Anonymous call

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 Ashuan's POV

  I wasn't sleeping when she got up. She kept pacing back and forth, looking at me in a strange way. I wanted to get up and comfort her, but I also wanted her to figure out whatever was on her mind. Mel is an independent, dramatic, and a kind hearted woman. I love everything about her. The way her face glows when she smiles and the way her long legs split apart when she walks.

      20 minutes later, she was still pacing and biting her nails. I sat up, but she didn't notice me. "Baby," I called out. No response. I called her name three more times, still no response. I sat there for a while more until she noticed my presence. "Hey, you're up?" "Yea, I couldn't sleep. Come here," I reached out my hand, "What’s wrong?" "Nothing, I'm just........I'm just thinking." "About?" "Nothing, let's just go to bed." She got off my lap and went on her side of the bed. That was really strange.

       Since I didn't get a chance to spend yesterday with Mel, I decided today that I would take her out and spend the rest of the day with her. I woke up with a smile on my face and stretched my arm towards her. She wasn’t there. I got up slowly and checked in the bathroom. No Mel. ‘Maybe she’s in the kitchen.’ I checked, she wasn’t there. I called her phone, “Hey this is Melanie, sorry I missed your call. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.” So I guess my plan failed.

      As I was getting ready to step in the showers, my phone rang. Assuming it was Mel, I didn't even check the caller I.D. “Hey baby." "Oh stop flattering me," an unknown voice spoke from the other line, "Anyways I wanted to give you a heads up." "Who's this?" "Not important at this time. A little birdie told me that your relationship isn't going as smoothly. I know why." "Why?" "Well another birdie saw your woman hanging out and kissing another man.""What?" “You heard me the first time. In case you're wondering who the man is, it’s DE." "What?" "Gotta go, bye." Click. I can't believe this; it's not true is it? Maybe that's why she was acting like that last night. All types of assumptions came to mind. How could she do this to me? For goodness sake I love her and I've never done anything to hurt her, at least not intentionally. Should I confront her? What do I do? I was confused as hell.

    Ever since the phone call 3 hours ago, I’ve been pacing back and forth, thinking of ways to confront her. I didn't want to come out as if I'm accusing her of cheating because the caller might have been lying. Few hours later, she came home while I was watching a game. I couldn't go anywhere; I wanted us to talk through things and to actually know where our relationship was going. "Hey baby,” she said and sat on my lap. I wanted all the tension in my body to disappear, but it just wouldn't. ‘What if the caller was right?’ I kept thinking. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing." I slid her off my lap and walked out of the house. Don't blame me, if you were in my position, you're probably would've ended up yelling at her. I went out for a jog to get fresh air. Upon jogging, I took a short cut and passed by the place where Mel and I first met. I love coming here. It brought back so many memories.


     I just got out the shower, getting ready to go to a college cook out that my friends insisted I go to. Just when I was putting on my shirt, my boy Derek called me. “Hey man, you still going?”  “Yea.” “Good, open the door. I’m outside.” Yap, that’s Derek, he never gives people heads up first. I opened the door and quickly got dressed. The whole drive to the beach, I thought about what would happen. When we finally arrived, I parked in the seniors section. As I got out my car, I saw this beautiful lady walking right in front of us with her friends, wearing a beautiful two piece swimming suite that were blue and red. 

       At first site, I knew she was the one. Don’t ask me how, but I could tell and feel it.  The way she laughed at her friends’ jokes made me smile. Her skin was smooth and she had the most gorgeous and captivating smile in the world. I couldn’t stop looking at her when I bumped into a couple making out, “Hey man, watch it,” the guy shouted. I muted everyone out but her. “Hey man….hey…bro...” my boy called out. I couldn’t hear anyone else because I was spellbound by her laugh. It floated through the air like a melody. Derek tapped me on the head, “YEA, YEA, WHAT?” “Man, you’ve really lost it.”

        Getting back into reality, Derek and I walked towards the rest of the guys. Luckily, she was sitting right next to us with her friends and I could easily hear their conversation. Her phone vibrated. “I’m going to the restroom,” she told her friends. That was my cue to follow her. As she got up, I gathered my courage and walked after her. “Excuse me,” I called, but she just kept walking. ‘Wow, looks like one of those hard to get ones,’ I thought to myself. I cleared my throat quite loudly and she turned around finally noticing me. “Huh, are you talking to me?” “Yes,” “I’m sorry, I was on the phone.” “No problem. Hi, I’m Ashuan, Ashuan Williams.” I extended my hand towards her.  “I’m Melanie, but you can call me Mel.” “Nice to meet you.” “Same here. I’m sorry but I have to go,” she pointed to the restroom. “Yea, yea, go ahead.”

      As she walked I noticed something odd. She looked fragile, almost on the verge of crying. I waited around to see if she was ok. “Hello, yea I can hear you…Would you please stop yelling...No baby I’m not messing around…..Yes, yes… Noooo...Baby just listen please….Hello, hello…” I heard her conversation with someone on the phone. After the phone call ended, I heard her crying. At the sound of that, my heart cringed at her tears and I wanted to comfort her.  I felt that I needed to protect her and to be there for her. From that moment, I knew she was going to be mine forever and I vowed to love her through thick and thin. (End of flashback)

Standing on this same beach five years later really made me realize how far we’ve come.

Melanie’s P.O.V.

      I’ve been lying in bed for almost two hours, waiting for Ashuan to come home. I don’t know what happened or what I did. Just when I was about to leave and go look for him, he came into the house. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you,” I said. “I’m fine, I just stepped out.”  Here I was worried sick and he’s telling me “I’m fine, I just stepped out,” What the heck does he take me for? “Well I can clearly see that you’re fine. Good night, I’m going to bed.”

       Ughh boys can be so arrogant sometimes. As I turned around, he grabbed me by the waist and started kissing my neck, “I’m sorry, I just needed air.” “Next time please tell me.” “I can show you better than I can tell you.” Ha-ha, “You’re just too much.” He picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. I pushed him down into the bed and started teasing him. Oh boy, it was getting really hot in the room. I started giving him love bites from his belly button all the way to his lips.  I kissed him once. Twice. I traveled to the ears. I nibbled on them for a while, and then went back to his sexy juicy lips. He swiftly switched us around and ended up being on top of me. 

        We kissed passionately until our breathings were hatchet. Just as he started taking off my shirt, I said, “Baby?” “Hmmm?” “Not tonight.” Mood killer, I know. But hey can you blame me? We’re not really on a good path right now; I wanted to wait first until we really settled everything because I don’t want our relationship to be based on only sex.  Besides, I wanted to punish him for leaving me hanging for two hours. He got off me slowly and laid down face front next to me. “So here’s a question,” he started, “Have you been hanging out with DE lately?”  “Uhmm, yeaa. Baby I know you two have your differences, but he’s my friend and…and I just can’t deny him my friendship because of what happened between you two. He’s my friend and I love him.”

(THIS IS MAINLY Melanie’s P.O.V., but I wanted to include Ashuan’s so yall can know what he’s thinking.)

Love? Did she really just say that she loves him? My heart was broken and I was mad as hell. I can understand the part where she wasn’t in the mood, but to say that she loved another man was unreasonable. How can she love someone who has absolutely no respect for women? Someone who uses them like tissues and dumps them like a piece of shit. Damn it Mel, you have driven me to the edge.

(Ok, now back to Melanie’s P.O.V.)

“OK, goodnight.” That was all he said. It wasn’t as if I said the wrong thing. Gosh, sometimes I feel like I don’t understand him.


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