CH 48- Staying Here

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Nathan POV-

"I'm sorry, sir. We did all we could, but she had lost too much blood. The bullet was too deep and we couldn't...."

I basically stopped listening after that. My mind couldn't process what I was hearing, and I could feel my consciousness slipping. I hear crying in the background, but I don't know from who and it sounds so distant. Seeing the doctor still talking, I try to listen, but only get parts.

"... second one took a long time to get out and the blood loss...."

My angel is dead.

The one good thing in this world just died on an operating table. 

".... transfusion didn't go well.... lost her twice.... couldn't stop it....."

How am I supposed to just move on like she wanted?

We didn't get enough time together.

"... stabilized but barely... coma... might not wake up..."

And what about her siblings, I can't raise three kids, I'm barely 18. 


"Did you just say coma?" I focus back on the Dr. and ask hesitantly, afraid I heard wrong. 

"Uhh yes. Your Fiancée is in a coma." He states like it's obvious. 

"She's alive?" I breathe out with hope clear in my voice. I hear a couple gasps behind me and know everyone is listening, the doctor looks at me like I'm crazy before nodding his head. 

"Yes, of course she's alive. After we brought her back the second time she slipped into a coma. She's stabilized, but it's going to be up to her to wake up and we don't know if that's going to happen." He says. 

I'm too shocked to say anything so I just stand there. 

She's alive. 

 I would take a coma any day if it meant there was a small chance I got to see her again. And come on, we all know she is way too damn stubborn to not wake up. She has to and I'll be right there waiting for her. 

Probably sensing I'm still not all there, I hear an angry Tank pipe up from behind me. 

"If she's alive why the hell did you start your sentence like that?" He growls. I snap back to attention, and see the doctor gulp then pale slightly at the sight of the very angry giant now glaring at him. 

"I-I-I'm sorry. I was told a nurse had been sent out to tell you the verdict and I was just here with any updates. I said sorry because we aren't sure if she'll wake up." He stammers and takes a big step back, seeing as how we are all glaring at him. 

"Ya, well a coma is a hell of a lot better than DEAD! DON'T YOU THINK Y'ALL SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN YOUR SHIT TOGETHER BEFORE YOU CAME OUT HERE AND MADE US THINK SHE HAD DIED?" Wyatt yells out. I see him take a step towards the doctor, but put my hand on his chest to halt him. 

"Can we see her?" I ask. The doc takes another frightened glance behind me and then nods his head. 

"Since her condition is unknown, she's in one of the biggest rooms. That means you could all probably fit in there, but I would advise being semi-quiet. Loud noises won't wake her, but we want to make the surrounding environment seem as safe and comfortable as possible to hopefully allow her body to wake. She's in room 315, just ask a nurse to show you the way." He says and scurries off. 

I turn back to the group who look to be a mixture of shock, anger, and relief. The room is silent for a few moments, as everyone processes what's happening. The twins are still asleep and the events of the day are clearly shown on everyone else's tired faces. 

"I think you should go in alone, OC. As much as I want to see her, I- I just don't know if I can. She's always been the strong one and seeing her hurt... I know it's selfish but if she has you, I feel like this might be best." Wyatt stammers out with unshed tears in his eyes. 

Everyone else nods their heads and I give Wy a big hug. Then, I walk out of the room and over to the nurses station. I feel like I'm just going through the motions and not all the way there. That is until the nurse pushes a door open and my breath is once again taken from my lungs.

Lying on the bed is Lainey with about a million tubes, machines, and other hospital things surrounding her pale form. She has a sling on, wires poking out from every direction, and a breathing mask, but I don't care. She's still the most beautiful person I've ever seen. 

Once I catch my breath, I run over to her side and pull up a chair. I gently take her hand in mine and stare at her gorgeous face. She lets out no movement, and seeing that makes everything come crashing into me. 

The tears stream down my face as I grip her hand and lay my head on her thigh. I just let out everything I've been feeling and god knows how long I sit there, sobbing. I half expect her to wake up and tease me, but she never does. 

After a while I wipe my tears and lift my head to look at her again. 

"Please, baby. I need you to wake up. We all need you, you know how dysfunctional we are without you. Please just stay here with me. Stay, so we can start our forever. Just open those gorgeous brown eyes and look at me. Please, Angel. Please." I plead, repeating the last line over and over again.

Still nothing. I just hold her hand and plead with her before sleep begins to overtake me. I drift off with my head on her thigh and my hand gripping hers. And for the first time since it all happened I finally feel semi-content. 

She's alive. Now all she needs to do is wake up. 

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