Chapter Eleven

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I hated the sight of Niki's panicked expression when we came back. It felt like I lied. Like I didn't keep my promise that I'd keep them all safe. I failed them all when I didn't name Eret the traitor in time. I stand, leaning against one of the walls of L'Manburg away from the medical tent. After Dream and the others had left, taking our equipment with them, Tommy and I helped Wilbur back to L'Manburg. He was in a bad state. He lost a lot of blood and if we had taken any longer, he might not have made it. I close my eyes, banging my fist against the wall.

What am I angry about?

Is it because of Eret's betrayal? No. While his betrayal stung, I was close to naming him the traitor. We weren't exactly close like he was with some of the others like Fundy or Tubbo.

Am I mad at Dream? Possibly. He is, after all, a big reason why I'm even here. But yet, I can't find it within myself to be truly upset with him.

Am I mad at myself? Most definitely. I failed, and because I failed, people got hurt. I breathe out a heavy sigh.

I need to leave.

I'm not running away. I just need to clear my thoughts for the night. If I continue like this, I'm only going to crash and burn when everyone needs me. I can't do that. Not again. I'll leave a note in case anyone comes looking for me. Hopefully, it won't be needed and I'll be back before anyone even realizes I was gone. After writing a quick note to whoever finds it, I'm quick to leave the walls of L'Manburg. I gaze out at the ruins of the burnt forest from the same overlooking cliff Dream had taken me during the forest fire just days ago. The land is charred black. Scarred until new life begins to take over the old ruins of what was once there.

A twig snaps nearby, sending me on guard. The person who steps out of the darkness is someone I wasn't expecting to see.

"What are you doing here? Didn't take you for someone who ran away when things got tough." A cough escapes my lips, as I don't know the answer to that question. However, what I do know, is-

"I'm not running away. I just needed to take a breather away from the people of L'Manburg. Besides, shouldn't I be asking you the same question? Why are you here? I thought you left on your expedition." I mention, air quoting "expedition". He doesn't respond right away. Instead, he seems to be thinking about something.

"L'Manburg, huh? How's the leader of L'Manburg and his right-hand man doing?" Wilbur and Tommy?

"Well, I'd love to say that they're alright, but they're not. We were betrayed by someone we believed we could trust today. Lead straight into an ambush. We lost all our weapons and armor and Wilbur was in critical condition. He'll make it, but he might not have if we took any longer getting back." The man beside me was silent. The silence between the both of us was deafening, yet it wasn't unwelcome. It felt strange having this sort of silence back. There's a small part of me that wishes it could stay like this for awhile longer. The man before me speaks up, his lips quirked in a small smirk. 

"I trust you haven't forgotten the things I've taught you. Would be a shame and a waste of both of our times if you had." A chuckle escapes my lips. The clouds cover the moon, shrouding our surroundings in darkness.

"Of course, I even used one of your tricks when I was running away from Dream and the others to L'Manburg." I state. The man beside me chuckles dryly.

"I was honestly surprised when I heard that you'd betrayed Dream. After all, you declined my offer to join us." I sigh, seeing as he's right. I look over at him.

"You and me both, Techno." The moon's light escapes from behind the clouds, shining down and lighting up the area once more. The man before me wears a mask, well, more like the skull of a boar. His clothes, regal-looking as they are, have no hint of dirt upon them. He looks more like a king than Dream. Then again, is Dream even a true ruler? He kind of just placed himself in power.

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