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Max's P.O.V

I was shaken awake suddenly, I groggily open my eyes and peer up at the red haired fellow looming above me; an excited smile spreading across his face.

I did not miss this I thought as I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of my ideas, "David. Why the fuck are you waking me up again?!" I asked angrily. I'm not a morning person, give me a break goddammit!

"Language." He tsked, wiggling his pointer finger disappointingly, I rolled my eyes. I wasn't in the mood for this.

"Anyway! Get up, get ready and down for breakfast! We're going somewhere today!" He stated excitedly, already going to leave before I had a chance to respond. "Going where? What're you planning David?!" I retorted.

"I'll tell you on the way there, have a shower and get dress kiddo! I'll start making breakfast!" With that, the man left, leaving me to my own devices. I grab what I was going to wear that day, not differentiating from what I wore basically every day—t-shirt and jeans—and headed towards the bathroom.

I place the clothes down on the toilet seat, noticing there were already towels hanging on the shower rod. I guess David already set it up. I get in the shower after taking off my pajamas and turn on the shower head, being met with ice cold water hitting my body. I squeal as my skin preemptively shivered, stepping away from the water.

I heard shuffling noises coming up the stairs until eventually there was a knock on the door, "buddy you alright? I heard a scream from downstairs, can I come in?" David asked. "Y-yeah! I'm fine.. and uh- sure..." I squeaked out, bringing my hands closer to my chest to try and warm up. He quietly opened the door and walked in, then closed it behind him "so what made you scream exactly? By the looks of it, there's nothing broken so it couldn't be that."

"Um- the water that came out the shower head was ice cold so I screamed because it took me off guard.." I admitted, my cheeks becoming hot. "Oh- That's simple enough to fix!" The red head remarked, he reached his hand behind the shower curtain and turned one of the knobs on the wall towards him "it should be warmer now, if it's still cold just turned the knob I turned until it's warm enough for you okay?" I peek my head out and nodded. The man left, closing the door behind him, I stick my leg out to feel the temperature of the water. It was definitely warmer than what it was before, by a long shot, I step fully under the shower head and start washing my hair after it was wet enough.

When I was done, I turned the shower off then took one of the towels and wrapped it around myself. I take the other and began drying my hair as I stepped out of the shower, I get dressed then pick up my dirty clothes before exiting the bathroom. I tossed them and the hair towel in the laundry hamper in my room and started heading downstairs, I felt like I was forgetting something but I shrugged it off can't be that important.

I successfully get downstairs then proceed to head towards the kitchen, I get to the kitchen and sit down in my usual seat. "Hey kiddo! How was your shower?" The man asked excitedly as he pushed around something in the pan, "it was fine." I replied simply as I lay my head on to the table.

Soon enough I felt something being placed in front of me and my head shot up, David had placed my breakfast on the table which was something I couldn't recognize. It was a yellow-y colour with bits of stuff inside, I picked up the fork that was next to my plate and began poking the thing with it; having a weird-almost grossed out look on my face.

"What the heck is this?!" I yelled, in bewilderment. I had to learn to suppress my urge to curse all the time, it wasn't easy let me tell you. I had to do it once to beat another rivaling camp back at camp Campbell but this time I'm not even doing it for a prize! I'm doing it so I don't piss off fucking David.

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