No More

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Just quickly, I don't normally recommend songs to listen to alongside my stories, but I was listening to Soho by Bert Jansch and John Renbourn while writing this and I feel like it fits the last scene weirdly well, if anyone cares to check it out.


It was a hard journey from the Eyrie to Riverrun, made even harder by how Ross insisted on pushing to get there as fast as possible. They rose at dawn and rode all day with very few breaks, and only made camp when it became too dark to ride any further.

When they arrived at Harrenhal - and gods, she still hated that place - Ross immediately began to search the courtyard from the back of her horse. She saw Ren, her husband, Loreon, Giana, Jaime, Tyrion, Robb, even - seven hells, was that Arya? But her daughter was conspicuously missing. 

It was as though all her worst fears were confirmed. Her greetings to the rest of her family - even Arya, who had been missing, presumed dead since Ned had died, along with Robb's new Frey wife Marianne - were rather distracted as a result.

"Where is your sister?" She turned to Ren rather accusingly. He grimaced.

"Sulking," He said. "She wanted to go on a ride outside the castle yesterday afternoon, but Lord Bolton wouldn't permit it. For once I agree with the man, it's not safe. She threw a tantrum and stormed off to her chambers. I believe Brienne went with her,"

"Has she not come out since then?" Ross asked, frowning. "What about meals?"

"Brienne had them brought up for her," He shrugged. "She's definitely in there, if that's what you're worried about. I spoke to her through the door this morning, and an hour ago when we knew you were coming,"

"Alright," She said slowly, something about the whole situation making her uneasy. "I'll talk to her later,"

The whole castle was making her uneasy. Everything was so huge that she herself felt small, yet at the same time she felt trapped, despite there being a ridiculous amount of open space within the walls. Perhaps the walls were the issue, being so thick, looming overhead but still dwarfed by the gargantuan towers, blackened and melted from dragonfire in ways that stone should never be.

"My lady," The quiet voice of Roose Bolton was heard behind her and she turned to face her husband. "I trust your journey was untroubled?" For a moment she though that his pale eyes could somehow see through the layers of fabric she wore to the slight curve of her stomach, then quickly realised that was impossible.

"Yes, thank you my lord," She said, seeing Jaime glancing their way over his shoulder. It struck her that this was the first time he had seen her beside her husband. 

"And what of your exploits in the Vale?" He asked. "Were they successful?"

"Yes, my lady, I'd like to hear that too," Loreon had approached, Jaime, Tyrion and Giana in tow. A gaggle of Lannisters. She noticed how Robb tensed slightly at the man's presence - Arya was shooting him a death glare - and realised what a strange collection of people this was.

"That depends what you mean by successful. Petyr Baelish tried to stab me, which wasn't the best of outcomes. But then I got there first," She said, amused by the raised eyebrows and incredulous looks surrounding her. "He's dead and the Vale is in the hands of Elbert Arryn, which I suppose was a good turn of events," 

"Gods, are you hurt?" Giana Banefort asked in concern.

"Some Lannister you are," Jaime muttered, in keeping with his character to everyone here. Robb glared at him.

"He got my arm," Ross shrugged. "Although he was aiming for my stomach,"

"Was it necessary for you to kill him, my lady?" Tyrion asked delicately. "Not that I give two shits about the man, but has this strained connections in the Vale at all?"

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