Chapter Eight

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TW: Chokehold/Panic attack 

Please don't read if you get set off by either of these. Your author loves you all and wants you all to be safe.

Being cooped up in a room for who knows how long is more boring than you'd think it'd be. You'd think it wouldn't be that bad, but if you have nothing to do but stare out the window or the wall, it gets old fast. Bad, or Darryl (as I've learned is his real name), brought food awhile ago. We talked for a bit before he said he had to go somewhere. Something about meeting up with Skeppy for some sort of meeting or another. I didn't pay too much attention to the specifics of the details, to be honest. I was too lost in thought, concerned about the situation in L'Manburg at the moment. A knock on the metal of the cell door brings me out of my thoughts. My eyes widened in shock at who stood on the other side. Sapnap and George both stand on the other side of the door. Sapnap waves, a boyish smile on his face as George stands there awkwardly.

"Hey there friend, long time no see." Nick calls out. He fiddles with a key, the key to the door, and unlocks it and lets them in. I give both of the boys a small smile, before my mind reminds me of the events that happened last night and it drops from my face. I look away, refusing to place my eyes on them.

"What are you two doing here? Also, Sapnap you have some nerve showing up after you killed my horse. I'm still pissed about that." I tell them straightforwardly. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see George frown slightly.

"(Y/N), we just wanted to talk. It's been awhile since we've seen each other, after all." George ignores my previous statement.

"And I wonder why?" I snarked back at him. I suddenly find myself pushed down against the bed by my throat. Sapnap glares in my face. His hold isn't tight, but it's firm and I wouldn't be able to get him to remove it without exerting my own strength.

"Don't you dare speak to George like that." This new version of the childhood friend I once knew terrifies me. He doesn't let go until George pulls him up off.

"Sapnap, the hell is wrong with you?!" George yells at the bandana-clad boy. Sapnap shrugs George's grasp of his shirt off.

"Nothing. Just teaching traitors their place. We shouldn't let her talk to us like that just because we knew her all our lives." He spits the word 'traitor' out as if it's poison. To this new Sapnap, it probably is.

"That doesn't mean you can just grab someone like that, Nick!" George speaks up for me. I stay silent, and move back to a sitting position once more; scared to say something, anything that could tick off Sapnap again. I feel an overwhelming sensation to cry for some reason. I take a deep breath in, trying to calm my nerves. It doesn't help. Sapnap and George continue arguing in front of me as the blood pounding in my ears begins to tune them out. My chest feels tight, heavy as if I had a full body hovering over me still. I clenched my hands to stop them from shaking, yet it felt like it did nothing. I couldn't feel anything, not even someone trying to shake me out of the stupor my body had placed me into. The room around me feels cold yet hot at the same time. Someone's voice comes through, muffled, yet it comes through loud and clear. It cuts through the darkness that settled in and seemed like it was there for ages.

"(Y/N)! Snap out of it! You're okay, it's okay. Just take deep breaths. Come on, with me." With the first breath it feels like I can breathe again and it takes me only moments to realize that it was my first breath since the attack started. With each deep breath in, I can feel everything returning to normal. My cheeks wet with tears I didn't even know I had. I rub my eyes red, trying to remove any sign of the stubborn liquid my body dispersed against my will. I close my eyes and look down, refusing to meet the stares of either of the two men in the room with me. It's silent between the three of us. It feels like ages before someone speaks up and it's me.

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