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Mia lee, new bestfriend, roshuan girlfriend, 17, junior

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Mia lee, new bestfriend, roshuan girlfriend, 17, junior


💫 I woke up to go to school cause today I I have to go school I'm pretty nervous but actually excited.ik alot of people dont get excited but I do and I actually like it and today is dance and soccer tryouts and I like both of those things💫

ik alot of people dont get excited but I do and I actually like it and today is dance and soccer tryouts and I like both of those things💫

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Today's outfit ^

💫I walked downstairs and I said good moring to my mom and headed to take seb to school then went to my school 💫

Y/n> good moring mom

Mom>moring bug

>bug is a nickname my mom has for me<


(Ik I said seb was 2 but I changed him to be 6)

Seb > sissy

Y/n> yeah bubs

Seb> ween you come pick me up from school can we go to tee mall

Y/n> yeah sure bubs okay we at ur school now

💫 I got out the car and unbuckled seb and took him to his teacher💫

Teach> ahh you must be sebs mom

Y/n > n-

Teach> when did u have him

Y/n> actually he is my brother but I get that a lot


💫 I pulled up to school and it wasnt like regular school day we had a lady come in and show us some magic like she was a witch💫

Mai> she kinda werid

Y/n> true

Ro> oh I see yall met

Y/n> yeah I met her yesterday

Ro> oh cool she my girl

Y/n> oh ur the lucky mia he talked about before

Mia> that's me

Tia> she kinda looks like y/n

Ale>she kinda do tho

Y/n > hey yall wanna come to the mall with me and my brother after school.

Everyone > plans

Y/n >oh maybe another time then

Everyone > probably not

💫I got up and walked away from everyone they were acting werid so I walked outside and look at the bleachers and I seen a julian sitting there 💫

Y/n> wassup julian

Juju> hey:(

Y/n> what's wrong


💫he got up and I got the urge just to grab his arm💫

Y/n> talk to me

Juju> my girl broke up with me

Y/n> bummer

Juju> yeah

Y/n > wanna get ur mind off her

Juju> yeah

Y/n>wanna hang out with me and my little brother after school then I can take u on a date

Juju> sure but I thought u had a date with the mattia,ale and kai

Y/n> ha next week but this week is about me and you

Juju> ight

Y/n > wanna dance on the field

Juju> sure

💫I put music on and we just danced to the music till the boys and mia came out on the field 💫

Boys pov:

💫we walked onto the field and seen julian and y/n dancing she was really good tbh

Mattia > woah

Alvaro > why were yall mean to her today

Ro> her mom asked us to cause she is planning her quinceanera

Alvaro > yall are never gonna end up dating her

Ale> shh just watch them there about to finish

End if pov

💫 we got done and we started laughing and fell to the ground 💫

Juju> ur pretty good

Y/n> same for u

Juju> u trying out for dance

Y/n> yeah you

Juju> I was thinking but I also like soccer

Y/n> same wanna play

Juju> sure wait let me go get a drink

Y/n> I'll come with

💫we started walking and we seen the group staring at us like hi. I walked into the girls locker room and came out waiting for julian he finally came out and we played till we had to try out for dance💫


Let's just skip till y/ns turns

(Skip to 1:18 if u wanna see the dance she was doing cause I liked that one better y/n was the one in the sports bar and camo pants)

Dc> okay y/n ,mia and tae can go now

Julian > go y/n you go this

Mattia > do you like her or something

Julian > that's my business not urs and why cant I cheer her on

Mattia > idk i just thought u liked her

Julian > yeah okay

Dc> I'll let yall know who is in dance tomorrow

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