Moving on...or are you? 2/3

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My goal for this week is to upload at least 3 parts, but I've decided to do everything this evening because I'm going to be busy later. This is part 2 of 3 of Moving on... or are you? Enjoy


Sara’s POV

       Finally, we’re together at last. I have to admit, it was sort of difficult at the beginning. The first week I moved in, he would not even touch me. He took some pillows and used them as a border between our bodies. Isn’t that funny? Now everything was normal. He buys be beautiful red roses whenever he travels and he holds me in his arms like I’m the only woman on earth. It makes me feel really good. Every minute of every day, I fall deeply in love with Ashuan Michael William.  It’s a really good feeling and I want to hold on to it for as long as I can, hopefully forever. ‘Get over your fantasies and come back to reality Sara.’ That conscience of mine always has to ruin things. Of course I knew he wasn’t with me for me but for the baby, but I think he’s developing feelings as the months progresses. I’m 4 months on now and my belly is out. I have to admit, pregnancy fits me. I work out every day, eat right, and take plenty of rest.

       Before my stomach even got bigger, I did a lot of research regarding pregnancy. People said that you would be moody, have morning sicknesses, and that you would lose your appetite the minute you even get one, but it’s different for me. I’m always happy, but I do eat a lot though.

     Every time Ashuan and I go out, we would always be hand in hand. It feels really good. If this was a dream, I wish never to wake up.

Melanie’s POV

   After leaving town, I really didn’t think that I was going to come back, but here I was opening the door to my apartment four months later.  ‘Welcome back Mel.’ Honestly, it felt really good to be in my house, technically Trey’s house, but he left it in my hands since he traveled. I went upstairs to my room, dropped my bags on the floor, took off my clothes, and took a hot bubble bath. ‘Ahhh feels so good.’ I really needed this.

      Sitting in the bathtub, I listened to all my messages. “Message from Ashuan on December 1: Hey Mel, I know you probably need your space right...” Next. “Message from Ashuan...” Next. Dang, all my messages were from him.  I tilted my head backward, closed my eyes, and relaxed. I felt content. ‘This is just what I needed.’  About an hour later after my water started to get cooler, I got out the tub and wore a comfortable sundress. My stomach grumbled. ‘Just in time.’ I thought as I headed to the fridge, but there were no food. I grabbed my keys and headed to DFM.

  I purchased a gallon of milk, some cheese, veges, fruits, peppers, eggs, a box of pancake mix, a box of flour, and all the other necessities. Just when I was walking to my car, Ashuan and Sara passed by, hand in hand. I don’t think she noticed me, but he did. I continued walking as if I didn’t care, but he turned around and watched me as I walked away. I got into my car and allowed the emotions to spill. Of course I still loved him. Ashuan was my first. First love. First kiss. The man that took my virginity away. On my way to Georgia, I heard some rumors regarding him and her, but I never suspected it to be true. The most shocking part was that she looked like she was four and half months gone in her pregnancy. I was angry, furious, sad, upset, and I just wanted to hurt someone or something. I couldn’t believe what I just saw.  I got a grip of myself and drove home to make me some omelet and watched back to back episodes of Tyler Perry’s For Better or Worse, but I cried through all the episodes because I was deeply hurt by two people I loved and cared about.

    The next day, I stopped by Patten’s house, hoping to see Sara herself. “Hey girl, what’s up?” Patten greeted me cheerfully as I walked in. “Nothing much, Sara home?” “Sara?” she laughed. “That girl moved out immediately after you left town.” “Really?” “Yea, so tell me what’s up? What happened to you? How you doing?” “Dang, one question at a time and I’m fine.” I teased as I shook my head. “That’s good, you hungry?” “No, I ate something on the way. Mastering my voice and facial expression I carefully asked. “So are the rumors true?” “What rumors?” “Come on Patten, I’m talking about Sara and Ashuan. Is it true?” “Mel, you’re my girl, but you know me well. When it’s not my business I don’t put my hands into it.” I was really hoping that she would tell me, but that’s Patten for you.

    “Well,” I got up, “I have to go.” ‘She wasn’t giving me what I came here for, so why stay?’ “So soon, I hope I didn’t drive you away.” “Oh no, I was heading somewhere when I stopped by to say hello.” “Ok then, welcome back Mel. I really missed you.” “Same here.” “Call me.” “Ok.”  W hugged and I was out. I got into my car and sat down for a while. If the rumors were true, then I hope for nothing but the best for them. If she is what he wanted, then I wouldn’t get in their way. With thoughts in mind and my mood slightly depressing, I drove home.

Ashuan’s POV

 After seeing Mel two days ago, I couldn’t think straight. I wanted to stop her and see how she was doing. She looked more beautiful than ever. I knew she saw Sara and her belly, but Sara didn’t even notice her. Thank goodness. Now my life is a real lifetime movie, where the best friend stills her best friend’s boyfriend, few months later the best friend comes back to town to find out the she was pregnant. If this was a movie, they better call it ‘A Complicated Story’. My life was complicated, no doubt about it. I don’t know what to do anymore, just when I was trying to build a relationship with Sara and things were starting to work out, Melanie shows up and the cravenness in my soul that yearns for her intensifies just like werewolf mates feel when they first lay eyes on each other.

   I couldn’t sleep; I just kept thinking about her and what would happen if she and Sara came face to face.  I was really stressed out that even Sara took noticed.

         After practice one day, I came home with movie snacks and turned on a movie for Sara and me to watch. “Baby, the movie is starting.” She came downstairs with her boy shorts on and her belly poking out under her pink tank top. ‘I’m going to be a father soon.’ I looked at her and smiled sincerely. I was truly happy, but a part of me wished I was with Melanie instead. Sara glowed with her pregnancy and that alone made me smile even more. She sat on my lap and we started watching a movie where an ex comes back to murder her best friend because she stole her boyfriend. ‘Wow, doesn’t this sound familiar?’ “Baby, I gotta go to the bathroom,” Sara said. “Ok, hurry up.” She kissed me and walked into the restroom. Three minutes later, I heard a loud piercing scream. I ran to the bathroom as I yelled. “Sara, Sara, are you ok?” I reached the bathroom in seconds and there stood Melanie pointing a gun at Sara. Shock rooted me in my spot but I quickly shook my head. “Melanie, please don’t do this.” Her face showed dark emotions that scared me and I didn’t know what do as I heard her words. “What? Don’t do what? Kill a betrayer?” I took a step toward her with my hands extended, palms up. “Mel, please, she’s carrying a child.” “O no, I never noticed. Damn it Ashuan, I was supposed to carry your first born.” She said angrily.  “Mel, please. Just put down the gun.” “Shut up, just shut up!” She shouted. “You drove me into this Ashuan and you,” she pointed the gun toward Sara, “I trusted you. I treated you as the sister I never had, and what did you do? You turned around and stabbed me in the back. How could you?” Sara kept sobbing. “Shut up and answer me.” “I’m ssssory Mel. Please forgive me.” “Oh I’m way past forgiveness.” “Say your last prayer.” Pow (sound of a gun). “Nooooooooooo.” “What, baby what?” Thank goodness it was only a dream. I woke up with sweat on my face. “Baby, what’s wrong?” “Mel, Melanie…gun…you…baby.” “I don’t understand baby. What about Melanie?” “You…gun...” “Ok, it’s just a dream. Come here.” We slept with me holding her in my arms just to calm down.

       I couldn’t sleep after what happened last night. I was worried and I did not allow Sara to leave my sight, I just couldn’t bear losing her or the baby. ‘Man, did you just say that?’ Lord, please help me. 

*****************************************************************************Ashuan is really in a tough situation right now. The more I write this story, the more I wonder, "Is Sara wrong for what she did or did Melanie have a hand in it?"

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