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So three years and contemplating giving up and or changing the writing style midway through, we finally are at the last chapter of this story. Enjoy reading guys :)--


A Month Later..

Max's POV

It's now early September, the last heatwave of summer fizzing out and opening into a new season of bitter cold winds that nipped at your neck and sent shivers down your spine. I've been living with David for roughly two months now, give or take a day, and I'll be starting my new school in the next few days. I'm mostly looking forward to seeing Esme again, she was nice to talk to, I'm not sure how I would see her though. Esme works in the office, secretary I think, so I wouldn't see her all too often if that's the case. If I were to get in trouble then I'd be sent to the office and I'd get to see her, but then that would mean David would be getting a phone call home every day. That is not something I want, I don't want to disappoint him like that, and Esme probably wouldn't be too happy with that; nona would not like that too much either.

Anyway, about living with David. Saying that living with David has been great, would be both an understatement and an overstatement. With some white lying in some places. I ain't 'bout lying, much. It's definitely better than anything I dealt with at my old folks' house, by a long shot, don't get me wrong, I owe so much to that man! I don't think I'd ever be able to repay with as much gratitude and appreciation that he deserves for what he has done for me. I actually get fed full, consistent meals. I don't have to sneak around at the butt crack of dawn to be able to eat something. I'm not used as a scapegoat for others' problems anymore, not pushed aside and blamed for things I have no understanding or control over.

There are a lot of positives to living here, a ton, but there are also a couple less than awesome things. I have to get up early every morning because David wakes me up every day before he heads out to work. It's to make sure I eat a balanced breakfast of actual nutrients instead of just plain sugar. Which is fair I guess, I'd probably be eating Coco Puffs for every meal if it wasn't for the lanky tree man. I suppose his unwavering positivity could be considered a less than awesome thing since it can become annoying after a time, I don't consider it much of one. Not anymore anyway, kind of comforting now actually, dependable.

Though it can get on my nerves from time to time, I deeply appreciate his oppositism. I remember him saying on Reigry Day when I had confronted him about why he cares so much, "because somebody fucking has to." It woke me up to the fact that David isn't as oblivious as I once took him, he has limits and it made it easier to get along with and to understand him.

I may still struggle from memories of my old house and the mistreatment I faced while living there from time to time, but I can cope with it better now. It isn't as bewildering or scary whenever I get panic attacks. David was patient with me and really understanding which is awesome, we figured out music helps calm me down a ton if I'm still having issues calming down. He usually broadcasts music from his phone, filling the room with pleasant melodies and rhythms I feel flow through my body and lifting me to a sense of relaxation in the clouds, while we sit silently on the living sofa. Sometimes though, he'd pull out his acoustic guitar and play soft rock music from the early 70's.

I used to find his playing something obnoxious to even think about listening to but became something I find joy in listening to. I would rather die than tell him it though.

I found out he learned how to play guitar from his father when he was little—since his dad used to be in a country band—but only really became invested in learning back in highschool. David and some buddies of his at the time started getting really into music in their sophomore year where they then created a rock band. David played the front guitarist and backup pianist as well as backup bassist if needed. The band was more of a passion project and an excuse to find time to play together, they only did a few gigs for school dances and one music festival until they eventually disbanded. When he told me he played electric guitar, saying I was a little shocked by it would be wildly inaccurate. He comes across as a hippy tree loving nerd, can you blame me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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