CH 41- Game Day

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Adelaine POV-

*Friday, 8:45 a.m.*

"Wyatt, hurry up. We have school in 15 minutes." I yell up to my brother.

"I'm coming. I just need to find my... Ahh got it." He yells back before bounding down the steps and into the kitchen, where we are all waiting. 

"What? Aren't you guys ready, let's go. We're going to be late." He says jokingly. I just roll my eyes and walk out to the truck.

I've felt off all morning. I don't know what it is, but I just have this bad feeling in my gut. I really hope it doesn't have anything to do with the game. These boys deserve to win, they've been working so hard. Deciding I'm just nervous for them, I shake off the feeling and turn my head to look at Wyatt.

"So Wy. Are you ready for tonight's game?" I ask. 

"Ya. I'm excited. I've dreamed of playing in a rival game, since Dad first got me started." He says.

"I know you have. Just remember to go out and do your hardest. Make him proud ya?" I say confidently. 

"Always." Is his reply before I turn back and place my hand on top of Nathan's, which is on my thigh.

"And what about you, my handsome man. You ready to dominate for those scouts?" I ask him. He looks at me and smiles before turning his eyes back to the road. 

"Well of course." He says cockily. I just laugh and squeeze his hand because I can feel how tense he actually is.

After the short drive, we pull up to the school and see Candace, Keith, Hayes, and Johnny all mingling in the parking lot. Nate gets out, opens my and Katie's doors, and then we walk over to the group. Candace immediately envelops me in a hug, while Nate and my brother do the weird bro hug with the guys. After they're done, Katie jumps into Johnny's arms, and gives him a huge squeeze. 

"Hey hot stuff. How y'all doing on this fine morning?" Candace asks, after pulling back.

"We are just fine. What has you so giddy?" I ask the crazy red head. 

"I'm just excited for the game tonight. I love it when we play the cougars because the atmosphere is crazy." She says, mimicking a cheering motion. We all laugh at her antics.

"Ya, I'm excited too. It should be a really good game. Hopefully the twins can stay awake the whole time and I won't have to leave early." I say with a chuckle and a look at the two culprits. 

"Oh, that reminds me Angel. I really think you and CeeCee should stick together tonight. Like more than usual, just never leave the others' side." Nate says while the other guys nod. Candace and I look at each other like they are crazy.

"Not that we ever do leave each other, but why are you being so adamant about it for this game? " Candace asks Nate with some attitude. My bestie, never one to be controlled. 

"It's just a bit more dangerous, babe. With us playing a rival team, people tend to be more rude. Since you guys are the captains' girlfriends, someone might say something to you." Keith answers for Nate. 

"Well, I guess that makes sense. But you do know we can handle ourselves." I reply to both men. 

"We know, Laine. We just don't want you to HAVE to handle it yourselves." Keith says to both Candace and me, to which we give a 'oh really' look. Seeing this, Nate pulls my back into his front and wraps his arms around me. 

"Well, our true motivation is to keep us safe. You see, if I were to happen upon a guy being rude to you, I would naturally have to beat the shit out of him. And that would lead to me being suspended or maybe even getting arrested." Nate says. 

"Yep, and then the rest of us would have to join in and of course the football guys all have our backs. So now you're left with our whole team getting in trouble. And we wouldn't want that now would we?" Keith finishes. Candace and I both roll our eyes. 

"Of course, we wouldn't want that." I say in a sickly sweet voice. Everyone laughs and continues talking about various things. 

I listen and offer input, but am still in my head. The feeling of worry is back in my stomach and I don't like it. Nathan must notice because he tightens his hold on me and puts his chin on my head. I instantly relax, the fear being momentarily replaced with contentment. 

Gosh, do I love this man. 


Nathan POV-

*Friday, 3:00 p.m.*

"Hey y'all." I say, walking in on all my friends in the living room. 

Before every game, we all meet up here. We use the time as a way to take our minds off the game. It actually really helps because we destress a bit and then, when it's time, we put our game faces on and head to the school. I've found it to be one of my favorite times. Well, except there's one person missing today. 

"Where's my girl?" I ask the group. 

"I don't know, man. She got a text and then just left the room." Tank says from the couch. 

Curiously, I wander towards Lainey's bedroom, only to find it empty. I do the same with Wyatt's and the twins' rooms, but still nothing. Hearing a low creak of the floorboards, I walk into my room and find my angel staring at a picture of my dad and me. 

"Angel? You ok baby?" I ask softly. She jumps, startled, and then looks back at the photo.

"You guys have a really good relationship don't you?" She asks. 

"Ya. My parents travel a lot but they make a point to call all the time and come home when they can. Growing up, my dad was my best friend." I say, confused at why she's asking. 

She just stands there, looking at the picture solemnly. Seeing the broken look in her face, I go over and wrap my arms around her. She immediately pushes her back deeper into my chest, but never takes her eyes off the picture. After a few moments of silence, I hear her sad voice. 

"I miss him." Knowing she's no longer talking about my dad, I just pull her closer to me. 

"I know baby. I'm sorry you had to lose him and your mom. You didn't deserve to go through that heartbreak." I reply, spinning her around so she's looking into my face. 

"Maybe I did." She says in such a low whisper that I have to strain to hear her.

"Stop. Angel, what happened to them was not your fault. God had a plan for you and, as sad as it is, he didn't see them in it. I know it's hard, baby. But you cannot blame yourself. Nothing that night was your fault." I say sternly. 

All she does is look at me with hesitation in her eyes. I know I'm not going to win this battle, at least not right now. Over time, I'll show her how wrong she is. Deciding to change the subject, I get back to my original mission. 

"Why are you in here? Tank said you got a message and then just walked away." I ask again.

"Oh. It's nothing. I just wanted a little privacy, no big deal. I'm sorry I worried you." She replies.

I can tell she is hiding something, but decide not to push it. We walk hand-in-hand back out to the living room and continue our ritual. Waiting until a couple of hours before game time, the guys and I put on our suits, coach's requirement for pre games, and grab our gear. Then, we all pile into our respective cars and head off to the game. 

My game face is on, but my head won't stop screaming at me.

You should've pushed. You should've found out what the text said. 

I look over at Lainey and am about to ask her, but that's right when we pull up to the school. My truck is immediately surrounded by teammates and fans. All I can do is drop it, open the girls' doors, and get my head ready for my biggest game yet. 

You should've pushed, man. 

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