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So as a recent comment pointed out, it's been nearly two years, which is such a scary thought. I can only apologise, and don't really have an excuse because I've been updating my other works. In true ASOIAF fashion, I pretty much wrote myself into a corner with this one (GRRM I can relate!) and it's the worst writer's block I've ever experienced. Since last updating The Long Winter, my writing style has changed so much (for the better, I hope), and having reread some of the earlier chapters there would have to be a whole story edit (which I highly doubt I have time for but who knows maybe in the distant future) for me to actually finish. If it helps, there were only 4 chapters left. Below I have summarised my notes on what I wanted to happen in this story and how all the characters ended up, to give some deserved closure to everyone who enjoyed reading and left such kind comments. And at the end there is a little snippet of Ross and Jaime because I do love writing those two. I hope you enjoy and thanks so much to all my readers.


Chapter 49: Ren POV

Ross reacts to Jon's Targaryen parentage badly due to her past trauma; this is something she is aware she has to fight to get over for Jon's sake but causes some tension. 

In the previous chapter, Bran revealed that Ross died; Ren picks up on this and asks her about it.

Ren gets closer to Daenerys; he quite likes her as a person, but doesn't care for her in the same way she fancies him, and leads her along for political gain (they eventually sleep together). Jaime and Loreon are amused by this. Ross is decidedly not. Ren practices warging Drogon but still can't do it.

Jon is stuck. He needs the dragons to kill the Others, but the dragons can't cross the Wall. Then if the Others are defeated, he needs to kill the dragons to reinstate the balance between fire and ice, without starting a war with Daenerys. He discusses this dilemma with Ross, Loreon and Ren.

Throughout this chapter, Euron is acting suspicious. A tense conversation between him and Ross occurs where she realises he is not entirely on their side. She grudgingly goes to Daenerys and the girl shares her concerns, still despising Euron for stealing one of her dragons with the horn. They become reluctant allies in this.

Tommen and Tywin arrive at the Wall on a ship. Interactions between Ren and Tywin.


Chapter 50: Gianna POV

Shireen and Tyrion hold King's Landing in the absence of Tywin and Tommen. fAegon, left on Dragonstone to hold it in Dany's name, goes rogue and tries to attack the capital without dragons. He fails. Tyrion's defence ideas were clever and effective but the battle is won by a ruthless idea from Shireen that has everyone taken aback but respecting her a lot more. fAegon is killed in the battle along with most of his men. Jon Connington is captured and furious about everything - he dies a traitor after being put on trial.


Chapter 51: Ross POV

The Wall receives the news of fAegon's attack and death. Dany is not as bothered as she should be.

Euron is secretly on the side of the Others and solves their dragon dilemma for them by blowing the horn to bring down the Wall, reversing all its protective enchantments. He gets on Viserion (who is turned into an ice dragon by the Others' spell, to Dany's horror) and rides with the Others as the Night's Watch hastily tries to pull together a defence. Night's Queen is the first to step over the Wall, and then chaos begins. Melisandre delays them slightly with a huge wall of fire. The Others have new weapons they can use against the dragons. Euron and Viserion fight Drogon and Dany. The Others' Mage and Melisandre face off; Melisandre is defeated but she buys them time.

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