We Don't Like Lies

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"So how was it?" Zoey asked when Chase came to say goodnight.

He tried to smile. "Uh, can we talk outside? Alone." He asked nervously.

Zoey shrugged. "Sure, but Lola had an alcoholic drink or several so I have to get back to take care of her because Quinn can't deal with that right now."

"Of course. It won't take long." He grabbed Zoey's hand and led her down the hall, as far away from her door as he possibly could. "So, um, well we didn't actually see anything. Our stripper kinda ran away when she saw us." He shrugged.

"That's weird." Zoey made a face.

"Yeah, well, she recognized us and we recognized her and I guess she got embarrassed so she ran off."

"Nicole?" Zoey guessed.

Chase chuckled. "What? No. Why would you guess Nicole?"

Zoey shrugged. "I don't know. She was boy crazy and getting a job where she can get a lot of male attention kinda makes sense." She crossed her arms. "If it wasn't Nicole, who was it?"

Chase pursed his lips. "It was Dana."

Zoey's eyes widened. "Dana? As in my old messy roommate? As in the girl Nicole always fought with? As in the girl who lost her virginity to Logan?!"

"Did everyone know about that?"

Zoey shook her head. "No. Dana told me in confidence and after she left I told Logan not to spread it around or people might get the wrong idea about why she left." She sighed. "Then he said he wouldn't tell and-"

"Did he happen to mention he liked her and she was the one who got away?.. because that's what Micheal said Logan told him after she left."

Zoey blew out a breath. "Yeah, actually, he did mention that."

"Well, um, he ran after her."

"What?" Zoey furrowed her eyebrows.

Chase took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. She saw us and ran off and Logan shouted her name and ran after her." He shrugged. "Then they talked on the other side of the beach, we couldn't hear what was said, and when Logan came back he said the party was over and walked away before we could talk to him about it."

"Well is he gonna tell Quinn?"

Chase shook his head. "I don't know. He told us not too because it would just upset her. She has been getting pretty hormonal lately." He shrugged.

Zoey huffed. "Well he should. We don't like being lied to even if it's to prevent us from getting upset."

Chase frowned. "We?"

"Girls!" Zoey snapped.

"Ohh that we, right, well I-I would never lie to you." Chase gulped and held up his hands in surrender. "I also think Logan should tell Quinn and I told you because I saw half of Dana's thigh before she pulled up her skirt and ran off, but I didn't stare! I mean I stared at her face, but only because I recognized her." He rambled out.

"Chase, it's okay. I just shoved five dollars into some guy's g-string so I'm not gonna get mad about half a hip."

"It was her thigh." Chase frowned. "You had your hand in some guy's thong?" He exclaimed disgusted.

Zoey shrugged. "It's a party with a stripper and I wouldn't say my hand was in his thong. You just kinda grab the string and put the money in and then-" She started turning red. "Slap his butt cheek." She looked away. "Okay I may have gotten carried away with the girls. I'm sorry. I did not cheat though. I would never do that."

Chase chuckled. "I wasn't accusing you of cheating.. I just.. I don't like the thought of your hand being that close to another guy's, ya know, the thing that the thong is covering up." He blushed pointing down at his pants.

Zoey chuckled. "Chase my hand was no where near that. It was on his butt for like three seconds, maybe four."

Chase sighed and nodded. "Okay, well I should get to bed. I love you, Zoe."

"I love you too, Chase." She kissed his cheek, then she put her arms around him. "Goodnight." She whispered and grabbed his ass before pulling away.

"Zoey!" Chase gasped, then he grinned. "Good night, Zoe."

Zoey winked then walked away.

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