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♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

    "Please, Baby?"
    "No, Sho."
    "But, Baby, I've been patient."
    "Yeah, sure you have."
    "Honey, I just wanna know!" My husband says while resting his head on my growing stomach. "Please?"
     "You can wait four more hours, Shota Aizawa," I say sternly to my husband after lowering my book to look at him.
     "But I don't want to." The black-haired man states as he kisses my stomach gently.
     "Well, we know who Mirai gets his impatience from," I state making my husband pouts.

     "Do I really sound like that?"
     "Will you tell us?" The boys ask, popping their heads up to see us over the side of the bed.
     I give a fake hum before shaking my head.
     "Please, Mommy!" The twins beg as they give me a pouty look.
     "Yes, please Mommy?~" Shota coos before sneakily running his hand on my thigh that the boys can't see, making me tap him with my book before he chuckles.
     "Aizawas used beg. It was very ineffective!" I state sternly as their smiles drop.
     "For once I'm disappointed with a Pokémon reference," Mirai claims as he sighs before he frowns.

      "The three of you will survive until the party later." I claim, getting groans from all three of them.
     "No fairrrrr."
     "Come on, Momma! Just tell us!"
     "Yes, Mommy, tell your dying fans.~" Shota, who came over to me and wrapped his arms around my larger waist, says as he holds me against him.
     "Mommy's about to uninvite the three of you if you don't hush. How about that?" I claim as I look at them. "I'm sure Hizashi wouldn't mind skipping the party to spend time with his best-"
      "Do not...call the loudmouth." My husband pleads before I give a curt nod and stand.
     "Now hush up," I say to them before pulling out some clothes to change into.

     "How disappointing.~" Shota says as he softly kisses my neck, making the boys fake a vomiting sound before they rush out of the room and complain about us kissing. "You're always so tempting when you act stubborn." My husband says as he softly kisses my neck more as I lean into his touch.
     "You're annoying when you want something." I counter with a small laugh as he rubs my hips.
     "Only to you. Others run away."
     "Naughty fox."
     "Mischievous kitten."

     After a few hours pass and getting the small party ready, the Kamadas show up with the cupcakes I asked them to make since Nemuri and Seishi are the only ones who know the sex of Aza.
     "Thank you so much, Nemi, Seishi. I really appreciate it." I say with a smile while hugging the two.
     "You should thank me too, Aunt (Y/n)." Senjuro claims with a grin, one of his teeth missing since he's growing.
     "And why's that, Sen?" I ask him with a smile.
     "I helped clean the mixing bowl from the leftover icing!"
      "Daddy did too." Nemuri claims as Hizashi grins while helping to bring in the last bit of cupcakes.
      "And these are some of the best cupcakes I've tried." The blond states with a grin before reaching for one, his wife tapping his hand and giving him a look.
      "No, Hizashi."

      These goofballs. I think with a smile before going towards the door when it opens.
     "There she is!"
     "They've got so big!" Emilio and Yuu greet me happily as they take off their shoes and greet me.
     "Good to see-"
     "Grams! Gramps!" Oboro and Mirai shout excitedly while running over before hugging the pair.
     "Hey boys, we've missed you both!" Yuu says with a smile before walking away as they drag her, her giving a small nod towards Sho who does the same.
     "Hey, Shota."
     "Hmm." Shota replies with a hum to his father before they give a brief hug before the door opens again.

     "My baby!"
     "Hey, Cupcake!"
     "Mom! Dad! You made it!" I say with a smile to my parents before giving both of them a tight hug.
     "You look amazing! How much longer-"
     "I heard mom and dad?" Mirio, rushing from somewhere inside, says happily before enveloping our parents in tight hugs, making them laugh.
     "You didn't act that excited when you saw me. I feel sooo loved." I mock my brother while crossing my arms.
      "You're pregnant, I can't give you the good hugs because I don't want to hurt you or baby number three." My bother says sternly as he looks at me a bit guiltily.
     "Joking, Mir. Cool your beans." I claim as I give him a small hug before grinning as I harshly punch his shoulder, making him give a hiss.

Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now