✧ lo que siento

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You were awakened in the early hours of the morning by the obnoxious ringing of your phone. As you checked your notifications, in hopes of dismissing the noise that had disturbed your peaceful rest, you noticed a certain someone's name pop up on the screen. "alex <3"

You unplugged your phone from it's charging dock, and turned over in your bed, before answering his discord call. He'd been away for a few days, going to see his bestest friend Karl, and on account of your work schedule being extremely unforgiving, it was inevitable that you couldn't go with him. You missed him dearly, of course, but you figured some things just weren't meant to be.

It was also figurable that spending days stuck in a house with a bunch of obnoxious gamer boys screaming 24/7 would most likely have driven you completely insane. So alas you were home, alone, doing your best to take up Alex's side of the bed, as well as yours.

He answered with an excited tone of voice. "Hola, mi amor!" You felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach, causing you to blush profusely. You responded, even though your voice was groggy and nearly inaudible. "Helloooooo." Alex and Karl laughed in unison. "Holy shit- I'm sorry did I wake you up?" You slid up to check the clock on your phone. 4 am. "Yeah, but it's alright. I'm always down to talk to you."

Karl giggled like a giddy school girl, as you and Alex continued to swoon over each other. "See that chat, I told you I get alllll the ladies, I'm just too fuckin smooth!" A series of pogs filled his chat, mixed in with a few 'alex quackity cheating scandal hjmmmmmmm"

He reassured his chat of one thing, "No no no- Don't worry chat, I only use my smooth skills on one lady." You had almost fallen asleep again, hearing him ramble on about your relationship with him. He'd been scared in the past of coming out about it, but he was grateful that he did, because his shared community was very accepting.

"Alex I'm tireeddddd." He stopped his rant, and turned his attention back to you. Karl chimed in, "Just don't be tired. Boom, fixed your problem, you're welcome." They'd gone into a fit of laughter once more, as you groaned at the extremely loud noise they'd managed to produce. "I'm gonna hang up on you two if you don't give a good reason to stay." Alex quickly swiveled his chair back around, facing the camera.

"No no no! Y'know what I'm gonna do- Scratch that what we're gonna do," He motioned to him and Karl. His mouse moved frantically across his desk. "We're gonna sing you to sleep." Like magic, he pulled a guitar out from under Karl's desk, and held it in his lap. Karl protested, looking at the song Alex pulled up on the monitor.

"I can't sing in Spanish- what the heck kinda tomfoolery is this!" Alex pulled his beanie down further, a few centimeters above his eyes. "You'll be fineeee," He started strumming the guitar. With said strum of the guitar, you were quick to identify which song he was going to so sweetly serenade you with.

He started off, as Karl decided to let him sing solo.

"Oye, Carino, solo pienso en ti!"
"Hey sweetheart, I only think of you!"

He laughed through the next line, as more words popped up on his monitor, from the karaoke version of the song. "This shit is so fuckin- CHAT STOP BULLYING ME! I'm not a sim-," The song continued on without him, and he quickly tried to catch up. "Ah fuck uh-,"

You found his lack of being able to sing his native language quite funny, but also very endearing. You couldn't imagine anyone else doing something so passionate, or heartfelt. You'd both been bitten by the love bug, and with the distance between the two of you, it was definitely taking a toll.

He continued, adding the Mexican Dream accent for comedic effect.

"Sin ti mis días son largos y se sienten tan amargos. Me ahogo en un lago de mis lágrimas que hago, can't look forward to my future if it ain't including you."

"Without you my days are bitter and they seem long, I drown myself in a river of my own tears, what do I do?"

You grinned from ear to ear, translating the Spanish in your head. Your three years of spanish in high school was definitely coming in handy. Karl watched in awe, as Alex genuinely seemed as if he were trying to serenade you.

"I swear I don't see nothing better than to lay here with you, and I hope you know I miss you, from my head I can't dismiss you."

You laid your head on his pillow, taking a slow breath in through your nose. It smelled so distinctly like his cologne, you couldn't help but bug it and pretend he laid there next to you. It was so comforting, but it also hurt a bit, because he wasn't there holding your hand, singing this song to you in person.

"Eres lo que yo anhelaba en esta vida que me falta, lo que siento is surreal, I can't lie to you for real"

"You're what I dreamed of in the time I had left in this world, what I feel is surreal, I can't lie to you for real."

You giggled as he struggled to keep up with the song. And with the sound of your sweet voice mixing in time with the audio of the song, he smiled, and laughed. "Hell yeah chat, I think she likes it!" The song slowed a little bit, and you recognized the next part, as you'd known it by heart since the day you two started dating.

"Sabes bien que te quiero, and if you're down to spend your summer with me, just let me know."

"You know well that I love you, and if you're down to spend your summer with me, just let me know."

You thought back to the summer of this year, when you and Alex started dating. Back to July 4th, which was the first time he'd told you he'd loved you. The song brought back happy memories, as well as tears of joy to your eyes. You laid on his pillow and cried, but not out of sadness- of happiness, of feeling lucky. Lucky that you had someone like him by your side no matter what. It truly was surreal.

"You know you're my sueño! You came to life and now I feel alright,"

"You know you're my dream! You came to life and now I feel alright,"

He paused for a moment, listening for your response. When he didn't hear a word from you he glanced over at his chat. Stuff like "BIG Q WE DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU." and "WE HAVEN'T HEARD A WORD FROM HER YOU KILLED HER BIG MAN 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼" was being spammed in chat.

He threw his head back in laughter, and clapped violently. "That's the point chat! I'm telling her about how she's my dream girl and you guys can't make fun of me for it if I say it in spanish!" Karl joined in the fit of laughter.

After the two stopped with their clownery, Alex asked you, "So what'd you think?" You replied with the only three words that could escape your lips.

"I love you."

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