Chapter Four

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When I next come to, I'm in a familiar room. It's my old room back at the hidden base in the SMP. The only difference is, now there's an iron cell door in place of the old wooden one that was there before. The windows have iron bars both in front of the glass and on the other side. My wrist aches. Glancing down at it causes me to wince. Deep, purple hand-print-like bruises cover the wrist Dream used to tug me along like a puppet on a string. I sigh as I look around, taking in the surroundings of my old room. My chests are still in their same places. I wonder if they still have their stuff in them. It's unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to check. I move to get up. However, when I move my ankle, a chain rattling catches my attention. Around my ankle, lies a cuff with a chain attached to a corner of the bed.

"Why has Dream gone through such troubles to make sure I don't escape? The windows and the door I can understand, but chaining me to the bed? I- that just seems a little excessive." I mutter under my breath. A voice cuts through my monologuing.

"It's to make sure you can't escape, obviously." I sigh, looking over at the masked man behind the bars of the cell door.

"And? You threatened to completely destroy L'Manburg if I attempted to escape. I think it's safe to say I'm not going to attempt an escape any time soon, Dream." He shrugs.

"You can never be too cautious. Who knows what those people over in L'Manburg have been teaching you, or lack of. After all, you could have easily gotten away from us like you did the first time you left. Yet, you fell for a simple tripwire trap. That doesn't sound like the (Y/N) I used to know." I huff, looking away. I don't exactly feel like making eye contact with a mask right now. Dream sighs, pulling out a key and unlocking the cell door before locking it behind him. I glance over at him.

"What are you doing?" He doesn't answer me at first. He approaches slowly, unlocking the cuff around my ankle.

"We're, or well, you are going to meet someone. He joined us after you left." I raise a brow. Why would Dream be introducing me to someone on his side? I'm not on his side anymore. Does he hope that this person can convince me to come back or something?

"Don't try any funny business, by the way, (Y/N)." I groan.

"Yes, I know. I'm not stupid. I know when to take your threats seriously." He chuckles and ruffles my hair. Just like how he used to. I freeze up at the touch, my eyes widening. Why did that feel so... strange? I don't notice Dream's smirk as he turns around, motioning for me to follow behind him. I shake my head, trying to get that weird sensation out of my mind. Instead, I try to make small talk for my own sanity's sake.

"So, who are you taking me to?" I ask him as I follow beside him. I fight the familiar feeling of dejavu from walking beside him in these hallways. Dream glances down at me.

"Someone new to the SMP, like I said before. You'll probably like him." I raise a brow in confusion. He doesn't elaborate more after that, instead leading me silently to a meeting room we- I mean, they have in the base. I frown at these conflicting thoughts. Maybe if I just only think about L'Manburg, it'll drown out these thoughts of being back here. Dream opens the door, entering first and I follow in behind him. A new voice I've never heard before greets Dream.

"Oh, hi Dream! How are you?" He sounds super friendly. I hate to admit it, but Dream was right when he said I'd probably like him. Dream steps out of the way for me to see this new person. Before me is a male taller than me, his green eyes shine brightly, almost innocently, from under his black and red hood as he stares at me in awe and wonder.

"Who is this little muffin? She's super adorable!" He exclaims, rushing over and pulling me into a tight bear hug. His overbearing affection shocks me to silence. Dream watches the whole fiasco go down, laughing in the corner.

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