A Stark Of Winterfell

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Ross thought the worse had happened when Lyanna was kidnapped. The idea of her bold, vibrant sister being snatched away by that awful Prince made her blood boil, especially that she could do absolutely nothing about it. She remembered Lyanna racing through the Wolfswood on horseback, so vivid and alive, and could not stomach the idea of her in the claws of Rhaegar. She could barely think on it without the urge to steal a horse and just try to get out of here, this place that was driving her mad.

When Brandon had come riding through the gates of the Red Keep, she foolishly thought that everything would be alright again. Ross had run to him as he yelled for Rhaegar to come out and die, imploring that Rhaegar wasn't here, that he couldn't talk like that in Aerys' court, but her brother barely had time to return her embrace before Targaryen guards were pulling them apart, dragging her brother and his friends to the Black Cells.

The King had come to her chambers for the first time that night. Ross knew then that her brother was as good as dead; if Aerys cared about making an enemy of House Stark, he would not have violated their eldest daughter. She had been a maiden, but that had hardly mattered. Her future marriage prospects were the least of her concerns at the moment.

Jaime Lannister had found her in the Godswood, after. At first, the idea of him knowing what had happened - the idea of anyone knowing - had made her want to scream, because that made it all the more real. But he had been... not quite kind, but far more understanding than she expected a knight to be. Angry too, on her behalf, without showing pity, which she was grateful for. In truth, it had shaken him, she could tell from the look in his eyes. Both of them were considerably less naive than when they had arrived in King's Landing, but what had been done to her had shocked him.

Ross could have wept at the sight of her father being shown into the throne room, escorted by a retinue of Stark guards. He had been summoned when Brandon had been imprisoned, and despite every rotten thing that had happened, she had dared to hope. Surely now he was here, he would take her away from this awful place. Father would sort this whole mess out, he was a Lord Paramount, stern and respected. Brandon would be released, Lyanna would be returned, and Ross would get to go home from this living hell.

Brandon was dragged up from the cells to witness their father's audience with the King. Having been in the Black Cells for weeks, he was looking worse for wear, but that only served to enhance the feral, furious glint in his eye. Ross was stood at the front of the hall, near to where the guards held him in chains. Jaime, on duty as the Kingsguard, was stood only a few feet away.

"What did you do to her?" Brandon demanded, upon seeing Ross' injuries.

Ross had worn a high-necked, long-sleeved gown, but her face was still a mess. She ignored her brother's question, as did everyone else. She would rather he never find out.

But then their father was here, and court fell silent.

"Your Grace, I am willing to overlook the abduction of my daughter Lyanna by your son, the Prince Rhaegar, if she is returned at once, and you are willing to overlook the transgressions of my son Brandon, releasing him and both of my daughters to return North with us," Rickard Stark said, in the tone that no one ever argued with.

Aerys was watching like a malevolent demon from on top of the throne, purple eyes beady and wicked. He did not say a word.

"Though, I must enquire," Her father continued at the King's silence, a note of anger in his voice. "As to the state of Lady Rosennis, who was entrusted to your care yet looks as though she has recently survived a fight with a wild beast,"

She wished he had not asked, refusing to look anywhere but the floor, certainly not meeting her father's stare.

Finally, Aerys spoke. "Brandon Stark threatened the life of a Prince of House Targaryen," He said, delighting in every word. "He will stand trial and pay for his crimes. It is Rhaegar's right as the blood of the dragon to have any woman he wishes. Lyanna is his, if he will keep her - if not, you can have her back. As for Rosennis," He smiled, and Ross wanted to vomit. "I will keep her,"

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