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Mercedes finally came out of the closet. She was so tired and weak she could barely stand up. It was 11:30 which meant it was almost lunch time. She walked upstairs to her mother's room to ask for the grocery list.
Should I knock or should i just walk in
She thought to herself. She didn't wanna take any chances so she knocked."The fuck you want?" Her mother said. "Um I just need the grocery list because is almost lunch.time " Dede said nervously. "Oh here you go, and don't forget to ask your sister if she wants something" her mother said. "May i please get something too?" She asked nicely. Her mother just stared at her and slammed the door in her face.
Welp it was worth a try
She thought to herself. She walked over to Novahs room and went inside. Novah doesn't have a door so Mercedes didn't have to knock. "Hey chubs what do you want from the store" Mercedes asked. Novah rolled her eyes, she hated when dede called her that. "Can you just get me a root beer with some mike and Ikes please". Dede nodded and wrote it down on the list. "What are you getting" Novah asked. "Mommy is not letting me get anything" dede sighed. Novi felt so bad so she promised Dede that she would save her some. Mercedes hoped in the shower,got dressed and walked to the store.

*17 minutes later*
Mercedes arrived to the store and put her headphones in her ear. Only one side was working because her mother got mad and broke them. She walked around the store getting the items while listening to love cycles by toosii2x.
"You got me stuck inside your love cycle, I read your love bible"
"We give the hood guidance, we keep the hood smilin'
That pussy so wet, I don't think that this good timin'"
She sang lowly. She crossed off all the items on her list and went to the register. She got to the register and the lady looked familiar but she didn't think anything of it. The woman was baging her items while staring at Mercedes really hard. The worker finished putting her items in the bag." Thank you".Mercedes said. " You're welc- OH MY GOSH MERCEDES"the worker yelled in excitement."Um do I know you?" Mercedes asked in confusion. "Its me Zaleana, from grade school". Mercedes eyes started widening up. "Z, I haven't seen you in forever how have you been?" She asked excitedly. " I've been doing great, I get off in a few minutes so maybe we can talk in the parking lot". Mercedes nodded grabbed her bags and left.

After about 10mins Zaleana got off of work and met dede at the parking lot. "Gurl I missed you much, I tried to text you did you change your number?" Z asked. " Yeah I did my bad" Mercedes laughed.
She was actually lying her mother made her delete all her contacts and social media off of her phone.
"Well take my number and maybe we can text later" Mercedes said. They both exchanged numbers and went their separate ways. Mercedes looked at the time on her phone, it was 12:45
Oh my fuckers I'm late SHIT SHIT SHIT
She thought to herself. She rushed back home because she knew what was gonna happen...

~End of chapter 3

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