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♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

    I'm so tired. Those twenty minutes of sleeping on Nemuri were only like a teaser. I think with a yawn as I walk down the halls of UA in my uniform after going home and bathing after three days as I sip a cup of coffee. "Morn-"
    "(Y/N)!" My eyes widen in panic as Mina, Hanta, and Eijiro quickly rush over to me and pull me into a hug.
    "Hi guys," I greet with a smile as I return their hug.
    "Idiot." Katsuki tchs as he ruffles my (h/c) hair.

    "Did you find him, youngun?" I look over a little confused as I see Gran Torino still here.
    "Gran? You don't have to substitute today. I'm here and I'm only paying you for the days you subbed for me." I say to him and he laughs.
    "It's fun though. I've been running Midoriya to the bone!" He chuckles as he points to the boy doing push-ups while his dual-haired boyfriend sits on his back.
    "Uhhh....right. Anyway, thanks for doing this for me." I say to the man before paying him more than I said I was going to.

    "Kid," Gran Torino says a little annoyed. "You know not to overpay me." He states and I shrink a little before taking the back extra, making him nod happily. "Pleasure doing business wit you!" He says with a small laugh before he turns dramatically at the door. "Behave or I'll have your heads!" He says before he dramatically slams the door, making everyone flinch.
    "You can stop now, Midoriya," I say and hear a harsh thump and heavy breathing.
    "Izuku," I hear Shoto say. "are you okay?"
    "I'm fine, Shoto." Midoriya squeaks out and I laugh lightly.

    "Everyone to your seats," I say and hear many complaints from my classmates. "I know, I don't want to do this either," I say and hear a laugh.
    "I thought you saved Aizawa. Not turned into him." Katsuki states and I roll my eyes at him.
    "Har har. If you must know, it's because I'm tired, Katsu." I state before I look at Iida. "What all did he cover or did he mostly make you guys train?" I ask him and he quickly explains what Gran Torino did with them.
    "Okay. That makes it easier for me. I only have to grade one stack of papers tonight." I say mostly to myself before I get out papers about the next lesson. "Get out your notebooks and a pen or pencil," I say to them before they quickly get out their things.

    "Denki," I call to the blond who looks up after Eijiro slaps the side of his arm.
    "What?" He says annoyed and I almost flinch as a few memories run through my mind.
    "Put up your phone...please?" I request and he huffs before begrudgingly putting it away. "Thank you," I say and he waves it away before getting out his notebook and pencil.
    "Right...how to successfully track a person," I say before I smile lightly.


    "And that's why-" I stop speaking as my head lightly falls before I jerk it back up after almost hitting my head on the chalkboard. "Why you ask for details!" I say a bit surprised and get a few small laughs from my classmates.
    "(Y/n), maybe you should-"
    "No, I can teach, Iida," I say with a smile before lightly pinching myself before finishing the lesson right as the bell chimes for lunch. "Good work, guys." I to them before starting to pack up myself.

    "(Y/n)," I look up to see my friends looking at me worriedly. "When was the last time you slept, babe?" Mina asks and I pause for a moment from how tired I am.
    "Twenty minutes this morning," I say and they all look at me shocked.
     "How are you awake right now?" Hanta asks and I laugh louder than I mean to because of my sleep deprivation.
    "I don't know but it's not fun. At least I only have one more class to teach." I state before I yawn. "I need more coffee," I mumble before I stop at the door. "Well...are we going to lunch or not?" I ask and they nod before coming towards me. "Enjoy your lunch, Aayoma."
    "Oui, mademoiselle." The blond boy says after he finishes a sip of his wine glass before we leave.

Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now