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Can I marry all three of them?

Also if no one noticed, this story kinda has an American school schedule. I accidentally made it that way even though I didn't intend to.

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "You could pack this?~"
     I turn at Nemuri's coo and blush slightly. "Sorry, Nem. But I am not packing my lingerie. It's too showy for a sleepover." I explain and she laughs.
     "I always packed lingerie whenever I'd spend time with my friends in high school...now that I think about it, that's probably why most of the girls tried to hook up with me." She mumbled while tapping her chin with a finger.

     I roll my eyes lightly with a small laugh as I toss in a pair of sleep pants and an old shirt.
     "Can't you bring normal pajamas? Instead of these old ones that don't even match." Nemuri states and I smile lightly.
     "Comfort over good looks."
     "Fine then. If you don't pack a matching pair...I'll pack the lingerie."
     "Matching pajamas it is," I state before going back to my dresser and starting to sort through.

     "HEY MOM!"
     "DID YOU TAKE MY CAT PAJAMAS?" I yell my question as I head out of my bedroom.
     "YEAH! HERE-Oh, sorry babycakes." Mom says with a smile as she hands me the clothing. "Guess I accidentally put them in with mine when I was washing the clothes for you." She explains and I give a small laugh.
     "Don't worry. I would too." I reply with a smile before softly petting the sleeping Bubbles on the guest bed and then heading back to my bedroom. "You put it in there didn't you?"

    "You know me so well!" Nemuri claims happily and I give a small laugh as I walk in and take the lingerie out of my small bag before putting it back into my dresser compartment. "That's disappointing. Shota would've loved to see you in it.~" The woman coos and I blush slightly as zip up the large suitcase that I'll be taking for the school trip tomorrow morning.
     "Well, Sho can see me in it in the future if we get together."
     "Ah! Ah! Ah! When. When you two get together." She corrects and I laugh lightly.
     "Alright, alright. When we get together." I say and she nods firmly with a smile.

    "What if I don't want my little girl in a relationship again?" My dad claims with a smile as he leans against the doorway. "What if I rather you just stay a cat lady and only have Bubbles and maybe two more cats?" He states and I snort at the suggestion.
    "Shota has two cats." Nemuri chimes in and I give a small laugh before looking down at my feet as my father gives a slightly annoyed look.
     "Dad, if I get with Shota it'll be because I'm ready for a relationship again and if it's the right time," I reassure him as I go up and hug him. "One bad relationship doesn't mean that I'll have another one."  I explain and he sighs.

     "I just don't want you to have to go through what Kaminari put you through-"
     "Dad," I interrupt the black-haired man as he meets my gaze again. "Shota isn't like how Kaminari is now. I've known Shota for nearly the same amount of time I knew Kaminari. I trust Shota. He's not Kaminari." I explain and he looks at me debatingly before he nods with a silent sigh.
     "Okay, Pumpkin." He says before pulling me into a hug. "I trust you. I always will."

    I smile into the hug as I hold him closer before letting go. "The house will be here when I get back, right?" I ask before I smile. "You'll keep Mom out of the kitchen?"
     "I'm an OK cook, thank you very much." Mom states as she glares at me playfully while holding Bubbles. "Now hug your kitty before you leave him for nearly three weeks." She scolds and I smile at her before grabbing the tabby from her, the bell of my necklace jingling in response.

Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now