got in the car and  went to the beach and it was decorated and it was really pretty and then we went to a drive in movie💫

Y/n> what movie are we watching

Ale> I believe frozen like the new one

30 minutes into the movie

Y/n> that kinda looks like kairi

Ale> it does


💫 after the movie ale takes me home I kissed him on the cheek and went inside💫

Y/n> thanks for tonight its was great we should hang more

Ale> np and definitely bye

AlejandroROSARIO > Date night with this beautiful queen @xoxo

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AlejandroROSARIO > Date night with this beautiful queen @xoxo.y/n

Mattiapolibio > how was it

^ good ig

Mailee> how was it spill

Y/n ^ it was really good

Kairicosentino > oof

Kairicosentino > oof

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Xoxo.y/n > DATE night with this handsome king @AlejandroROSARIO

Mattiapolibio > looks like yall went everywhere

^ actually no we watched the sunset then watched a movie

^ oh no chance for me

Katie_isbettr> Alejandro doesnt want you he was in my DMS right after this

Ale^ no I wasnt 😅

Y/n ^ oh it's fine


Ps: I added drama so yk could be interesting

But can yall leave comments cause I would really like to see what yall have to say

Anyways love yall muah 💋

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