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@ficel_art on Instagram. I wasn't ever here *hides*


🖤This gets a little spicy✨🖤

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "I hate having so much paperwork," Nemuri whines as she leans back in her seat with an annoyed look while twirling her purple fuzzy pen.
     "If we get it done we won't have as much tomorrow," I say with an amused look towards her and she pouts. "Don't look at me like that. You know I'm right." I state and she tilts her head slightly to signal my point.

     "It's still taking forever though!" Nemuri groans and I give a playful (e/c) eye roll.
     "It'll go faster if you stop complaining and do it, Nem." I point out and she freezes before going back to grading. Sometimes you're the silliest person I know, Nemuri Kayama. I think with a small laugh as I go back to grading papers.


     How could I have been so stupid? I think angrily as my head pounds. How did I forget my muzzle and collar? I may have been rushing to get here on time but I normally always remember! I think with gritted teeth as my rut makes my head spin. I need to get home!

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

    "Nem, I'm done besides taking these papers to Shota," I say to the alpha with a smile.
    "Got it. Hizashi's gonna be coming in here in a bit before we leave to go home." She says as she talks about her mate with a smile.
    "Stay safe, Nem. Tell Z that I said hi." I say as I grab the small stack of papers before leaving. Just gotta give these to Sho and then I can head home and get Bubble cuddles! I think happily as I open the door to the classroom, knowing he'd probably lecture me if I knocked like normal.    "Shota, are you in-"

    SLAM! "Hello, Kitten.~" I jump at the loud noise as Shota pins me against the closed door. "Just who I wanted to see.~"He coos as he runs a finger through my (h/c) hair and kisses a strand as it dangles on his finger while he looks at me with black eyes clouded with lust.
     "S-Sho-" I stop talking as the leathery scent of his rut fills my nose. "C-collar?" I managed to choke out as his smell strengthened as he leaned closer to me.
     "I left it at home. I'm sure glad I did though," He states as he moves my hair before he leans down and smells my neck. "Especially now that you're here.~" He coos as he softly licks the spot where my shoulders meet my neck, making me give a small whimper that almost goes to a whine.

     "Oh?" He coos with a teasing look. "Did my little omega like that?~" Shota asks before he does it again...but slower this time.
     I can't stop the moan that slips passed my lips as I melt under his touch. "Shota.~" I call as my heat threatens to come earlier than normal.
     He gives a low growl as he hoists me up from under my thighs before going to the closest desk and kissing the soft spots of my neck. "You're mine. Understand?" He growls possessively as he squeezes my thighs before locking my lips in a heated kiss with his.

     I moan into the kiss as our tongues fight for dominance, his growing canines lightly poke my tongue from time to time. I tangle my hands into his long black hair as he scoots me to the edge of the desk. Pressing my core against the large bulge in his pants.
     "Damn this uniform!" He snarls as he breaks the kiss for a moment to bite my red tie in half with his sharp teeth before ripping the white shirt down the middle, buttons scattering around the floor.
     I give a small gasp at the new cool air to my body as he starts to attack my neck with small kisses and bites, my heat finally deciding to join in on the fun.

     "Aaah!~" He moans lowly but loudly as he takes a deep wif of my sugary sweet aroma. "I'm so addicted to the smell of strawberries because of you," Shota states before he moves his hand up the bottom of my skirt.
     "I want you." I whimper as I press against him, making him groan as I lightly grind against him. "Please," I beg as I take off his black shirt before slightly biting his strong hip and trailing up, leaving small bites and hickeys.

     "You smell too damn good!" He states as he rips the side of my panties and grins while pocketing them. He groans as he slightly grabs his jaw, his fangs starting to hurt him, aching to mark.
     I don't give a second thought at what I'm about to do, my heat fuzzing up my common sense as lust and need take over.

♡♡♡NO SET POV♡♡♡

     "Just these two papers and then I'm finished, Hizashi," Nemuri says as she crosses off an incorrect question on the paper.
     "Okay, my love song," Hizashi says with a loving look towards the purple-haired woman.
     "Beta, do you want to be played with when we get home?~" she coos with her chin resting on her hand as she leans towards him.

     "Yes, Mommy-" they both pause as the loud sound of an omega's mating call rings out loudly.      "Who-"
     "(Y/n) went to see Shota," Nemuri says with a horrified look before they both dash out the door.

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     After I give the loud marking call a predatory look shines in his obsidian black eyes as he gets more feral.
     "Little omega, you're all mine!" Shota states firmly as he moves my head to the side and parts his jaws wide to mark my neck.

     "SHOTA, NO!" My eyes widen as the alpha is harshly pulled away from me and I'm quickly lifted and taken out of the room by Nemuri. "YOU'VE JUST GOT TWO MONTHS LEFT, GODSDAMMIT!" Hizashi barks as he holds back Shota.
     "COULDN'T YOU HAVE WAITED FIVE DAMN MINUTES?!" I hear Shota snap with a growl before he wails a pleading call to me, the failed call of sadness and longing.

     "Sho-" Nemuri quickly covers my mouth before I can give back a call as she continues to get me far from the room with the large alpha.
     "Did he bite you? You're okay, right? Besides for being in heat." Nemuri quickly asks, me barely being able to catch it through their muzzle and my heat fuzzing my senses.
     "No, I'm fine," I say sadly as I shift from foot to foot, slightly trying to get pleasure from the feeling that was there a moment ago.

     "Whew, that's a relief," Nemuri states before she finally looks at the remaining bits of my school undershirt. "He did leave a few marks, that's for sure." She states and I can barely see her grin through the muzzle.
    I finally look down to see the large hickeys and bites covering my body and look away slightly embarrassed as I attempt to cover it up with the the ripped sides of the shirt.
    "Don't worry, (Y/n)," Nemuri states as she gestures for me to follow after her. "I caught a glimpse of the marks you left on him as well.~" She coos and I blush darkly as I follow after her, ignoring the strange feeling of no undergarments.

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