Chapter Seven

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Tommy and Tubbo hang by close to Niki and I.

"Did that green asshole do anything else to you?" Tommy asks me and I shake my head.

"No. He just wanted me to relay that message. That was it." I curtly state, however Tommy gives me a knowing stare. I heaved in a heavy sigh before relenting and continuing.

"He also... tried to convince me to go back with him, for a moment." I look down, not meeting the gazes of the two boys and Niki.

"Do you? Want to go back, I mean?" Niki asks softly and reaches forward, clasping my hand in her own as support. A sigh escapes my lips once more.

"I'd be lying if I said the thought hasn't crossed my mind once or twice." I slightly tighten the hand clasping Niki's. "However, know that I have no intention of turning my back on you lot. I've made up my mind, and I'd have to be forced by extreme measures to change it. I'll help L'Manburg the best I can and make sure you all get your independence." I state, full of so much confidence that it rubs off on the others. Niki flashes me a bright smile and I nearly want to cover my eyes from how brilliant it is. I stand, pulling Niki with me. Tubbo looks up expectantly.

"Where are you going?" He asks and I reach my other hand down, releasing Niki to help Tubbo up.

"You three are going to be getting some last minute training in. I doubt it'll be enough, but it'll be better than going into this war completely blind." Tommy huffs, placing his hands on his hips.

"I don't need training, I'm way stronger than you woman." He states confidently, puffing out his chest to make himself look bigger. It causes me to laugh, which Niki and then Tubbo both join. Tommy sputters.

"H-hey! I'm being serious here!" It takes a moment for me to recover from my laughing fit.

"Well, strong man. If you don't need the training, I'd like to see you beat me in a one on one fight. Wooden swords, no shields. First to knock down the other wins." Tommy smirks, sure of himself that he'd be able to win.

"You're on, woman."

So that's how I found myself in front of Tommy, a wooden sword in hand. No shield. This feels like my fight with George the night I came to L'Manburg. Tommy and I stalk in circles, gauging the other and waiting for someone to make the first move. Tommy jumps in as I expected. Easily dodging the rushed attack, I get a good smack in on his back, which causes the teen to gasp out in pain.

"Ow! That hurt!" I frown.

"Tommy, you shouldn't let your opponent get a free hit on you like that. If this was a real fight with dangerous weapons, that smack to your back would have been deadly. Keep your guard up when rushing like that and always make sure you can retaliate if your opponent dodges like I did." I explained to him calmly. Tommy huffs, however doesn't talk back anymore. I take my chance, rushing at him this time and he does well to parry the swing of my wooden sword with his own.

"Nice one, kid." That compliment seems to encourage him a little, as he comes at me once more. I dodged to the side like the first, however this time I kicked the back of his leg, causing him to crumble to the ground like a house of cards. If his stance was better, he might've been able to recover himself. The wooden sword rests at the back of his neck. Tommy groans and stands up, dusting himself off. He breathes heavily, catching his breath from the short fight. While I was barely breaking a sweat.

"How are you human?" He asks, it's a joke, so I don't take it personally.

"Constant training ever since I was young. I'm sure you might remember, but my reflexes are also faster then the average person's. Just for that it might seem like I'm not as human as the rest of you, but I assure you. I'm just like you all. Though, If I had to rank myself amongst my childhood friends, I'd be the weakest honestly." I explain. Tubbo and Niki approach us from the sidelines.

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