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I caved and added two more parts, my brain keeps thinking of more ideas for this book. But two more is where I draw the line! This has gone for long enough for me as a writer >:(


Max's P.O.V

I awoke as I always do, abruptly by David. He's lucky I don't have dreams or I just might sock him for him constantly interrupting my lovely sleep. I nuzzle my face into my mattress tiredly, trying to will the tall man away so I could get a few more minutes of sleep in but it was in vain; the man was still very much seated on my twin sized bed, his large hand was still placed on my shoulder in a gentle and fatherly show of affection. I grumbled as I became more and more awake by the second, "fuckin' god damn this man-" I cursed to myself as I slumped myself up in my bed. My eyes remained closed as I lazily wiped my face with my sleeve, resting my cheek on my forearm; in a frozen state of low functioning thinking from just waking up.

"David! Can't you let me sleep in a few days? This is cruel treatment to put on someone" I pouted, dropping my arm and languidly leaning my head on the man's shoulder as if it was a heavy weight I could bear holding up anymore. I did this unconsciously, I'm usually not affectionate. I wasn't used to getting, for a lack of a better descriptor, friendly touches or affection. "Touches" makes it sound gross, I mean like hugs and stuff like that. This kind of thing usually makes me want to crawl out of my own skin and burn it but it feels safe when I get hugs from David, like a nice blanket or sitting under a big tree in the summer heat. With him it comes naturally and doesn't hurt.

The man chuckles, patting my head, "I know buddy. It'll only be this way until school starts, I wanna keep ya used to getting up early so it ain't a stark change when school starts, after you'll be able to sleep in on weekends like all sane people should okay?" he said softly. I groaned but nodded against his upper arm.

"So why'd you wake me up this time? We're not going somewhere 'fun' and it turns out it's the doctors again are we? Because you're not tricking me to go to that place again, I'd rather eat one of those omelet things again before I visit a man that is legally allowed to point around my mouth for cash!" I mumbled in protest. I won't forget that David got me to go to multiple check ups last week, how he did it is beyond me. "For the last time, Dr. Nick is a dentist and you're only upset because he accidentally poked a cavity" he sighed, probably thinking the discussion was over after I raged about it the entire ride home but he was mistaken! I won't forgive this "Dr. Nick," as he so calls himself, for what he did. I grumbled about how that "man" had it out to get me from the beginning which got another bellow of laughter out of the red head.

He ruffled his own hair in a very sitcom dad sorta way, having a simple smile on his face, "but no, this time it's actually fun, you'll like this one; I promise." David had a way of saying things that made you think there wasn't any other outcome other than his own, like his was the only possible one or even the only option there was to be at all, so when he says I'd like it then I am guaranteed to then right? By that logic I am. A part of me hopes it's true, but I also am unsure if it really could be. Living here already feels like a fantasy, one too good to be true, as if I'm right next to my story's ending but there's enough chapters for something bad to happen; everything good will have slipped from my fingers. All gone in a matter of seconds. David didn't seem nervous so it's not like the police station all over again, so it must be good then right? I hope so. "Okay but I'm going to hold ya to that promise old man!" I state grouchily as I finally open my turquoise eyes and look up at him but I didn't have any snap with those words, I meant it light heartedly. "Got it kiddo!" he said happily.

"Wait- what do you mean by 'old man'?! I'm twenty-four Max!"

I become overcome with a massive amount of mirth, giggles sprouting out from my lips in clusters, leaning more firmly on the tree of a man as I was hit with waves of glee. My old camp counselor scoffs but smiles to see my enjoyment.

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