CH 25- Hidden Lies

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Adelaine POV-

My life has completely changed over the last week. Nathan and I are officially boyfriend and girlfriend, and it's great. He is always a complete gentlemen and it really reminds me of how my dad treated my mom. 

Just yesterday, we were walking down the street and out of now where, he pulled me around him, so I was on the other side. When I asked why he did that he said:

 "I want you on this side so I can be between you and the cars on the street. If anything were to happen, I want you to be safe."

I think my heart actually skipped a beat and I melted right into the ground. Honestly though, other than official titles and actually kissing now, our relationship hasn't changed that much; we are both the same people, if anything Nate has become more protective and more of a gentlemen. 

Remember when he said that Katie keeps him in line. Well, I had never noticed it before, but she really does. It was hilarious to watch the first time. We were all going to school and I got to the truck before Nathan, so I got in. Well, apparently that wasn't the right thing to do because the little princess stood outside the car crying because Nate didn't get to open my door. She actually made me get out of the car, just so he could open the door and help me in. We were laughing at her antics the whole way to school. 

Nathan and Wyatt had football tryouts at the beginning of the week and they went great! Wyatt and his friend Rian were the only Freshmen who made varsity.  Apparently, I don't know much about football, but Nate is really big for a quarterback so they sometimes use him as a utility player. If that happens, then Wyatt will get a lot more playing time.

 We were all so excited for him, but me being the big sister I am, I'm still super nervous about him getting hurt. Both him and Nate have tried to tell me a bunch that nothing is going to happen, but I won't stop worrying until I see for myself the first game. Nate promised me he'll look out for him and I trust him, so for now I'm keeping my insistent  worrying to myself. 

Despite how great everything is going, Nate and I have had a couple of fights. The first one was about whether or not I should call the police. Nathan obviously wanted me to, but there was no way I was going to and I couldn't exactly tell him why. The whole thing ended up with me not talking to him the rest of the  day, and we only came to compromise because Wyatt suggested we document everything and save it to take to the police later if I change my mind. 

A reoccurring fight we seem to have is my work schedule. Since I only had one week to get the $200 for Dorian, I've been working like crazy. I ended up working my usual 2:00-7:00 a.m. and then after school from 3:00-8:00 p.m. I wanted to work even later but there was no way that was going to happen with Wyatt and Nate on my butt. It's safe to say I was like a zombie all week. Everyday Nate would try to convince me to take some time off, but I didn't listen. I really need the money, not that I can tell him that. 

And that brings us to our current time. Friday at 8:30 p.m., exactly one day before I have to face my uncle again. We are all sitting on the couch relaxing since I just got off work. I've been a little off today and think everyone has noticed, just not asked about it. I was able to get all $200, but I'm still freaking out about what my uncle is going to do when I go to give him his money tomorrow. Deciding I need to get out of my head, I sigh and snuggle in deeper to Nathan who wraps his hand around my middle and pulls me flush to his back. I feel his hot breath at my ear. 

"You ok, Angel?" He whispers, rubbing his hand in soothing circles on my back.

"Mhm. Just thinking." I reply softly.

He doesn't seem like he believes me but we both just go back to watching Elsa sing 'let it go.' When the movie ends, I sit up and start to pick a sleepy Katie up to take her to bed, but am halted when Nathan starts talking. 

"So, I was thinking we could go to the snow. It will be the first of December tomorrow and what better way to start off the Christmas season than with a snow trip. " He says excitedly. 

Him, Wyatt, Dylan, and Katie, who is now wide awake, all look at me expectedly. 

How do I get out of this without letting them know what I actually have to do tomorrow?

"You guys should definitely go, I have to work so I won't be able to join." I lie. I hate lying to them, but if they find out what I have to do tomorrow, Wyatt and Nate are going to flip. Plus, I am working in the morning, so it's not a total lie. 

"I thought you were only working early morning? You said you were going to take part of tomorrow off to rest." Nate says with a look full of questions pointed towards me.

"Well, I uhh, I was but I just decided to pick up an extra shift." I reply, not able to look him in the eyes. 

"Why? You need rest." Nate asks with suspicion.

"Because, we also need the money and I don't need rest. I am just fine." I say, my voice starting to rise.

"You are not fine, you're exhausted and I already told you, you don't need to work this much. I have money so let me help you." He replies, starting to get more frustrated. 

"No, Nathan. I'm not taking your money. We are not a charity case. In fact, I think I should probably start paying rent." I say, trying to get off the topic of tomorrow. I watch as Nathan tenses in anger and then takes a few calming breaths. 

"There is no way you are paying rent. And you aren't charity, you're my girl and your siblings are practically my family. So Let. Me. Help." He draws out the last part to emphasize his wants. I just shake my head and walk closer to him. 

"You're right, I am your girl, so unless you want to lose me, I recommend walking away from this conversation right now." I say with a poke to his chest. He just walks closer so we are mere inches apart. 

"You're threatening our relationship now? Come on, baby, you know you can't walk away from me." He replies cockily. I clench my fists and somehow get even closer to him. I know he is frustrated with me, but I have never nor will I ever be afraid of him hurting me. 

"I can and I will if you don't drop this right now." I sneer out.

"I'm not dropping anything, you're hiding something and I want to know what." He says. 

"I'm not hiding anything, I just picked up an extra shift and can't go tomorrow." I say back. 

We both just stand there for a few minutes until Nathan's hard gaze softens and he cups my cheeks in his hand. 

"Angel, please let me in. Something's bothering you and I can't fix it if you don't tell me what's going on." He tells me softly. 

"Nothing's wrong Nate. Look, the kids are tired and I need to get to sleep. Please just listen to me and drop this. I'll pack their snow stuff tonight and you guys can go in the morning. Please, trust me on this." I plead to him. 

"Fine, but only because I really don't want you to go to bed angry at me. We are talking about this. One day, Angel, you are going to let me all the way in and when that day comes, I'll lasso the moon just to fix all your problems." He replies, before giving me my nightly kiss on the forehead and walking off to his room. 

"You can't hide from him forever, you know. You're an awful liar and we both know you're hiding something. I know you won't tell me, so I'm not even going to fight about that, but Laine? If you keep pushing him out, you're going to be left alone. " Wyatt says out of nowhere. 

 He then takes Katie from me and walks with both twins to their room before I can reply. I just stand there for a bit and then snap out of it and start to get my siblings' snow stuff ready. A few days ago we snuck over to my uncle's house and picked up the rest of our stuff, so we are practically moved in to Nate's house. The whole time I'm packing, all I can think about are Wyatt's words. 

'If you keep pushing him out, you're going to be left alone."

I can't let him all the way in. My soul is too broken and this is the only way to protect everyone. If I need to suffer to keep Wyatt, Dylan, Katie, and now Nathan safe, I will do it for the rest of my life. I can't give him all of me. I can't let him in.


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