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Thanks, W0lv35-0f-L16h7so much for drawing the art for the chapter picture! You did absolutely amazing and I love it!



     This is boring already. I think in annoyance as I lean against the stage where Hizashi's still setting up a few things with his booth.
     "Can you hand me the yellow cable?"
     "Sure." I say as I hand him the cable. "How long did Nezu say we had to stay for?" I ask and he chuckles.
     "Ready to be home already, Sho?" Hizashi asks and I nod.

     "I never like these things. Nothing ever happens and I always just end up binge-reading the whole time while making sure no idiot's grinding on their partner." I scoff as I cross my arms. I have paperwork I could finish while Sleepy and Mic cuddle me. I think with an annoyed sigh.
The only thing worth being here is seeing (Y/n) in her dress. I haven't got to see it. I think with a small smile as a few Nemuri-like dresses go through my head. No, she wouldn't wear one of those kinds. I think as I shake my head to clear it. More of a princess dress...yeah. She'd look beautiful in one of those. I smile as I picture the girl in a soft (f/c) princess dress.

     "Shota!" I open my eyes as I look up at the familiar and sweet voice.
     My heart skips a beat as I see (Y/n) wearing a beautiful blue, gold, and white dress with her hair done nicely as she walks over. Wow. I think as I admire her as she gets closer.
    "Nice tux. No pink sweatpants this year?" She asks with a grin and I laugh.

    "You can thank Nemuri for making me dress out." I reply while I smile at her before I look around the room quickly. "Has anyone told you that you look gorgeous tonight?" I ask as I grab her hand and kiss her knuckles.
    "T-Thank you." (Y/n) stumbles a reply with a small blush on her cheeks. "You look very handsome yourself, Shota." She says and I give a soft smile.

    "Looking nice, (Y/n)!" Hizashi calls as he hops off the stage and smiles at her.
     "Thank you, Hizashi. You're looking snazzy yourself." The girl replies with a smile to him and he grins.
     "(Y/N)!" Nemuri calls as she walks over in a classic tight-fitting purple dress.
     "Nem!" (Y/n) calls back with a laugh as she hugs the woman who grins at me smugly. "I'll take her if you're not careful, Sho.~" She mouths and I shoot her with a glare before she releases the girl. "You look gorgeous! Tamaki did very great on your makeup. The gold matches perfectly with the dress!" Nemuri says with a grin to the girl.
    "Thanks. I like-"

    "SUNSHINE!" The booming shout of Bakugou echoes slightly in the gymnasium as the six third-years walk over.
     "Who picked (Y/n)'s dress?" Kirishima asks with a hopeful and determined look as he looks at Nemuri and Hizashi.
     "I got it off the dress rack. (Y/n)'s the one who decided to keep it." Hizashi states and Kirishima groans as Bakugou chuckles.
     "I told you, Ei. Sunshine wouldn't wear a dress that was revealing as Hooker wears." Bakugou states as he grins. "Now pay up." He continues as he holds out his hand.
    "Fine...meanie," Kirishima grumbles under his breath as he hands two hundred yen over to his partner.
    "Thank you, Handsome," Bakugou states as he walks away, giving a harsh smack to the redhead's rear as he leaves. "I'm going to grab a drink." He states as he walks away.

    "Come on, Babe! Let's go dance! Ladies first!" Ashido says as she grabs (Y/n)'s hand and starts dragging her away.
    "Oh! Bye! Talk to you guys later!" The (h/c) haired girl calls to us with a smile.
     "I better steal a dance before she takes Mina from me the whole night." Sero says with a laugh as he walks away with a small head nod towards us.

Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now