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Me and Taylor walked back to the castle after putting the horses away. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head, but was freaking out on the inside. Who was that shadow? What did he mean spell? Was I being pranked?

"Ah!!!" I squealed. Taylor had thrown me over his shoulder. I pounded my fists on his back giggling. 'Let me down! Tayyyy!" Suddenly he stopped. "What's wrong? Taylor?" I gripped his shirt so I wouldn't fall and turned my head around. Marissa was blocking the door, arms crossed and glaring at Taylor. He saw me turn my head and scowled at me.

"What the hell?! I leave for 30 minutes, an hour tops, and you're already cheating on me?" My mouth dropped open and my eyes were wide. Is he forreal?!

"You are SUCH a hypocrite! Not two seconds after we walked into the kitchen you were all over some guy taking him to OUR room! Did you expect me to sit and wait while you two were doing god knows what up there? Well that's not how I do. Out of all the time I've spent with you, I had more fun with Taylor and we were only out for a few hours!" Shock crossed his face but I was too pissed to care.

"Besides, I didn't cheat on you, I didn't even touch him like that," even though I thought about it "we went riding. Oh, that reminds me, why did you lie about Kaine? What benefit could that possibly bring you?" Guilt swarmed his face. "That's what I thought. Since I don't want to sleep in the bed another man was in, we, as in me and Tay, are going to get my clothes and I'm going to stay with him."

"We are? You are?" Taylor asked. I nodded and patted his butt. "Let's go." He started walking and Marie moved out of the way. As I was still on his shoulder I glared at Marie as we left, mouthing 'we're over.' He gasped and that's all I saw before we turned the corner. Taylor finally dropped me when we were in the kitchen. He was about to speak when he saw my face.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I...I just broke up with Marie... I'm happy I did it but why does it hurt so bad?" I said, my voice cracking near the end.

"Maybe you really did love him?" He asked with a pained expression. "I just met him, I can't love somebody that quickly..." I mumbled.

"Well lets forget about this for now. Let's go get your stuff and tomorrow we can go to town like that shadow said."

"You believe him?"

"Yeah, why not? Maybe he was on to something."

"Okay. You'll go with me?" I asked. I really hoped he would, I didn't want to go alone. What if I got raped or murdered or something?!?

"Of course I will."

I smiled and led the way to Marissas room. Opening the door, I walked in and grabbed a giant sports bag. The room was empty but I hurried any way. I grabbed all my casual clothes, some random things out of my accessory cabinet, a riding outfit, some manly toiletries, and my photos off the night stand. Taylor had an amused expression on his face as he watched me.

"Got everything? Sure you don't want to bring the rest of the room?" I smirked.

"Nah, the shirt I left is too big for me." I joked. He laughed and we left.

"Race ya!" I screamed.

"You're on!" He shouted back. We ran as fast as we could but then he took a left and I took a right. I stopped and turned around."Taylor? I just realized I don't know the way!" I screamed. Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed me from behind. I screamed and turned, falling on my ass in the process. Taylor was clutching his stomach and hiding into the wall for support as he laughed really hard. I mean, he was WEAK.

"Bully!" I said. He smiled a breathtaking smile and helped me up.


"What?" He asked.

"You should smile like that more often. Its beautiful." He blushed when I said that and started walking. "It's this way.." He muttered, still blushing. We walked the rest of the way to his room, which was very close to to the stables. We went in and I dropped my bag on the floor.

"I'll take the couch so go ahead and take the bed."


"Nuh-uh, take the bed, I'm fine with sleeping on the couch." As if to prove his point, he grabbed a comforter and pillow from a chest and layed down on the couch. I pouted and started taking off my clothes. When I was down to my boxer-briefs I reached over and plugged in my chargers for my phone and iPod. I looked over at the couch and sighed.

Throughout the night I kept tossing and turning. I checked the time on my phone, it was 11:45. "Screw this" I mumbled. I got up and started walking.

Taylor's POV (Say Whaaaa?!?)

I'd been listening to Jamie toss and turn for the past three hours. I was about to get up and lay down with him so he'd calm down but I heard him mutter something and get up. I kept my eyes shut and breathing even.

"Tay?" He whispered, using the new nickname he gave me. "Tayyyy?" He tried again, poking my arm.

"Mmnehh?" I pretended to be barely awake.

"I can't sleep."

"Mmmn" I scooted back till my back hit the back of the couch. I held the blankets up so he could crawl in next to me, secretly cheering out of happiness inside.

He giggled and crawled in next to me, curling up against my chest. I wrapped my arms around his body, sincerely hoping he would let me hold him through the night. He sighed lightly and I could tell he was on the brink of sleep. Who wouldn't be after the exhausting day he's had? I kissed his forehead when I felt his breathing even out and let myself fall into sleep, and possibly in love, with Jamie.

A/N: no stars to separate the story and AN, my hand hurts from typing this on my phone. God I hope I get a laptop for Christmas! But yeah.

This is the first chapter after like, 3 months of not writing, so sorry if its kind of short or bad... Also to apologize, I threw in a little bit of Taylor's POV... You likey? c: I hope so, you'll be getting more in the next couple chapters...

Well, anywhore, bai c:

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