Chapter One

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It was a bright and beautiful day on our great nation. The sky was brilliantly blue, not a cloud in the sky. I hummed a familiar tune on my lips as I stared out at the blue sky. A distance away, I could hear Tubbo and Tommy getting into some sort of shenanigans. Mostly Tommy as Tubbo attempts to get him out of trouble with Wilbur. Fundy is nearby as well, speaking about something with Eret. Everyone is busy doing something, while I'm just lying here staring up at the sky. Footsteps approach me, and soon, someone blocks my sight when they lean over into my view.

"Are you comfortable down there on the ground like that?" Wilbur asks. There's a gentle smile on his face, the way his eyes crinkle as he looks down at me. I smile back at him and pat the spot beside me. He obliges and lays down, staring up at the sky with me.

"It's not often we have a peaceful day like this one. I thought I'd enjoy it the best I could before we're all back to trying to secure L'Manburg's freedom." I explain, blinking slowly. Wilbur hums in agreement.

"It sure has been a slower day, hasn't it? I just got done telling Tommy it wasn't okay to steal from other people's personal chests. He's going to leave a bad impression on Fundy if he continues." I laughed. Fundy is Wilbur's son. I don't ask questions on how Wilbur managed to have a half-human fox kid with a fish. It's something better left a mystery. Running footsteps can be heard coming towards us. Tommy and Tubbo are upon us in an instant. Tubbo is flopped over onto his back, laying on my stomach as Tommy lays beside him.

"What are we doing over here? Laying around is for losers." I smile, shaking my head at Tommy.

"Well, I guess that makes you a loser as well, child." I tease him. Tommy hates it when I or anyone else call him a child. He playfully punches my side.

"Shut up, woman." I roll my eyes at the blond child. Before I know it, Fundy and Eret have joined us in laying on the ground. I sigh, the realization that we can't stay here forever crossing my mind.

"After we've won our freedom, we'll all stay together, right?" I ask quietly. Everyone goes silent, likely thinking about the war we're soon to enter with Dream and his kingdom. I close my eyes at the thought of the masked man and his two close friends. I was one of their closest friends until I revealed I'd be leaving for L'Manburg's side. I haven't heard a word from anyone in the trio.

"Of course we'll still be together. I mean, you especially have sacrificed so much for us. The least we could do is keep this thing we have going." Tubbo states. For his age, he's quite mature. More so than his blond, blue eyed friend. A deep voice speaks up.

"You've never actually explained why you decided to join us instead of staying with the Kingdom, (Y/N)." Eret mentions. That's right. I haven't explained to everyone, only Wilbur and Tommy know the story. I sigh deeply.

"We have time. I suppose today can be the day I explain why I left Dream and the others to join L'Manburg." And then for the next couple hours, I explain everything.

The day was dreary. Dark grey clouds covered the sky. It would rain soon. The smell of the rain in the air could attest to that fact. I sigh tiredly. Just a couple more hours of this patrol and I'll be able to return to the base and report back to Dream that nothing happened. That the land of L'Manburg was not up to anything. Ever since the people of L'Manburg had stopped agreeing with Dream's actions, Dream has grown more cruel in doling out punishments to those he deemed he had control of. George is Dream's loyal right hand man. He dutifully carried out his orders whenever the masked "king" handed them out to him. Then there is Sapap, otherwise known as Nick. I remember when we were children that Nick wanted his own nickname like Dream, as he looked up to the older boy growing up. Sapnap has grown up to be violent. Often accidentally killing beloved pets and setting fires upon the land.

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