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SMT:1:00 AM
GMT:7:13 PM
4 Months ago...

"Marc, she's put to bed",Marc could barely contend his happiness, he just dashed in and rushed over to his darling wife, "I didn't say you should enter Marc", "sorry, can I? ", "you're already in, she's still asleep by the way ", "Sonala", "yes Marc", she answered and turned, "thanks for the safe delivery ", "don't thank me, I was just doing my job, sides thank Siasmek, he brings and takes and stuff, you're welcome anyway ", she walked off.

Sonala was the head midwife and Marctipus' only and younger sister, they did many things together while they we're younger but as they grew up, Sonala went into midwifery as many of her mates and Marc as he was fondly called chilled out at the modern day Dapotan theater, in a nutshell, Sonala would never compromise her job for anybody, thing, place or whatevs, notwithstanding.
Marc got in and hugged his wife, careful not to wake her and then went to his child, like many others, he was not a male chauvinist so he opened the cradle and behold, it was a male child, he smiled and inwardly thanked Siasmek, he looked at the machine, his wife's heart was still smooth as jazz 🎷, he looked all over his son and got the damn shocker of his life, he swallowed hard,"curse Dapota's dumb rules", he muttered under his breath.

The boy had only a pair of tyres and as the laws of Dapota stated,

"Any home born, immigrant or what have you that is an abomination to the land will sure go to meet Siasmek",

And Dapota's definition of an abomination was:

'A Person who didn't look like the crowd, a person that was unique in a weird way and stuff'.

All Dapotans looked alike so when one was unique in a weird way, then it was very noticeable, if Marc wanted his son to live then he had gotta act fast, he quickly kissed his wife and carried his son, making to run but it was way too late.

"There's the child and his father ", someone said, it was Sonala,"what happened guys, why do you guys look all creepy and suspicious? ", "yup, we're suspicious alright, whatcha got in your hands? ", "nothing, just going home to go get some food for my darling wife in there so can you perhaps move aside? ", "Asmoit, you wearing diapers? ", "no I'm not, you", "of course not, then I wonder why some bozo can't just get that into his brain, look old man, in the name of his lordliness, King Parx Deteronerr, you are ordered to submit the abomination", Luccaas the taller one said.

"But he's just a child, given birth to just a few seconds ago, sides Siasmek handed him to me", "oh really?, Asmoit, do your stuff", "with pleasure big guy", Asmoit grabbed the baby from Marc and pushed Marc away with a lot of force.

He stood up again and ran towards them, "guys please, can you just allow my wife to just take a look at her two hours worth of effort? ", "but she's in coma", "no she's just asleep ", "there's no difference ", Luccaas said, "ok please can I just have two minutes with him? ", "Awwwh, ok just a minute ", "C'mon", "your time's ticking ", Asmoit said.

"Ok son, never forget, papa will and will always continue to love you till the end of time, Ozander Dias Osborn ", "time's up old man", "but it was just five seconds ago that I... ", Asmoit grabbed him roughly this time and went over to the king's palace.

"Your lordliness , we've got the boy","beautiful, now Luccaas, make ready and get the boy out of our planet and where ever he lands, that is his problem ".
"Anything for your lordliness ", Luccaas said, took a bow and went to obey his king".

He took the child to the alley, awaiting them was a cannon, he without hesitation shoved the boy into the cannon, it was lit up and boy was sent into space...
"Sonala, why did you do such a thing, to your own nephew at that", "Marc, you know I can never compromise anything for my job, my job here", Sonala said raising her hands to her chest level, "and family, not anywhere near close to any part of my tyres, you know you would get if you had a real job", "you know, I really don't appreciate when I've made up my mind about and someone tries to change it, anyway, I've happened to be a great big brother Sonala and if what I'm getting repaid with is this then thanks alot sis".

"When you get a real job, come tell me", She said and complimented her job, "man, I love my job, oops, need me inside".

"Siasmek knows what I will quite convincenly tell my darling wife, should I lie to her?, as I know she's still asleep and if she wakes up, this could really shock her to a real coma or since I love her and she's an adult and can take the truth but when she's finally ok, right? ", He thought to himself for a while and decided to go for the second idea.
"Sides we have five kids already, so this kinda like a blessing right? ", he said,smiled and went home.


"Your Greatliness, so that's the legend of the boy", "thanks Restaes, you may excuse me now ","anything for his Greatliness", "so my dumbzo younger brother had something so great and because of goodie goodie obedience, he let go of something so magnificent and great as Ozander Dias Osborn, now I'm gonna get the boy Ozander back from them even if it's the last thing I do, but I don't have to do anything, my pretty little brother's gonna do all the work and I'll just sit and enjoy as he enjoys the little trouble he's gonna put himself into, who's a good big brother?, you are Ferdonkerr ", he looked around,"good thing nobody saw or heard that, now Derrk", he called out to his chief guard.
The guard came running and knelt before the king, "yes your Greatliness ", "I have a favor I need your help with", "anything for his Greatliness ".


"Your lordliness, this came for you", Gardlet his servant said, "what is it my good man? ", "it's a Mind Transmission (MT) , I'll send to you right away, it's from your big bro king Ferdonkerr Carrexx Deteronerr ", "oh goodie goodie ", the servant looked at weirdly, "ok pretend I never did that, now send it to me, I haven't heard from Ferdy since Siasmek knows when ".
"It's in your brain your lordliness ", "you may kiss my feet and go", "anything for your lordliness ", he did as he was instructed and left and Parx Gungdupeng Deteronerr settled down to access the MT.

King Ferdonkerr Carrexx Deteronerr
King Parx Gungdupeng Deteronerr

This is to remind you of the boy that was banished cos of your ignorance, misinformation and all that trying to make your people happy and all that stuff now, I want you to go get him since he's nobody's, I'll claim him and make him a better person than you could ever make a million of your soldiers,and if you don't go get him,I'll not stop until Dapota is but cinder and ashes,so you know what Ferdy can do Parxy".

"What did I just read?,I have to get this demon outta my neck and I think I know,mom always said this was gonna happen,well Only Siasmek can save us now, or I can save my self", Parx smiles and called out to Asmoth, his chief guard, "yes your lordliness ", "make ready", "as you desire your lordliness", "one more thing", "yes? ", "kiss my feet", "oh blood of Siasmek...".

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