Chapter 7

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Madeleines POV:
I woke up this morning with a crazy headache. Was it a dream?? It couldn't have been. It felt too real, but how could I have let myself go so fast? I was too scared to even smile at my crush a year ago. But this is different. Only one question hung around in her head. "Was it a dream?"
She remembers that the shampoo and body wash fell in the shower and she doesn't remember them being put back. She ran to the bathroom and everything was in there place. Nothing moved. It was like time stood still as she processed everything. It was a dream. She told herself. It had to be, she wasn't that gutsy.
She quickly got dressed in a oversized band T-shirt, dad jeans, and a black pair of slip on vans. Then threw her hair up in a messy ponytail. She ran downstairs and found Daniel in the kitchen. She tried to block out what she thought was a dream. She was just gonna have to focus on his actions to figure things out.
How could it not be a dream... right??? This was getting crazy. Daniel was making pancakes and bacon.

Daniel: hey wants me to make you some too?
Madeleine: *gazing off in her thoughts *
Madeleine: huh oh yeah thx. Sorry I was.. just thinking.
Daniel: I got that *chuckles*

A dream. That's what it is. All. It. Is. Has to be. I don't know what I do if it wasn't just a dream. But hell it was an amazing dream.

Daniel: aye dreamer girl!!
Madeleine: oh sorry.
Daniel: stop apologizing, you're all good.
Madeleine: okay sorry. Shit. Sorry. Crap! You know what imma just stop talking now
Daniel:*laughing his arse off*
Madeleine: stop laughing you don't know how hard this is for me to now say sorry.
Daniel: I bet it is Mads

He turns back to the pancakes. Okay so far he hasn't acted differently. But that doesn't mean it still can't be real. I don't know what to do if it is. I'll be scared shitless. Just act cool. What's one little steamy dream? Right? Really. Really. Really steamy dream. Too steamy for my imagination limits.

Corbyn: hey what's for breakfast??
Daniel: pancakes and bacon.
Corbyn: mmm sounds good *rubbing his hands together*
Daniel: there is some already done on the plate over there.

Just then Gabbie, Lav, Jack, Zach, Billy, and Jonah all come barging into the kitchen. Lavender starts running up to me. Her and I have created a true bond lately. She's my little sidekick.

Gabbie: morning everyone!
Everyone: morning!!
Gabbie: so what do we got planned today??
Corbyn: I was thinking that Madeleine and I could go shoe shopping!!
Madeleine: yasssss I love shoe shopping with you!!
Daniel: *a little jealous looking * I was actually wondering if I could hangout with Madeleine today.
Corbyn: oh come on man it's shoes!!!
Daniel: I haven't really been able to hangout with her myself. Everyone else has. I think it's only fair I get to have at least one day with her.
Madeleine: excuse me this is my life you two are arguing over. Shouldn't I get to choose?
Jonah: yeah man let the girl choose what she wants to do.
Jack: oooooo *raises his eyebrows *
Gabbie: JACK!! *elbows him in the ribs*
Jack: ouch that hurt
Gabbie: good
Zach: can I jump on the train of arguing over her day?
Everyone: NO!
Zach: okay damn don't gotta be so cruel about it.
Madeleine: why can't I just hangout with all of you guys like I normally do?
Daniel: cause sometimes I like to get away from these shitheads.
Corbyn: aye that's quite rude!
Daniel: you deserve it!
Daniel: shit!

He drops them on a plate and tossed it back on the counter. One side was raw and the other was charred so bad that you couldn't even tell that it was a pancake at one point. Everyone just started laughing. Daniel isn't the best of cooking when he gets talking. He completely forgets he was cooking 0.5 seconds ago.

Madeleine: Anyone up to IHOP ??
Everyone: yes!!

I pulled Billy aside to talk to her for a second.

Madeleine: hey why didn't you have my back over there?
Billy: you had it under control. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for girl.
Madeleine: I love you girl. You know that?
Billy: yah I'm kinda great.
*we hug in a huge embrace for a few seconds *

We take three cars and we start our journey to IHOP.

Hey loves. It's been a hot minute since I've been on. Hope you guys don't hate me for disappearing like that. My mom found my account on here and so I had to just disappear from the edge of the earth. I won't be on a lot but here and there. Just to check in and maybe do one chapter. I don't really know what I can do in the time I have anymore. I'll be on way more in like 2 years cause that's when I turn 18. So then I'll be on way way more. I love you guys though. Bye for now loves!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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