Baby On Board

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After a long wait, here you go. Enjoy!!!


5 months later

"Baby you can’t go," I whined.

 "Come on Mel, we've discussed this already, the coach wants all his star players to be present."

"For a whole month?"

"Unfortunately yes."

 "But that's not fair,” I said pouting.

"I know baby," he replied kissing me.

"Well can I come?"

"I wish you could, but you know the drill." I do understand that when you play professional basketball that traveling is a necessity, but in my condition, I just didn’t want him to leave. About a week or two ago, he was informed that he had to be in DC for a month because the team has something important over there. I was informed what it was, but I forgot. As he was zipping up his suitcase, I blocked it with my arms, "Come on baby," he pleaded.

"No," I said shaking my head side to side. He looked at me for a while and then that charming to die for smile revealed itself. He placed me on his laps and he slowly kissed me. At seven months pregnant, we were a little bit limited, but we never allowed such limitations to step in the way. He gently placed me on the bed as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Can you stay now?" I whispered against his lips.

 "I wish I could," he replied. I was a little sad, but not for long. People say that having sex while pregnant is hard, which I would fully testify to; however it is exciting to me. Just to protect my baby's mind, I won’t go into too many details. All I can say is that he missed his flight and had to take another one. The rest is history.

After Ashuan left this evening, I made myself a cup of tea and sat to watch some old Christmas series on Hallmark. I watched over three movies while sitting in the same spot. There was nothing to do.

We were still living in two different places. At times such as this, I would spend the night over here and other nights he would be over there, but in the spear room. I respected Trey too much therefore I refrained myself from having sex in his house. I know it sounds silly, but that was my way of showing gratitude to Trey without him knowing. With so much thought of Trey, I decided to call him. On the first ring, a female answered, "Hello?" She said. I felt a tiny tug in my stomach. Of course I wanted him to be happy and move on, but it'll take just a little bit of getting used to. "Hi, is Trey there?" I managed to ask. "Ye...'why did you answer my phone'” I heard him say in the background. ‘Deng, you don't have to be so rude' she replied. "Hello," he said. "Hey stranger," I greeted with an unseen smile.

"Melanie?" He said surprise.

"The one and only."

 "How are you?"

"Well, let's just say that I am 40 pounds heavier and that my boobs look like watermelon, beside that, I’m fine." That brought a big laugh from him, which made me laugh.

"I’m sure you don’t look as bad as you’re making it sound."

"Wait till you see," it got quiet. I didn’t know what else to say. "How is your dad?" I managed to ask.

"Stronger than ever."

 "That’s nice."

"Yea." Silence.


"How’s Ashuan?"

 "He’s ok; he actually left few hours ago for DC."

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