Experience And Innocence

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"Theon Greyjoy," Ross' sharp voice rang out across the yard. Most eyes turned her way, including those of the dark-haired, ever-amused youth. "A word," Theon's smile was as infuriating as ever as he made a show muttering something to his pretty female companion as he swaggered over to her. It was evening, after dinner, and the man had likely had more than a little to drink.

"Lady Bolton," He said. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" When she first met him, Greyjoy had been a boy of ten, resentful of being taken from his home, but full of bravado even then. Over the course of her visits to Winterfell several times a year, she had seen him grow into a handsome young man, skilled with a bow, who was one of her nephew's closest friends. He had fought at Robb's side during every battle, but that didn't mean Ross trusted him.

"Walk with me," She said shortly, and, though he looked briefly irritated at having to leave his little serving wench, Theon kept that amused smile on his face and fell in step beside her, as they moved towards the stairs leading up to the battlements. "I trust Robb has told you of where he means to send you?" She had been meaning to have this conversation for a while, and as she was to leave Riverrun for the Reach the next morning, now was as good a time as any. 

"He has," Theon nodded as they began to climb, the fast-fading light making their shadows long. "To treat with my father on Pyke. What of it, my lady? You don't look so pleased by the prospect,"

"Not pleased would be an understatement," 

"Why?" His lips curled. "Is it the choice of envoy that displeases you?"

"Sending any envoy would displease me," Ross said. "Perhaps foolishly, when my nephew brought up the matter of treating with your father, I told him that Balon Greyjoy would send back the head of any man he sent," She glanced at the man beside her. "To which he suggested sending you instead," 

"You think I'd betray Robb the moment I return to the Iron Islands, is that it?" His eyes narrowed as they neared the top of the stairs, the wind suddenly hitting them from between the battlements. 

"Perhaps," She eyed him carefully, turning her head so her long, loose hair was blown behind her as they walked along the walls, rather than whipping around her face. "I truly couldn't say, though I know what I'd do if it came to a choice between my family and my friend," That was why Jaime was still locked in a cell. "Honestly, it matters little. One more man on Greyjoy's side would hardly make a difference in the end, aside from Robb's hurt feelings," It might even make him listen to me more often. "No, what concerns me is that your father would never ally with the son of one of the men that drove him to his knees," And my nephew does not seem to see that.

"What is your point?" He had the nerve to look bored.

"You're going to have to make a choice," Ross said coldly. "You will arrive on Pyke and your father will throw Robb's terms in your face. Perhaps he will even attack the North out of spite. Like as not, he's been planning such a move ever since he heard we were marching south anyway,"

"You can't know that," Theon raised an eyebrow, still not taking her seriously. "You've never met my father, you've never been to the Iron Islands, and you've never fought a war. How can you be so certain, my lady?"

"I know hate," Was her reply. "I know what it's like to be humiliated, broken, forced to kneel, knowing that no matter what you do, any move you make, you'll be crushed as easily as stepping on a beetle. Your father has been simmering in rage and resentment for ten years. You don't let go of hate like that, least of all take favours handed carelessly out," 

"It's no small favour that Robb is offering," He said. "He's giving my father a crown," Ross smiled bitterly. 

"Giving," She said pointedly. "I don't pretend to be familiar with the ways of the Ironborn - nor should you, given you haven't seen Pyke in ten years - but I would not take kindly to anything given to me by the family that killed two of my sons, no matter how great a gift it may be. It's a matter of pride, and I can safely say that the man who crowned himself King of the Iron Islands and thought he could beat the combined might of the Seven Kingdoms is more prideful than I. So yes, I do know that you will have to choose between him and Robb," There was a silence. The smile had finally dropped from Theon's face. He stopped walking, and so did she.

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