#8 - Ice cream

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"Woah- Aku-chan, Gin-chan. Your both amazing!" Y/N claps her hands in the air, praising the two kids, who was practicing and using their ability to protect their selves. But in fact, Gin has no ability, thats why Dazai and Chuuya teached them to practice some physical skills.

Right now, they were in the training place, in Port Mafia. It was 3 weeks ago, where Y/N tortured. Y/N found many people who was abandoned, hopeless, and lightless. But Luckily, Y/N gave them a light, hope, and family who was now in the Port Mafia. Y/N is like a savior to them.

Y/N is a good person, but when she spot her evil side, no one can ever bring her back to her good side.

"N/N-chan! Look what i found!" A soft familiar voice of someone spoked up.

(A/N : Im using Female pronounce on Yumeno Kyusaku, plus no one knows what's
her/he gender.)

"Wah! Meno-chan! This flower is beautiful." Y/N cried out, holding a F/C flower in her hand. Yumeno smiles cheerly and shouted, "Do you want some?" She giggled, Y/N smiles and nodded, happily.

"Okay! I'll Be back!" Yumeno shouted, running away. "Goodluck!" Y/N yelled to the kid who was finding some beautiful flowers.

"Wah! Today wa-s really tiresome." A familiar voice of Dazai spoked up. Y/N chuckled and nodded, "Say Dazai, do you want an ice cream?" Y/N asked, the tall brunette haired in front of her. Dazai shrug and looked at Chuuya who has been middle of teaching. Dazai shouted, "Oi Chuuya, were going to ge-t an ice cream!" Dazai snickered, sticking his tongue at Chuuya. Chuuya as always, he always scoffing around and groaning, but this time, "Mkay" He replied. Dazai and Y/N was shocked seeing Chuuya like that, Y/N eyes widened, and wanted to hug him for being a kind now, but they didn't knew this coming.

"Oi Mackerel, Y/N, the fuck are you doing?" Chuuya scoffed.

"I guess were wrong" Dazai and Y/N said in sync, with blank expressing on their faces.


"Ooh~! Meno-chan, Aku-chan, Gin-chan! Look there's a ice cream truck!" Y/N pointed out, with a happy expression on her face.

"Im going first!" Yumeno said while running away from them. Y/N gasp, and shouted, "thats not fair!" Y/N whines running to catch Yumeno.

"Y/N is an idiot" Chuuya scoffed. Dazai chuckled and smirked, "She's always." Dazai replied with a smile on his lips.

Chuuya looked at Y/N who was playing with the kids, Chuuya also smiles secretly.


"That was way too fun" Y/N was panting, sweating and tired from playing with the kids.

Right now, Dazai, Chuuya and Y/N were sitting on the bench with the three kids were playing in front of them. It has been 3 hours passed since they ditched the training. Y/N was licking her F/C ice cream.

The both two, Dazai and Chuuya, Looked at her licking ice cream, and quickly looked away. Y/N raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why are you both being weird, just now?" Y/N asked, still licking her F/C ice cream on the cone. Dazai and Chuuya sweat dropped, Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Ok-ay" Y/N replied.

"Y/N-chan! Lets play with us!" Gin invited Y/N to play with them. Y/N smiles and finished her ice cream, "Ha! Get ready to loose, sucker!" Y/N jumped out, playing with the kids.

Dazai snorted, "Language, chibi-chan~" Dazai replied.
Y/N eyes widened, and stopped playing. Y/N snapped out of it and bleh at Dazai. "Stop with your stupid jokes" Y/N continued playing with the kids. Dazai pout and sat back, watching them playing.

"Why don't you play too, Chuuya?" Dazai teased. Chuuya angrily scoffed and stood up, walking away from them.

"I'll be back." Chuuya swung his hand in the air, waving off. Dazai nod, and continue watching e'm. Y/N noticed that Chuuya was walking away,

"Neh~ kiddos. You can play with Dazai-chan too, y'know?" Y/N smiles, pointing at Dazai who waa busy watching them. Dazai eyes widened and smirks.

"YAAAY! LETS PLAY DAZAI-SAN!" The both three shouted, attacking Dazai in the back and in front, Dazai tickling them too.

People saw them playing and laughing, They were like a happy family, but people who was watching them, they don't even know what's of their backgrounds.

"I'll go somewhere, i'll be back too!" Y/N waved, smiling. Dazai knew what's gonna happen, so he waved back, "Okay, be careful!" Dazai warned the H/C girl, Y/N nodded happily. And followed Chuuya.


"I thought the only you can do is shout and tease." Y/N smirks, sitting beside Chuuya, who was currently in the tree. Chuuya's eyes widened as he saw Y/N was beside him. He couldn't help but to scoff.

"Of course, im a human too, y'know." Chuuya replied, with his normal tone. Y/N who was watching the sunset, with her H/C H/L hair flew away, her
E/C orbs were glowing, and her lips were curve into a smile. Chuuya blushed up a bit but he snapped out of it. Y/N noticed that he was struggling but instead of teasing him, she hugged him.

Chuuya's eyes widened, his cheeks were full of red tints of blush, "O-Oi, The fuck are you doing..." Chuuya mumbled angrily. Y/N pouts and hug him even more tightly. Chuuya was angry yet happy. He know that this girl beside him, hugging him that can be stupid in the ass sometimes, but when she saw one of her subordinate or friends of her, she would be able to comfort them.

Y/N is like a witch, yet a savior. A witch spells for everything she wants to, yet a savior who saves everything/everyone.

Thats what Chuuya likes about Y/N.

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