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{PLEASE NOTE: Some characters introduced will be completely how I portray them because of them not being in the manga/anime, thank you for understanding.}

♡♡♡NO SET POV♡♡♡

     "Should we tell them? They do at least deserve to know."
     "Hizashi, you know how Shota feels about them. You remember the festival when they came during our third year, he hated it." Nemuri says to her husband as she shakes her head. "They told us they're pregnant for two reasons," She starts as she holds up her fingers. "One: we're their close friends. Two: they know we're not going to tell anyone that doesn't need to know." She claims as she puts her hands on her hips.
     "But Love Song, it's been-"

     "However long it's been for any of us doesn't matter. It's Shota's choice if they are to be told or not." Nemuri states before pulling her husband into her chest. "Okay, Hizashi?"
     But they should get to know. I'd want to know. Hizashi thinks before looking at his wife and nodding. "Okay." He replies before burying his face between her soft chest as she pets his loose hair.

     "Mom! A little help? Senjiro threw up again and I've got a date with Kore in thirty!"
     "Shit! Momma's coming, Sei! Don't worry!" Nemuri says as she lets her husband up, running off to go help their adopted daughter.

     Yeah, I'm gonna tell them. Hizashi thinks as he looks at the short text message with the familiar address to his friend's beach house. I'm sorry, Shota. But you do have to face them. He thinks before hitting send and then turning off his phone. I hope this will end well.

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "Shota! Shota! Shota!" I call excitedly to my husband as he walks out of the bathroom, freshly showered. "Look! Look!" I say eagerly as I lift the nightshirt and turn to the side, showing off my growing stomach, unusually large for only being a bit over a month in. "How do I look?" I ask with a happy smile towards him.
     My husband gives an amused look before he chuckles. "I'm not going to say anything because that's a dangerous game for me." He claims while heading to the dresser.

     I give him a pout before putting my hands on my hips. "Shota, look at me and tell me I'm fat!" I state, making him pause from pulling on the pants to his hero uniform.
     "And why the hell not?"
     "If I say that I'll definitely get killed." Shota explains as he walks over to me and kisses my lips.
      "But...Sho?" I pout before he crouches down and kisses my stomach, a habit he's started since I told him I was pregnant.

     "You two are getting big already. You're both gonna be so perfect." My husband says softly as he rests his ear against my stomach. "Don't cause trouble for Mommy today, it's the first day back from summer break and you better behave." He scolds as he gives a glare to my stomach before giving more soft kisses to it.
     "I guess that's as close as I'll get to you calling me fat. That'll work I guess." I state with a mock sigh before going and grabbing my hero costume. "I wonder how long I'll be able to wear this?" I question before taking off the shirt and starting to change into the costume.

     I stare at myself in the mirror before staring at myself. "Okay, not the kind of chubby I thought I'd look like." I claim, the leather-like material hugging my skin and making it look like I've gained weight, not in a good way either.
    "I think you still look gorgeous," Shota claims as he comes up behind me and snakes his hands around my waist. "Plus, I get more boobs to cuddle when we sleep." He states with a grin, making me give a small laugh.
     "They're sacks of fat that are squishy and store milk, what's the appeal?"
     "They're on my wife, that's the appeal." He remarks before kissing the side of my neck.
    I hum approval as I lean into him, wanting more affection.

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