We'll Be Okay

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Logan walked into the room and saw his friends, he looked around for Quinn, but didn't see her so he joined his friends. They were talking about normal teenager stuff and it made him want to go back to before Quinn was pregnant and be a normal teen again. He let out a forlorn sigh not realizing how loud it was and hung his head. He didn't see his friends looking over at him, watching him as he rubbed at his eyes to stop the tears before they came. He didn't hear Zoey gently ask if he was okay or Chase ask if everything was alright, but he heard Lola yell his name and snapped his head back up revealing his tired red eyes holding back a river of tears.

"Are you okay Logan?" Chase asked.

"What?" He blinked. "Uh, yeah." He chuckled and sniffed trying to act tough. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Zoey asked.

Logan took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "No. No, I'm not. I-I can't be a dad." He shook his head. "I can't support my kid. I can't do anything on my own so how can I teach the kid?"

"Like it matters." Michael scoffed. "You have money. People with money don't worry about that kind of stuff."

Logan rubbed his eyes and sniffed again. "I told my Dad. About Quinn." He gulped. "About knocking her up and he-" He rubbed his nose. "-he cut me off, again. Completely this time. I'm- I'm-" The tears started to slip out of his eyes, down his face. "I'm not his son anymore." He started sobbing, unable to hold back his tears any longer. "My father disowned me."

Chase and Micheal were already by his side trying to comfort their friend. Zoey and Lola could do nothing more than stare at the boy since they had never seen him truly cry before and now he was a sobbing mess.

"How am I gonna tell, Quinn? How can I make money to support us? Without my dad I'm nobody. I'm not Logan Reese, I'm just another dumb kid who screwed up." He cried on Chase's shoulder when Chase hugged him. "I can't take care of Quinn or my-" He cut himself off, sobbing.

"Logan, I'm sure you and Quinn can figure this out." Zoey tried. "You have all of us too. We'll help you."

He pulled away from Chase and tried to compose himself. "Thanks, but-" He quickly wiped his tears and threw on a smile. "I don't need any help. It's all good. Everything is going great."

They looked at him strangely.

"Hey baby!" He called out over Lola's shoulder then they realized Quinn was walking into the room which is why he suddenly changed to happy.

"Hey, baby." She moved over to sit beside him after Chase moved back to Zoey. "What's going on, Logan?" She asked taking his hand in hers. "Don't even try it." She said when he smiled a fake smile and opened his mouth. "Your lacrimal glands have already drained into your nasolacrimal ducts. And it's not from irritation. There is something making you emotional." She ran her hand down his cheek wiping the wetness. "What's wrong?"

Logan frowned. "I can't get anything past you. You're just too intelligent."

"Yes, I am. Now what's wrong, baby?"

"My dad. I- I told him about us- about the baby, and he- he disowned me." Logan started crying again.

Quinn wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry that happened. Maybe he just needs some time."

"But how long? How can I be a good dad if I can't support you and him or her? I don't have any of my own money and- and I can't do anything right. The last time I got cut off I was a pathetic mess. How can I-" Quinn pushed him away slightly to look into his eyes. She held a finger to his lips.

"Baby, it'll be okay. We'll figure it out. We don't need to be rich to be okay. We just need each other, our friends, and our baby." She placed his hand on her stomach and smiled when his face lit up. "Did you feel that? I felt it this morning and I've been looking everywhere for you." She grinned.

Logan's tears were replaced with happy ones as he felt a slight tap on his hand from his girlfriend's belly, well the baby kicking inside. "Wow."

"See? We'll be okay. Plus my parents aren't exactly poor, ya know." She chuckled. "But I'm not gonna ask them for anything. We'll just except any help that they decide to offer."

Logan nodded. "Yeah. We'll be okay. I still have time to learn all the stuff I'm gonna have to teach my child. I can do it. I can learn it all before our baby is born, because unlike last time when I had you guys just do everything for me, well, this time I want to learn." He looked from his girlfriend to their friends. "Will you guys help me?"

"Yeah, man." Micheal scoffed. "Of course we're gonna help you."

"We'll show you everything we learned growing up and more." Chase smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Zoey and Lola nodded. "Totally, now move so we can feel the baby kick!" They both yelled excitedly.

Logan chuckled, let go of Quinn's hand, and stood up to move away from her so her best friends could go over and wait for the baby to kick.

"We'll be okay." He whispered smiling at the moment in front of him. "Okay."

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