CH 2- The First Day

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Adelaine POV-

"Woah there, Angel." The wall rumbles as he grabs onto my waist to steady me. 

"You alright?"

"I.. Uhh.." I can't even form a complete sentence. I can feel the heat from his hands on my waist and it seems like it's burning every one of my brain cells. 

Talk you idiot! 

"Ya, ya, sorry. I should have been watching where I was going." I finally say while looking up at him.

He's absolutely breathtaking. He has brownish-blonde hair that's a bit longer and messy. I'm guessing he's around 6'5 or so and his t shirt looks like it's about to rip from his muscles bulging. His eyes are an odd blue, that I know has just become my favorite color. Realizing I'm staring, I shake my head and listen to him speak again. 

"No problem, gorgeous." He replies, without taking his hands off my waist even though I am now steady. I look back to see Wyatt staring at me like I'm crazy.

"Mr. O'Conner. I'm sure our new student would appreciate it if you stopped manhandling her." An older looking desk secretary says to the giant. Then she turns to look at me. 

"Sorry about that, hun. He doesn't exactly know his strength. I promise we aren't all like that at this school."

The boy looks back at her, while taking his hands off my waist. "Oh come one Mrs. C, you know you love me." He says with a wink.

"Mmhmm. Well, since you two are already acquainted, why don't you show our new students to their classrooms. You are the Scott siblings, correct?" She asks, while holding out four schedules to me.

"Umm, ya, that's us. And it's ok, I'm sure we can find our way around. I wouldn't want to take away Mr ummm O'Conner's time." I reply while taking the schedules.

"Nonsense, he'd be happy to show you. He's already late to class so there's no reason for him to not just miss more, isn't that right?" The secretary explains.

"You know it, Mrs. C. I am always willing to help out a pretty girl, even if it means sacrificing some of my class time." The secretary just sighs and continues with her typing. The boy turns back to me and winks.

"Alrighty, well if y'all are ready, I can show you to your class. I'm Nathan by the way. Nathan O'Conner but everyone just calls me OC." Suddenly, Wyatt pushes out from behind me.

"No way! You're OC. THE OC?! I have watched every one of your football games. You are amazing. I'm Wyatt by the way and I'm going to be trying out for Varsity this year. I'm a quarterback too, so you better watch out for me." He all but yells. I just stare at him with a confused look. 

How does he know this guy? And when does he watch high school football?

"Well, hi there Wyatt. Thanks for the compliment, you sound pretty sure of yourself, so you must be pretty good. If you ever need a practice buddy just hit me up and I can throw with you a bit. If it means making our team better, this year, I'm all for helping you out. If that's ok with your uhh sister here." He says after letting out a deep laugh and then looks at me.

"Cool! Sounds great and ya, my sister won't care." I clear my throat at that, making Wyatt look at me. 

"Oh right, I guess I'll ask first and get back to you." Nathan just nods his head and then turns to me, holding out his hand. 

"And you're name, Angel?" He asks.

"Adelaine. You've obviously met Wyatt and this is Katie and Dylan." I say pointing to both of my youngest siblings. He shakes my hand and then proceeds to shake the others'. 

"I like your names. Alright, well I'll take y'all to your class so we don't get in too much trouble for being late." He says while taking the schedules from my hand and looking down at them. 

"Seems like we've got Mrs. Anderson, in first grade for Katie and Dylan. Mr. Camper for Wyatt, and oh, Adelaine, you have homeroom with me with Mrs. Jenson." 

"Umm cool. Ok, let's get y'all to class. Lead the way Nathan." I reply

We drop Katie and Dylan off first. 

"Have a great day Katie Bug. You too Dyl and don't forget what we talked about this morning." They both nod, knowing what I mean. 

While we were getting ready for school, I had to explain to the youngests that we can't talk about what goes on at home. If a teacher found out our Uncle is abusive, they will separate us and that cannot happen. 

We drop Wyatt off next, with me giving him the same talk; although he understands better the consequences. Following Nathan, I walk into my homeroom. 

School was actually pretty good. It turns out I had every class except photography with Nathan. For some reason, he sat next to me in all of them, but I just faced the board and didn't talk. No matter what I think I feel towards him, I cannot get involved with someone. My whole focus needs to be on protecting my siblings and finishing school, so I can take them away from this hell that is our home life.

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