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Oz flew into space faster than the speed of the time, he moved pass Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Ceres and the rest, he passed through Otoronto and he was near home," almost there, just go meet the dumb king, gain his "permission " and go hug my mama", Oz thought.

He landed in Dapota, at least now he finally learnt how to steer himself and land maturely, again!😒🙄, scratching his tyres on the ground leaving markings,it was like he was a car that had just hit the breaks, everyone look looked at him like some foreigner,which on a 20/80 level he was, "well home town boy returns, I can't blame them", he said, he looked straight, the palace was golden and reflecting enough light from the luminous body Ikgle.

Back on earth, James woke up and found the letter from Oz glued to his mirror, he brought the paper down and read it:

James man, I'm going back
to Dapota, gonna be back
in a while so... don't wait up...

"Really?, after all we've done to him he just goes back, well, I guess he must have his reasons , "James, your dad's back", "k mom, be right down ", James said, he quickly wore his red jogger pants to go welcome his dad, as he came down, he saw his parents' lips interlocked, "you've got a bed room upstairs you know,anyway welcome home dad", James said, "thanks little man, how have you been faring? ", "great, mom's always the best", "great, that's good to hear, I'll be upstairs freshening up ", "k dad, take your time", "I think I'll just ", Jane said pointing upstairs confusedly, "have fun mom",he winks at her and smiles shaking his head slowly.

Jane ran upstairs and James smiled and shook his head again, he sat down on the couch and thought to himself, "Oz's gone, hope he's faring well".


"Well, well, well, who do we have here, if it ain't Ozander Dias Osborn whom I banished four months ago, home town boy returns ", Parx said as Oz entered the king's chambers, "whatcha want Parx Deteronerr, huh? ", "so you can't even be joyous that your banishment has been uplifted, what is wrong with the youths of today?, anyway, I believe you have a mother that's dying to meet her darling son, now you may go and a party will be thrown to celebrate the upliftment of your Banishment, now get out", "thanks",he says in disbelief, "you're welcome my good man, maybe next time add some royal accolades".

As Oz walked a distance, Parx sent two able bodied men to accompany him to the dungeon, Oz who heard their tiniest whisper from afar off made to run but that was when he realized that the Deteronerrian palace was a superhuman ability free zone to some extent, they grabbed him and forcefully took him to the dungeons,which was quite a four man effort, they all threw him in there with reckless abandon.

When he was given feedback, he smiled, "now with that out of the way, Asmoth", "yes your lordliness ", "make ready", "anything for your lordliness ".
After a long fall, he got into the dungeon, he met Boulder and some old Dapotan,real old,Oz realized she or he had really let her self go,they were both sitting down at some corner of the dungeon, "who are you guys? ", "Boulder Moraes Alk,hello,knew you would arrive", Boulder said,"Juna Unison, son of... ", "no one cares about your family tree man", "thought he's a lady for a sec", "right thought so too my self", Boulder said in agreement, "ha ha, very funny", Juna said, clearly infuriated, "so whatcha in for?", "to tell you the truth Boulder dude, I don't know, you? ", "had a brilliant idea and boom, here we are", "anyone care about my family tree? ", "no dude, not really ".

They kept quiet as they heard Parx giving a pre war speech.
"I gather you all here for two great news and zero bad news, first the good news, we finally have got hold of the boy who will be used as sacrifice to the Otorontans , and then, the other good news,we are matching to earth to make sure that they eat our dust, and no one's gonna stop me, except for Ferdonkerr",the name brought shivers down the spines of the entire army,the name seemed so bad that Parx had to lower his voice to say it...for some reason. He finally dismissed every body and got ready to get to earth.
"Dude, that damn, mother fucking, psychopathic nonentity and worthless excuse for a leader wants to go and disturb the peace and tranquility of another cool planet", "and mind you Oz, when they're done, they'll give you as a sacrifice to the Otorontans ", "not if I have anything to do with it, sides, you heard the weird one, the Otorontans ain't gonna get me which is good for me and bad for them,and bad for every other Dapotan, it's a win,lose,lose", "then you should be cited", Juna said, "say, where did you learn all those insults? ", Boulder asked, "seriously, I've been to earth alot".

"Oh! ",
"Hey, what does this button do? ",
"I dunno, never touched that, hey don't touch that... No wait... No... And you've touched it",
"What's happening to you?, hope I didn't break you?,did that button just disappear?, why's your eye turning from its normal red to tan black like the rest of us? ".
"Dude, you can't break me, I'm invulnerable, I'm Oz", Oz said as he shot lazers out of his eyes and melted the dungeon gate like a bar of ice the force pushing him back so much as to create a big crack on the prison wall, over five millennium years old, "you coming Juna? ", "right behind you guys".

As they got up, two soldiers sighted them and released fire, Boulder and Juna cleverly got behind Oz, who walked forward as the bullets increased, he stood two feet from the frightened or rather shocked soldiers and said, "done?,k my turn", Oz gave the first soldier a punch that shattered his helmet, he used his super speed to repeatedly punch the dude then proceeded with an upper cut that sent his head flying off his body, leaving a messy trail of slime, the other who suddenly had a near death experience made to run but Oz stretched his arms forward and caught him , without much ado, he kicked him and then sent at him mega beams that melted him, Boulder was speechless, Oz looked, smiled and said "sometimes, I'm heartless, other times I fortunately have a big heart and it's so unfortunately for those who are a subject of my heartlessness, now let's get a move on", Boulder fearfully walked behind him while Juna made a run for his life.
Meanwhile, at the NASA, Commander Vinx was off to space with James, James had eventually told Vinx everything and he wouldn't say he was not mad but he was cool and if Oz is as good as James said, then, hallelujah, only problem's that James knew only a little about Oz so he had Kinda explained it like a five year old would but who cares?.

He had tipped some astronaut dude who just wouldn't appreciate his story about some alien so like some dudes say, "money works too, it's louder than words or actions sometimes".

"Director, did you ever give commander Vinx permission to board a spaceship to some place called none of our business? ", "well I don't know about that but I think it's your job to figure it out", "they'd blast off like a couple of minutes ago ", "when they're back, any damages will come from your salary exactly much to amount,not too big not too little",he said while sipping his coffee, "then I quit", "can't wait for your resignation letter ", "it's right here sir, I've been sick of this job ages ago", "when the director Philips Huggs was done signing the documents he gave it to her, "mom, I wanna go space school ", "no my dear going to space's for jerks and meanies,now here I am,the single PA to the director of the NASA who quits her job, what a shame and no body knew me but I'm not giving up on my dreams, I'm going merchantry for the meantime, till America sees and adores me", the fired PA lady Diane Hamilton, said.

"Commander Vinx, I hope he's in space", "yes James, don't be such a woman, the super computer at Rockbayy said so and you can always trust all American products cos we're the country with the star bannered flag", "Philip, how long till space? ", Philip chuckled and said, "a year and two days,so we had better get warm", "a year and what now?","well, is there any other faster way?", "well, there's one way, I drop your self and your son into space right now ", "ha ha, too funny", "don't worry just kidding, well there's the alien top speed(ATS) button but only for emergencies and when we land, one has to drink two cups of water each", "k, advantages? ", "reduces journey of a year to four minutes", "you sure about this? ", Vinx questioned, "ever tried it before? ", "hey who's the astronaut here? ", "you!!!", "good,now it doesn't hurt to be amongst the first candidates ", Philip said and pressed the ATS button, "first candidates,you said? ", James asked,5,4,3,2... "you'll be fine, don't you believe in Americaaaaaaaaaaaaa...?".

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