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Max's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open tiredly as I peer around my new room, landing on the unfamiliar items that existed in it.

I'm still not used to this I thought, it had been a few days and I still wasn't used to living with David. It was nice, don't get me wrong, it was just rather strange.

I shuffle out from under my blankets and hop off my bed, fixing the comforter, I gently set Mr. Honeynuts against the pillow that sat upright on the bed. Tossing on one of my newer hoodies, I leave my room to go downstairs for breakfast. As I'm closing the door, I couldn't help but distinguish the sound of talking coming from downstairs that's odd. I shrugged it off and continued downstairs, tiredly leaning my body against the stair railing as I descended down them to keep myself from falling. The sounds only became louder the closer I got to the living room, only meaning that whatever was making the noise was in there.

Once I was officially downstairs, I only had to get to the kitchen. As I was making my way towards the kitchen, I noticed David standing at the front door talking to another person so that's where the noise was coming from. Peering closer I could make out that it was a woman, not much older than the red head, she carried a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other as she talked to the man in front of her. I squint my eyes at her in frustration, what is she doing here.. I asked myself as I hide behind the couch to not be spotted.

My hiding spot didn't last long as the woman peeked her head to the side and stared at me in confusion, this brought attention to David which looked confused at the woman before following her gaze to see me hiding behind the couch. "Oh Max! You're awake, I have someone I'd like you to meet!" The man announced happily, ushering me over to the woman he had just been talking to.

"This here is Ms. Tucker! She's here to make sure you're doing well here so far." David said with a smile, the woman crouched down to my level and stuck out her hand for me to shake "you must be Max, David here was just talking to me about you." She said politely as I awkwardly shook her hand. Her hand feeling cold and clammy, I didn't like it. I quickly retreated my hand from her grasp, hating the feeling, "what kind of stuff was he telling you..?" I asked cautiously. "Just how you went to a camp he was a counselor at, how you enjoy reading and word searches, little details." Ms. Tucker replied, having a simple smile lace her face. I felt my throat become dry, subconsciously fidgeting with my hands "so he didn't tell you anything about my parents..." The words mumbled out without realizing but I didn't really mind.

David gave me a sympathetic look that I could only guess was because of the mention of my parents, I tried my best to ignore it since it only made me feel worse. "No, David didn't tell me anything. He wants you to open up about them when you're comfortable." The woman stated calmly, I felt relief wash over me like a wave.

"From what I've gathered though you're parents were pretty bad people, am I correct?"

I nodded, air getting caught in my throat, feeling my chest tighten again. I stared down towards the floor, hating the feeling of looking people in the eyes. "Well by the looks of it you got pretty good foster father." Ms. Tucker said softly, I only nodded. It was really nice at David's place.

"C'mon Max, let me make you some breakfast then I'll show you around the house Ms. Tucker!"

I followed the man into the kitchen and took my usual seat at the dining room table, pulling out my word search book and flipping to a new page. David had gotten me a new one yesterday while he was out shopping for groceries, I picked up the pencil that I also had sitting next to the book on the table and began circling words.

The woman sat quietly in the living room as David cooked up some bacon strips over the stove top, soon enough the strips were done and he moved on to scrambling some eggs. Once everything was done he placed the plate in front of me, I thanked him and started eating; suddenly feeling very hungry.

The man moved back to the living room and started to show the woman around the small house.


Awhile had passed and I still sat at the table doing word searches contently, I had long ago finished my breakfast and had placed the plate after rinsing off the grease into the sink before going back to my work searches.

I suddenly heard the man call my name and I quietly followed where his voice came from.

He stood next to the woman on the second floor, softly making small-talk about who knows what as I approached the two. "Hey Max! Did you enjoy your breakfast?" The man asked me happily, I nodded which seemed to make him smile "why'd you call me up here?"

"I was wondering if you'd want to show Ms. Tucker your room, is that alright with you kiddo?" The red head asked, looking at me expectingly. I shrugged but nodded, opening the door to my bedroom. I moved out of the way to allow the woman and David to walk inside, Ms. Tucker looked around and periodically jotting things down on her clipboard. It made me anxious.

"What're you writing down? Is.. is it bad...?" I asked.

"Just a few things, it's nothing to worry about."

The didn't ease my anxiousness, in fact it seemingly made it worse as the woman continue to scribble notes on her clipboard. The noise of the pen gliding on the page was driving me insane.

Ms. Tucker then goes over towards my bed and picks something up with her free hand, inspecting it. I tilt my body to the side to and see what it was, panic filling my body as my eyes lay on the object she was holding. Mr. Honeynuts.

I quickly rip it from her hands, latching it to my frame as tears brink my eyes, "don't touch him!" I screamed.

David attempted to come over and comfort me, I flinched, yelling at him to back away. Tears falling quicker down my face.

"Don't hurt him! He was the thing my parents ever gave me! I had to hide him when I got older so my father wouldn't throw him away, Mr. Honeynuts is the only thing I have left of my old room; the only other place I felt at home at!" I was practically sobbing at this point, it was getting harder to breathe.

David crouched down and wrapped his long lanky arms around me, pulling me in closer to his chest. I clutched tightly to the man's shirt as I continued to sob uncontrollable.

Soon enough I was able to calm down enough to speak, wiping away some stray tears, I looked up at the lady and apologize for yelling at her. The kind woman shook her head with a warm smile on her face, crouching down next to David and I "no, I'm sorry Max, it was my fault for touching something so sentimental to you." She admitted. I played with my hands a little anxiously, I still felt a little guilty. I don't think I would've felt guilty before I came here, maybe I would've, I can't really tell you. I might've felt guilt but pushed it away so I wouldn't have to deal with it, because dealing with emotional vulnerability was hard. But living with David has put me in an emotional vulnerable place, whether I wanted to or not, it was different.

"I got some good news though, it'll help cheer you up slightly." Ms. Tucker smiled, I perked up at what she said "David did very well on the inspection, meaning once he signs the forms he'll be able to be your foster father and you wouldn't have to move to another foster parent or group home."

I felt myself light up a bit, I'll have a home.. a real home

David finished signing the foster care forms, so he'll legally allowed to take care of me. We say goodbyes to Ms. Tucker as she leaves our porch and goes back to her car, I crack a smile up at David which he matches.

"Guess you're stuck with me for the next while, huh David?"


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