CH 27- Revealing A Friend

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Adelaine POV-

"Shh Candace." I quickly rush past a gaping Candace to shut my bedroom door. 

"Lainey? What the hell did I just see? What happened to you? Who did that? Oh my god, I need to go tell Nathan. Oh shit! He's going to flip out. Wait does he already know? Oh gosh, did he do this to you? I am going to go cut of that fuckers' balls." Candace says the last part angrily, already walking to go confront Nathan. 

"No, no. Candance, Nathan didn't do anything nor does he know. Look, please calm down. None of the boys can know about this." I say, making her sit on the bed.

"Why not? Someone hurt you. I saw those bruises. Nate needs to know so he can go kill the bastard." She replies, getting angry all over again. 

"Candace, please. He can't know. I'm fine, just drop it." I plead.

"Drop it! Fine! You are far from fine and I am not dropping it. You better start talking now before I call in the boys." Candace says with a pointed look.

I remain quite because there is no way I can tell her. I quickly try to think up a lie, but apparently seeing my intentions on my face, Candace opens her mouth to start yelling. I tackle her and slap my hand over her mouth. 

"Ok, fine. I'll tell you. Just don't yell." I say.

She nods and I take my hand off her mouth. As I move off her I feel a sharp pain shoot through my ribs and I double over.

"Oh gosh! Lainey? Are you ok?" Candace asks worriedly, looking ready to run and get help. I hold up a hand to stop her. 

"I'm fine." I reply, sitting back on the bed. I watch as she crosses her arms and gives me a daring look. 

"Well if you're fine. Then get talking. What the hell happened to you?" She states angrily. I'm about to open my mouth to lie but she interrupts me. 

"And don't even think about lying to me because I saw those bruises and those are the kind someone else gives you, not from 'being clumsy.'" She states with a knowing look. 

She knows? What?

"How did you? How did you know that?" I stammer, deciding to try and get the topic off me. She lets out a long sigh and runs her hand through her red locks.  

"I'm only telling you this if you promise to open up to me afterwards." She says. I give her a nod and she begins to speak, shocking me to the core. 

"Before Keith, I was in an abusive relationship." She says. I let out a shocked gasp but wait for her to continue. She looks at me and then out the window as she continues to talk. 

"I was about 15. James, that's my ex, came up to me at school one day and said I was cute. I was mad because I had a huge crush on Keith but he only saw me as his friend's little sister. James did the usual charm and I fell for him immediately. We went out on a few dates and about 2 months into our relationship I was in love. I was sure he felt the same, so I missed every sign." She states, turning away from the window and back to me. Her eyes hold sorrow and pain, as well as anger. 

"It started out as only little things here and there. He would comment something about my appearance or how I did something wrong. Then he started separating me from everyone I loved. He would control where I went, what I ate, who I talked to. I lost all my friends and became distant with my family. Everyone noticed but never really said anything. It wasn't until the bruises started showing up that Hayes really took notice. James would hit me for anything. If I didn't want to go home with him, if he was having a bad day, if my outfit wasn't what he wanted me to wear. I stayed because every time, he would apologize and bring me gifts and say how he didn't mean to hurt me. I was only 16, at the time and thought I was in love, so I didn't know any better. The boys sure did though.

"One day, about a year after we first met, I came home with a black eye, a bloody lip, and bruises that looked like yours. I thought I had the house to myself so I didn't bother hiding any of it, but I was greatly mistaken. Keith, Tank, OC, and my brother were all there and they saw me. I tried to deny all of it but no one would believe me. I'd been playing it off for a while by saying I was 'clumsy' or 'fell' but I just didn't have it in me to lie anymore." I can see the tears in her eyes that probably mirror my own, but stay quiet while she finishes. 

"Keith took me into the other room and made me tell him everything. That's the first day I found out my childhood crush wasn't just one sided. Anyways, after he found out it all kind of went to hell. He told the rest of the guys and to say they were mad would be an understatement. They made me give them James' address and they left the house soon after. To this day I still don't know what they did. All I know is all four boys came home looking slightly less pissed and told me I wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. The next day at school, the teacher announced that James would be moving to another state because his parents got a new job offer or something. I knew it was total BS and figured he was probably moving because he was too damn afraid of my brother and his friends." After she finishes, she takes my hand in hers and gives it a squeeze. 

We just stare at each other for a few seconds, me processing what she said and her reliving her nightmares. I go to speak and apologize for what happened to her, but our intimate and sorrowful moment is suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"Angel? CeeCee? You girls alright in there? We are all getting hungry but didn't want to eat without you." I hear Nate say from the other side of the door. Seeing that we are both close to tears and probably sound like it, I clear my throat and answer back.

"Ya, Nate. We are all good. We are just having girl talk, no need to worry. Why don't you guys eat and start a movie; we will be down in a little bit." I reply. He must be able to hear something wrong with my voice, though, because instead of footsteps walking away I hear his deep voice again.

"Are you sure everything is ok? You sound a little off. Can I come in?" He asks, and I can hear the knob starting to turn. My face fills with terror and Candace quickly stops him. 

"Nathan O'Conner if you come in this room I will kick you in the nuts. Now you go downstairs and leave us alone. That is unless you want to join our talk about periods and blood and tampons and..." Candace is suddenly interrupted. 

"Ew. Ok, ok. I'm leaving. No need to get disgusting on me CeeCee. Gosh." We both wait until we here his footsteps walking away and his grumbling about 'girl talk' fade inaudible. Candace looks back at me with a smirk.

"Growing up with an older brother and surrounded by his annoying friends, you learn a thing or two about how to gain some privacy." She replies with a wink and then her face gets serious as she grabs onto my hand again. 

"Look, I only told you that because I know something is going on. I know what you are going through and I won't tell anyone. I understand how hard it is to tell someone, but I won't do anything if you don't want me to. Please just tell me what happened so I can help you get fixed up. I'm not saying I agree with you hiding this from Nate and your siblings, but I understand that trust takes time. Please just trust me enough on this. I need to know so I can help you but I'll let you work it out with everyone else on your own." She says to me with a pleading look.

My heart is broken for what she went through and if the look in her eyes is any indication I can trust her. I don't want to have to lie to someone who I'm starting to think of as my best friend and I do need help. I can't tell Nathan yet but she can help me. 

Please don't let me regret this.

"It's my Uncle."

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