Chapter Two

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"Wait what? Dream ordered his own friends to chase you down? You were one of his friends too, right? How could he just do that to a friend?!" Fundy asks in shock. I sigh, shaking my head as I couldn't answer him.

"I don't know, Fundy. I couldn't tell you what was going through Dream's head when he said those words." I answer after thinking over it for a moment. Tommy growls.

"He's a wrong 'un, that's what he is. Can you believe the never of this guy?! To turn around and attack and chase down his own friend! The blasphemy of the guy!?" Tommy exclaims heatedly, getting upset for me. It causes me to laugh out at his outburst.

"He certainly is a wrong 'un, Tommy. Anyways, we're nearing the end of the story." I explain and the others go quiet, listening to the ending of the story of how I joined L'Manburg.

The rain finally pours down to the earth below. I hid in a nearby cave, soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold. Of all the times it finally decided to pour, it was now.

"I have such abysmal luck." I sigh. I seem to have lost the three hunting me for the time being. However, knowing them, it's only a matter of time before they catch back up. I need to keep moving. The sooner I can get to L'Manburg, the sooner I'll be free from the SMP. The sounds of the cave echo off of the stone walls around me, keeping me on guard and my nerves high. A swift dodge to the side avoids a swing aimed at my shoulder from Sapnap. His hits swing into the shield on my arm. The force of his attacks surely bruising the skin on my arm.

"Attack back! Stop defending, (Y/N)! I know you're more than capable of fighting back against me." He taunts. I groan against another attack.

"How did you find me so fast, anyways?" I ask, doing as he asked and swinging my sword at him, only for it to bounce off as he times his defense correctly.

"It's pouring. Dream figured you'd be hiding out in a cave or something. Turns out he was right." Figures. I sigh heavily.

"Dream always seems to be a step ahead of me." Sapnap chuckles.

"I think it comes with being our friend after all these years. You're readable to us, you know. We can tell when you're lying, for one." So that is how they knew I wasn't going to kill Tommy. I take another swing at Sapnap, knocking him to the ground from the force and he wasn't expecting it. He gazes up at me in shock, seeing as he wasn't expecting to be thrown to the ground with a single swing.

"I forgot how much fun it is to fight against you. We should do this again sometime." He stays on the ground, not attempting to get back up.

"You're not going to stop me?" I ask in confusion. He shakes his head and shrugs.

"Nope. I had my fun, time for someone else to have their shot at you." I turn around; but before I go, I look back at Sapnap.

"I'll see you around, Nick." He nods and raises his hand with a short wave.

"Yeah, see ya (Y/N). I'm sure we'll be seeing you again soon." I frown. He's right. Likely the next time I see my friends, I'll be on the other side of the field opposing them. Hopefully, that is. There's still no guarantee that L'Manburg will accept me within their walls of freedom. Exiting the cave reveals that the pouring has slowed to a drizzle. The smell of the rainwater wants to send me into a relaxed state, however I try to persevere and carry on towards my destination of L'Manburg. Racing through the woods, the walls of L'Manburg can be seen in the near distance. At the sight of the blackstone walls, my steps become a little bit lighter as I race faster, the end in sight. The walls remind me of Tommy. I hope he managed to make it there without any issues. Hopefully the Dream Team will have been too focused on me to do anything about him.

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