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Two posts in one day :)

Two more chapters to write unless I decide to add more chapters, probably not.


A few days later

Max's P.O.V

I woke up early this morning, without interruptions, it was quiet. I was used to hearing commotion downstairs from the older fellow which, without fail, would wake me up.

But I didn't have this morning, which I found rather peculiar.

I got up from my bed and make my way downstairs, knowing that David never slept in. Never. I checked all over the downstairs and I couldn't find him, not in the living room, not in kitchen, he just kinda vanished. Fortunately though, I found a note.


I went out to do some errands, mostly groceries, there's some fruit in the fridge in a bowl if you want that or you can have cereal. I'll be home probably by 11-12:00.

See ya soon kiddo! :D

I scoffed, of course he added a smiley face I thought as I placed a note back where it originally sat. I glanced at the time, 9:32am, hmm still a lot of time until he'll be back.

I opened up the fridge and grabbed the fruit David had talked about in his note, taking it and bringing it to the dining table so I could eat it. Figured I shouldn't have cereal since I had it for the last few days. I place the bowl on the table and sit in my usual seat, reason for sitting at the dining table instead of eating on the couch even though David not here to stop me? It's simple. I don't want to get on David's bad side. The me from camp wouldn't even hesitate to sit on the couch if it would make the counselor mad but not he was my foster parent, I worry if I upset him he'd want to get rid of me and he'd drop me on someone else like my parents. David probably wouldn't ever do that but still irked me.


After finishing about over half of a word search book and finishing a book, I was now laying on the couch; bored out my mind trying to think of something to do. David still wasn't home. It was almost eleven now.

I sat up and decided to go outside, very un-Max of me I know but I couldn't think of anything else to do.

I went out to the backyard and sat in the middle of the yard. I sighed, laying back in the grass as I felt the warm sun hit my dark tan skin. It was calming. Reminds me of the off days we had back at camp, when we weren't doing camp activities and we could just chill. Made remember about Neil and Nikki, I hadn't thought about them since the two left camp to go back home. My life has been so hectic in the last week, my parents up and abandoning me, going shopping with David and having a panic attack, getting fast food, having a MCU marathon, going to the police station, getting an inspection from social services. It was all just a lot. I was glad to finally have a breather.

Speaking of Neil and Nikki, I wonder how their last few days of summer are going. Neil probably up in his room doing some science experiments while Nikki probably out taming raccoons that are on her street. Wonder if they live close to eachother, maybe their hanging out right now. Coming up with some sort of adventure that they can go on, without me. It saddened me to think of my only two friends having fun without me. I groaned, I can't think about that now. I clenched my hands tightly before letting them relax. It's fine, I'm fine, it's fine if they hang out with each other. They wouldn't forget about me.

They wouldn't right?

I was broke away from my thoughts by a loud noise coming from the house, I quickly sat up; startled. I turned my head to see the back door fly open, revealing David.

"Max?! Oh my god.. oh my god..! I haven't even been his foster father for a week and I already lost him!" The man muttered to himself, pushing his hair back anxiously "okay- okay okay! It's fine, it's fine! Maybe he went down the street to a park, no.. I haven't taken him anyway besides here, the mall, the police station, and to get food. He wouldn't know where anywhere is."

He hadn't noticed me yet. I quietly sat up and walked over to him, "David..?" I called out. Was he really that worried about me? Was he mad? I couldn't tell.

"Max!" He yelled out in surprise, pulling me into a big hug. I slowly moved my arms to accept the hug, I was stunned. "Did- did I do something bad? You're not mad are you..?" I asked softly, feeling myself wanting to hide back up in my room. The older man looked at me confused for a second before saying something, "what- no Max! You didn't do anything wrong, you're not in trouble! I was so worried.. I thought I lost you!" He said.

I looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry..." I stated quietly. I felt bad for worrying him. He sighed, pulling away from the hug "no, don't say that, I'm just glad you're safe." David smiled at me.

I gave a weak smile back.

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