CH 24- Making Amends

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Adelaine POV-

I said yes? What the heck?

Ok, after his whole speech and everything I was completely falling for this man, but no way in heck did I think I was going to say yes. I mean, sure he's handsome and his eyes are like dark pools I would love to just fall into. Oh and of course his strong muscles that make me feel so safe and then his abs that I could probably grate cheese off of.  And I mean, don't even get me started on how this man looks in a football uniform because I swear I might momentarily combust and that's just from seeing pictures. Oh and... wait, where was I going with this? 

Right... HOW DID I SAY YES???

You said yes because you're already falling in love with him, you dumb blonde.  

Shut up. Don't tell me what I already know, inner dialogue. 

Ha, told you so. 

Ughhh. I think I'm actually going crazy. 

That amaze balls kiss probably fried all the circuits in your brain. 

Well, ain't that the truth.

Worth it though.

You can say that again. 

"Say what again?" Nate asks, looking at me confused.

Oh my gosh, I completely forgot I wasn't alone. Thanks a lot inner dialogue. I quickly clear my throat and shake my head. 

"Uhh nothing, sorry. What were you saying?" He just lets out a chuckle and leans in closer to my face.

"I said, I'm damn happy you said yes and I'm going to prove to you everyday that I'm worthy of having you as my girl." He says with complete sincerity in his eyes. I feel my cheeks blush as I avert his gaze. 

"I think I should probably be the one doing that." I reply, still looking down. He grips my chin and lifts so I'm forced to look into his eyes. 

"Nah, Angel. You're already worth more than the world to me." He says before winking and giving me a chaste kiss on the lips. 

"By the way, your brother is in his room. He wanted to come check on you but I got first dibs. He's still awake if you want to talk to him. Or I can tell him you fell asleep and you can wait until later." Nate says, looking at me for an answer. I let out a sigh and run my hand through my hair. 

"No, I should go talk to him. We need to sort this out and I most definitely need to apologize. Go ahead and get some sleep, it's been a long as heck morning and we are all exhausted." I tell him, pushing him towards the door. 

"Ok gorgeous. Come get me if you need anything. Since the twins are still in your bed, stay in mine. I'll go back to my parents' room." He replies before walking out. 

I take a few deep breaths and walk down the hall to Wyatt's room. 

*Knock, Knock, Knock* 

"Wy, can I come in buddy?" I ask through the door.

"Ya, Laine. It's open." I walk in to see Wyatt sitting at the edge of his bed looking distraught and extremely sad. 

I did this to him. How could I do that? 

Before I could open my mouth to start my apology, Wyatt stands up.

"I'm really sorry Laine. I shouldn't have pushed the whole police situation when I knew it was such a bad time. I just wanted you to be safe, but I should have just waited until tomorrow like Nate said to." He says, looking at me with guilt on his face. I quickly walk over and squat so I'm face level with him.

"Oh, Wy. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. I was completely in the wrong. You were just being a good brother. I'm so sorry for saying what I did. I know how much you regret what you said and I never should have held it against you. Frankly, I don't even know why I did because I know you don't actually blame me. I'm sorry I put you through all that." I reply, cupping his cheeks much like Nathan did to me earlier. 

"It's ok Laine. You were hurting and had just gotten out of a flashback. I know how scary those can be for you." He replies to me. 

I was forced to tell Wyatt about the flashbacks after he had to sit with me through one. He was really scared and said he wanted to help, the only way I could calm him down was to tell him the truth. So I told him about how sometimes my panic attacks can turn into flashbacks and when I'm like that, I'm usually non responsive. 

He didn't fully understand, I'm not even sure if he does now, but he knows how hard they can be on me after. Ever since I told him, he makes it  his mission to be there for me afterwards incase I need him. I don't have flashback episodes very  often, but every time, there he is right by my side. 

"It was the day mom and dad died. I was remembering us finding out and everything else that happened that night." I say solemnly. 

"That's why you brought up my mistake, huh?" He asks.

"Ya, it was still kind of fresh, but that's no excuse so please don't let me off the hook that easily. I hate that I hurt you." I say, looking back up at his face. He looked calmer now and I saw he was less tense, so that's good.

"It's ok Lainey. You're my sister, I forgive you, always. Although I do think you doing my chores for 2 weeks would be an appropriate punishment." 

Annnd he's back. 

"Heck no. Those are yours and yours alone bud." I say, pushing on his head and standing up. We're both smiling now and all the other tension has been released. 

"Ok, well I am the walking dead right now, so I'm going to take a nap. Why don't you do the same and then we can just spend the rest of the day relaxing ok?" I ask him as I walk to the door.

"Ok. And Laine?" I turn towards him.

"I'm glad you said yes to Nate. He's really good for you. Plus, I told you so." He says to me with a wink. I let out a gasp and press my hand to my chest in mock hurt.

"You little eavesdropper. Just for that you get my chores for a week. And yep I can decide that because I'm the oldest. Now get some sleep!" I say, closing the door on his laughing and grumbling about the chores. 

Although I brushed him off, it felt really good to have Wyatt's approval on Nate and I. He's really overprotective at times and seeing how happy he was about us being together made me sure I made the right choice. 

Woah! I have a boyfriend now. 

You're so cool. 

Oh, don't I know it, inner dialogue.

Hmm, I should probably stop talking to myself now before I'm admitted to the looney bin. 

I let out a low chuckle and walk back to Nathan's room. Only this time, I do notice his grey comforter and dark blue sheets. And as I lay my head on the pillow, I am consumed with his wonderful smell. 

I think I could get used to this. 

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