Moving on....or are you? 1/3

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So it's been a while since I updated. School life is hectic. That's all in the past. Finals are over and I'm on break starting today. So here we go.


Sara's POV

The incident that happened at Ashuan's house about a week ago was very embarrassing, but that was all in the past. I never really thought that I'd one day lie in his arms and kiss those sexy juicy lips of his. Yes I have imagined it, but I never thought it was possible with him all wrapped up into Melanie. Now that she’s gone, there’s no way I’m letting him go.  I am so much in love right now.

I was supposed to receive my menstrual period last week, but it didn't come. I was going crazy. Today it still isn't here yet. Am I pregnant? Even if I was, who was responsible? I slept with Rob before we broke up last month. I can't say it's Ashuan's, but could it be? I sat on my bed, thinking of what to do. 'Yes, I would abort it. No I couldn't possibly do that.' It would be murdering. I'm not that bad.

The curiosity was killing me. I just had to find out. Thus I went out and got a pregnancy kit. It felt so stupid buying it, but I had to officially find out. I couldn't keep guessing. I took the test. Positive. Not surprise. I wished so hard that it was Ashuan's. I called Rob and explained everything to him; he was totally cool with it. That's why we were still friends. He was always there whenever I needed him. He arrived few minutes later and we drove to Dr. Shay's office. "Well Rob, I'm sorry, but the baby is not yours," she said. I didn't know how I was supposed to feel. I felt neutral, but at the same time, relieved. Rob on the other hand was quiet throughout the whole ride back to my apartment. I looked over at his baby face to get a clue of what he was thinking about. Nothing. Looking at him, I thought about all the good times we had together. The days he would come to my house and cook for me whenever I was sick. The days when he would just sit there and listen to me talk or him saying things that would just brighten up my day. 'Come on girl, it's over.' I shook my head to get those foolish thoughts out of my head. Ashuan is the new chapter now. "Rob," I called him. No answer. "Robert." "Yea." "You ok?" "I'm fine." ‘You don’t sound fine.’ "Listen, I...I don't even know what to say." "It's ok. You don't have to say anything." In another word, "Please be quiet." I sat in the car for 30 more minutes. It was the longest 30 minutes of my life.

He dropped me home without another word. What else was I expecting? I wasn't worried about him though. I got into my condo and felt like I had to celebrate. I moved out from Patten's, so now I was all alone. No drinking, but that was ok. There were many other ways to celebrate; calling Ashuan was one of them. I dialed his number with a smile on my face.

Ashuan's POV      

She kept calling and I kept ignoring. Sarah was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. Ever since last week, I haven't had a clear conscience. I kept thinking what if. What if Mel finds out that I screwed her best friend? What if she got pregnant since we didn't use condoms? 'What if she did get pregnant, what would you do?' I hope she didn't. I couldn't think straight. Every time my phone biped, I was hoping that it would be Mel, but no, it had to be her. What does she even want from me? Wasn't she satisfied? I got so many texts from her, but I still kept ignoring her. She was a betrayer, unfortunately so was I. As the saying goes, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

Sitting here wasn't helping my situation at all. It only got worse. 'Get up and go to practice.' That damn conscience of mine. I got up and went to practice. I couldn't concentrate during practice with the guys. I kept missing the net. "Come on man, what's up?" My homie Cory asked. "Sorry guys, gotta bounce." I drove home hoping to rest my mind; instead, I opened the door and saw the devil himself. In this case, the devil herself. How did she even get in? "Surprise?" I walked passed her and went into the kitchen to grab a cup of orange juice. "What do you want?" "Ook, not exactly what I was expecting." "What do you want Sara?"

 "Dang, cool your temper. You don't wanna disturb the baby?" "Excuse me?" "You heard me right, I'm pregnant." 'Oh boy, this is trouble.' I spilled the juice and stood there with my eyes wide open. "Hhhhow?" "What do you mean how?" 'Dang, this is bad, really, really bad.' "Is this some kind of joke, because if it is, it isn't funny?”All jokes aside," she held her hands up as if surrendering. I couldn't deny it; Lord knows I slept with her. And I damn sure wasn't going to ask her to abort it. We sat down and she told me what happened in the hospital. "I knew it couldn't be Rob's because I saw my period after we broke up. Trust me, if you want a paternity test, I'm all for it." It was really hard to process the whole thing. I just lost the love of my life and now this. This was a double trouble. She leaned towards me and traced my side burns with her fingers, "Now come on baby, don't look like that. We're supposed to celebrate!" Celebrate? How the hell was I supposed to celebrate when I just threw away the slightest chance of Melanie and me ever getting back together? Can this get any worse?

Two weeks later, my question was answered. At the sound of my door bell, I opened the door and there she was, standing with her luggage. "Uhh what's going on here?" "A little help would be good." Like the gentleman I was, I helped her. 'Damn, this is heavy.' She took her luggage straight into the bedroom I once shared with Mel. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" 'You better pray Mel doesn't meet you here, that is if she ever comes back.' This girl was crazy. "Ok Sara, sit down and tell me what's going on." "Look, I know I should've asked you first, but we're having a baby and I refuse to take care of this baby alone." "You're right and I accept full responsibility." My life is a real lifetime movie. I walked out the room and went into the guest room.

I stayed there throughout the whole night, well mostly. I couldn't sleep. In my deep thoughts, I felt a presence. I opened my eyes and there she was standing with lingerie that resembled Mel's. 'Damn, am I being punished here or what?' I sat up and just sat there. "What is it Sara?" She walked towards the drawers and picked up a photo of Mel. Everything that was in this room is the way Mel left it. I haven't packed some of her things she left nor did I change anything. I wanted to still be able to feel her presence in times like this. She sat next to me. "Listen Ashuan, I know this is hard on you, but baby you gotta move on. People come and go in our lives. We're expecting and that's all that matters at this point," She got up and held my hands, "I'm waiting for you in the room," then walked away. 'She's right; better go take care of your responsibility.' I got up and walked into the master bedroom.


Sara is really something else. Anyways I'm glad I finally got this uploaded so enjoy while I upload some more. TCHOAS

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