A Living Statue

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They walked together in the cold winter morning, mist in the air and frost on the ground, the golden young Kingsguard in his white cloak and the tall, thin lady in a grey gown. An odd pair, he admitted it himself. Since the morning in the yard, Jaime had been seeing more of the Stark girl. Somehow, she was the best company in this wretched place.

Ross suited this weather, and looked more at home out here in the frozen Godswood than she ever had in the Red Keep. He thought she would like it out here; they both needed it that morning. For Jaime, it had just been a shit end to a shit night standing guard outside the Queen's chambers whilst the King brutally assaulted her. For Ross, she had been dragged out of bed at dawn to witness yet another burning. He'd seen the dread in her eyes as he escorted her from her chambers, and as he led her out of the hall again afterwards he had felt her shaking under his arm ever so slightly. She was only fifteen, after all. It was easy to forget. He himself was less than a year her senior. He felt decades older than sixteen, after only a few months in King's Landing.

Not that any vulnerability showed in front of the King. Despite Aerys taking great joy in belittling her in front of the court - anything from her looks to her family to her faith in the Old Gods - her stony mask had remained the whole time. A living statue.

"No," Ross said to his question. "Not a chance,"

"I saw you dance with your brother and sister at Harrenhal," Jaime grinned.

"They dragged me up there,"

She seemed calmer already, having come out here. The bitingly cold air felt fresh and cleansing after the stifling heat, choking smoke and putrid stench of burnt flesh, which still lingered in the throne room even when there wasn't a pyre burning.

Jaime himself was suddenly in a much lighter mood. "Oh, is that all it takes?" He made a lunge for her, laughing as she dodged out of the way.

"I'm not dancing for you, you fool," She insisted, though bit back a smile as he advanced towards her, backing away.

"With me, Ross, with me. Many a beautiful maiden in the Seven Kingdoms would kill for such an invitation from me," He didn't think she was used to men like him asking her to dance. Or anyone, really; she wasn't exactly the type to inspire admirers, with her stiff manner and sharp tongue, which many would find intimidating.

"Do you hear yourself?" She shook her head, entirely unimpressed. "Gods, you Lannisters are arrogant. I'd kill to get you to leave me alone,"

He had to laugh. "It's alright if you're an awful dancer, Ross, you don't have to be bashful. I'm good enough for both of us,"

"Seven hells,"

He lunged at her mockingly, laughing as she leapt back.

"No, don't you dare," She tried to escape again, but this time he grabbed her easily by both forearms, as she struggled. "Surely this counts as harrassing a lady. Jaime!"

His name sounded strangely endearing in her northern accent.

"Let yourself go for once," He said, spinning her round in a circle several times, made clumsy by her unwillingness to move, and her muttered curses. "Gods, you're stubborn,"

A wicked glint in his eye, he suddenly grabbed her around the waist, hoisting her in the air and spinning her round. He got the pleasure of hearing her give a highly uncharacteristic shriek as her feet left the ground, and after three full turns set her down, grinning as she stumbled against him from dizziness.

"Steady there, Lady Stark,"

"Don't do that,"

He wasn't expecting her to turn right around and shove him so hard he staggered, catching him off guard before another shove pushed him clean over. Before he fell, out of instinct he grabbed at her again, pulling her down with him into an ungainly heap. They both lay there for a moment in a stunned silence, before Jaime started laughing.

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