CH 5- Promises, Promises

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Adelaine POV-

*Back at school, that day*

Throughout the conversation with Nathan, I keep giving silent memos to Wyatt to shut his mouth!

This is not good... he's going to find out and tell the state and then we will be separated and I will lose my siblings and break my promise to my dad and ... 

I snap out of my thoughts after hearing Nathan offer to give us a ride after school. I'm about to answer but of course, Wyatt beats me to it. 

"Ya, man that would be great! I am getting more nervous so I would love the extra practice and I know these three wouldn't mind waiting for a ride home. I got to run, but I'll see you on the field after school." I hear him say, right before he puts down my backpack and scurries off. 


I give a 'stay here' to the twins and run after my idiot brother. 

"What the hell are you thinking. Wyatt we cannot let this guy into our lives!" I whisper-scream at him.

"And why not, huh? He could help us Lainey, protect you! I'm done with seeing you get hurt and you won't let me take any of the hits, so let him. He's big, strong, and has money; Our shitty excuse for an uncle would barely be able to get a punch off." He says back, waving his hands to make his point.

"Wy, you can't be serious. We can't ask someone to do that for us. I promised Dad I would take care of you guys and I am. I don't need some guy, who is only going to leave when things start getting rough."

"You don't know that!" He says, his voice getting louder "If you tell him what's going on he might stay."

"Ya, and he also might tell his parents. Wyatt, they don't care about our family. They'll think they can get brownie points for saving a couple abused kids and they will call CPS." I could see tears starting to form in his eyes and heard my voice getting more emotional as I tried to get my point across.

"They're going to call CPS and they are going to take us away. Do you want to know what will happen. They are going to separate us! The twins will probably get to go to a nice family because they are cute and young. But, you and I will most likely end up with some assholes who are only doing it for the paycheck. You know what happens in those houses? Rapes, beatings, abuse that is so much worse than Dorian's because you will never know what to expect. If you want to help protect this family, this is how you do it! We have to stay together, and if that means I have to get a few bruises each day, then so be it." My voice cracks at the end and tears start to threaten my eyes.

 I look at Wyatt and see he is conflicted. I know all he wants to do is protect us from everything, but this is the best of two bad options. He needs to understand that and I think he is starting to. He looks at the twins and Nathan, who are staring at us, and then back at me. 

"I don't like this." He says.

"I know bud, but this is the only way." 

"Fine, I'll keep my mouth shut but I need you to promise me something." He looks into my eyes, pleading with me to understand where he is coming from as he continues with his request. 

"Promise me you'll stop trying to push him away. I get we can't tell him, but he's good for you. And if something really bad happens, I need to know that you will  have someone. Plus, think about how he could help Dylan and Katie. You know how much they already like him and they've talked to him like twice. And me, he can help me get a scholarship and we can stay together and be safe. Lainey, you need a friend and even though we only met him like a week ago, I can tell he'd be a damn good one." 


"Fine, Wy. I see where you are coming from. But, I don't want you to get your hopes up too much. Not everyone sticks around, no matter how much we want them to." I say, he nods and turns to walk away.

 "And Wy? Watch your language." I say more lightheartedly. He gives me a small smile and heads off to class, while I go back to the twins and Nathan. 

I can see Nate staring at me as I walk back. I know I promised Wyatt I would stop pushing him away, but I'm scared. For now, I'll just focus on getting the twins to their class. I arrive at them, pick my bag up, grab each of the twins' hands, and walk off without saying anything to Nathan. I can't let him in quite yet. 

But you don't break promises. 

Ugh! Let's just see how after school goes with him. 


Wyatt POV-

Ugh! I was so angry and confused. How am I supposed to do this? I'm the oldest brother, I should be the one protecting my family, not my sister. 

But she's older. 

But I'm stronger. I wish she would just tell someone, but at the same time I don't. 

I don't want my family to get separated, but our parents wouldn't have wanted this life for us. They loved us more than anything and taught us how important it was to show love and kindness towards others. My sisters and brother deserve a better life than this. I know Lainey wants a better one. One where she can let her guard down and fall in love with a boy, of course, I'd have to approve and would kick his ass if he hurt her. She deserves that, we all do.




I hear a whisper as I'm going upstairs to my room. I turn and see Lainey, hiding behind a wall, waving for me to come over. 

"What?" I whisper back

"Look, Wy."

I look into the kitchen to see my mom and dad slow dancing to a song on the radio. My mom has her arms around my dad's neck and his are around her waist. They are swaying to the music, just looking into each other's eyes, like no one else in the world exists. They look so in love and happy. I turn back to Lainey and see she has a look of content on her face. 

"I'm going to have that one day, Wy. My prince charming will come in and sweep me off my feet. He'll love me more than anything and love you guys just as much. We will be like mom and dad and have the greatest love story." She says, looking between my face and theirs.

"Ya, Lainey you will. I'm just not sure I'm ready for that. You and Katie are going to bring these boys home and Dad, Dyl, and I are going to have to fight 'em off until we find a good one. And then, he better be a gentlemen and protect you at all costs or else I'll beat him up too." I say, determination lacing my words. She just shakes her head and laughs.

"Ha, thanks my crazy, overprotective, brother. And you'll have it to you know. You'll find a girl, settle down, and start a family. And you better be the kind of man Dad taught you to be or I'm going to kick your butt." She says the last part with the same determination as I did. 

"Ha, ya right. Don't you worry Lainey. I'll always be by your side. I'm gonna make sure you get your happy ending, then I'll worry about mine. Besides, I'm sure I can find a few ladies to occupy my time until then." I wink at her and she makes a disgusted face. 

"Ewwww, you perv." She says and pushes me away. "You're like 11, you should not be thinking about that already."

I walk away laughing, but still heard her whispered voice say.

"You'll find her one day, Wy. And I know you'll be just as loving, romantic, and protective as Dad."

*End Flashback*


I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the first bell for class rings. 

Ya, I'll make sure she gets her happily ever after, and I can already tell Nathan is going to be a part of that. 

With, that thought in my head, I walk off to my first class and decide to start my "plan" today after school. She won't know what hit her. 

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